Thursday, June 4, 2020

Buffalo Police Officer Aaron Torgalski Assaulted an Old White Man

Buffalo Police Department officer Aaron Torgalski was caught on tape assaulting an old white man that was filming him. The video is disturbing. The unknown elderly white man is seen standing on the sidewalk and filming riot police until one officer shoves him to the ground. After hitting the pavement he barely moves and is seen bleeding severely from the head. He looks like someone that has been knocked out cold, but is still twitching. If you zoom in close enough you can make out the name "A. TORGALSKI" on his uniform. Public records indicate that one Aaron M Torgalski resides at the following address: 124 CARLYLE AVE BUFFALO, NY 14220-2848 Normally, we block home addresses of police officers, but we are making an exception due to the heinousness of Officer Torgalski's actions. It is our hope that protesters will use this information when deciding where to peacefully protest. This image more than anything should show people that the war on police brutality is being fought by all races.#aarontorgalski #elderlyabuse #assault


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