Thursday, June 25, 2020

Family of Jason Fanning Demands Officer Justin Bever Be Charged

Recent police brutality incidents in Missouri appear to be inspiring the family of an older victim to seek justice again. The family of Jason Fanning is asking that the case against St. Joseph Police Officer Justin Bever be reopened. Bever shot fanning several times through his windshield in 2017 after his car rolled backwards down a hill towards his vehicle. The insurance company for the Saint Joseph Police Department settled with the family for $450,000 but no charges were filed. Fanning's family held a protest and spoke to Mayor Bill McMurray who promised to discuss the case with prosecutors. That protest came a week after demonstrators in Sedalia, Missouri protested to demand justice for Hannah Fizer after she was shot five times by a Pettis County Sheriff's Office deputy. The deputy claimed she threatened to shoot him but no gun was found in her car. She was just 25 years old. Pettis County Sheriff Kevin Bond refuses to release the name of his deputy ( Earlier this month the Florissant Police Department fired and arrested former detective Joshua Smith for running down an unarmed black man with a SUV. Cop Blaster worked with community members online and was the first to publish Joshua Smith's name ( #jasonfanning #justinbever #billmcmurray


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