Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Who is the Pettis County Deputy That Shot Hannah Fizer?

An unidentified deputy with the Pettis County Sheriff's office gunned down 25 year old Hannah Fizer last Saturday night. Yesterday the Missouri Highway Patrol announced that no gun was found in her car. There is no video of the incident because Sheriff Kevin Bond says that deputies stopped wearing body cameras three years ago due to technical difficulties and lack of funding. They also stopped operating dash board cameras in their cars. Typically law enforcement finds it technically difficult to operate such devices without them catching them breaking the law, so it makes sense for them to want to lose funding for such things. The deputy claimed that Hannah Fizer had a gun and threatened to shoot them, so they opened fired in self defense. Her family questioned that story right away saying she does not own a gun and the only thing she would have had in her hand was her phone because she had that in her hand all the time. What kind of deputy can't tell the difference between a phone and a gun even at night? One that needs an eye exam or is so incompetent that he starts shooting at anyone holding an object before he can figure out what it is. Sheriff Bond did say that the shooter has been with the department since 2007. Pettis County is not very big, so hopefully someone knows a deputy on leave that has worked their since 2007. If you know this deputy contact us please.#hannahfizer #murder #kevinbond


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