Friday, June 26, 2020

"Sign the Petition" Facebook Group Complicit in Hannah Fizer Cover-up

The Facebook group "Sign the Petition Justice for Hannah" claims to seek justice for Hannah Fizer when in fact the admins are complicit in the cover up of Hannah Fizer's murder. The page was created by Don Hockaday who administers it along with Laura Page, and Janet Uplinger with Richie Marie and Evan Lawrence as moderators. The group rules include "no naming of deputies you suspect." How is a community supposed to find out which deputy shot Hannah if they cannot even name those they suspect of being that deputy? They can't, unless Pettis County Sheriff Kevin Bond, the Missouri Highway Patrol, or some other official source publicly releases the name. That is why the community needs access to all information known about a possible shooter and those that likely know who it is until that shooter is officially named, outed, or their identity can be determined through other means (finding the suspect vehicle parked on or near their property, public records, a deputy willing to break his silence, a member of the shooter's family willing to do the right thing, etc.). That is why we are displaying home addresses from public records of anyone we believe to be a PCSO employee unless that person can be ruled out as the shooter ( If Sheriff Bond does not like that then he can name the shooter himself and we will remove all but the shooter's address. Donald Linn Hockaday Age: 57 6482 WELCH ST ARVADA, CO 80004-2202 donhawk2[at] Facebook Profile: The group was created by Don Hockaday of Arvada, Colorado. Hockaday is originally from Missouri, but according to public records he has not had a Missouri address since 2017 but that was a P.O. box. His last known residential address in Missouri was in Sedalia in 2003. He is related to PCSO Deputy Marion David Hockaday. When asked if he might be able to get Marion to tell him who the shooter is Hockaday responded "Hell No , we obviously do not see eye to eye . Just because we are related does not mean we are close or even friends ." He also claimed to have left Sedalia 30 years ago, but as his address history shows he had a residential address in Sedalia as recently as 17 years ago. He does however have addresses in Colorado dating as far back as 1984, so maybe that was what he was referring to. If you actually join the group, which Don has recently changed from public to private, you will not see anything that obviously discloses Don's status as a member of the PCSO family. There might be something there and we just have not found it, so we added a screenshot of his confession to the featured image on this page. He seemed to have no problem admitting to being the cousin of Deputy Hockaday when asked, but that might just be because he figures denying it would create a lie that would be easy to disprove, so it would be better to make himself look estranged. We were willing to give him the benefit of the doubt at first because his group seemed to have the interests of justice at heart. That was until the admins started censoring people that post information that might actually lead people to the shooter. Instead we believe that Hockaday created the group to control the spread of information and some have suggested to us that his cousin is at the top of their suspects list. Censored information posted by us include the names and addresses of individuals that we know to be current and former PCSO employees (, correspondence with Sheriff Bond in which he refused to comply with a records request filed under the Freedom of Information Act (, and posts criticizing the admins for censoring the group. Censored information posted by others include police radio communications from the night of the incident ( and the earliest known cell phone video which shows that the shooter's vehicle is most likely a gray/silver SUV ( Several people have reported trying to post those videos only to find out they were removed shortly afterwards. Whether or not his cousin is the shooter, Hockaday still appears to have law enforcement's interests at heart and prioritizes them over finding Hannah's killer. We were banned from the group after posting a link to addresses of known deputies with recommendations that people survey those locations for the suspect vehicle and ask the people living there if they know who the shooter is or are willing to talk about the department in general. The admins also removed information that has nothing to do with addresses including a copy of Kevin Bond's refusal to comply with the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). Now the only document available on the site is instructions on how to register to vote. The group claims to be seeking justice for Hannah, but they are not willing to do all that is necessary to find out who killed her. The tactics they are willing to let people advocate for seem limited to protesting outside of the PCSO station, voting for someone else, and hoping that activity is enough to convince Kevin Bond to say who it is. They are not willing to pressure individual members of the department on their home turf or on their own time. They repeatedly say that they don't want to be seen as anti-police, so they are only willing to use the system that denied Hannah her right to life for no justifiable reason to seek justice for her. Laura Page Facebook Profile: Laura Page is an active administrator of the page. She is the brunette in the bikini in the picture. We are still trying to figure out which Laura Page she is. Here profile does not tell much other than she went to the Top Golf in Overland Park, Kansas once, but we don't know of she lives in Kansas, Sedalia, or surrounding areas. Public records have one hit for a Laura Page tied to Sedalia, but that record says that Laura Page is 44 years old and the woman in the picture looks much younger, but we don't know how old the picture is, so she might just look good for her age. The data on the 44 year old lists a Laura Page in Centralia that had a Sedalia address in 2017. Centralia is not far from Sedalia. Janet Leigh Uplinger Age: 56 723 E 5TH ST SEDALIA, MO 65301-4615 Facebook Profile: Possible email addresses: janet69411[at] janet.uplinger[at] uplinger[at] uplinger02[at] Janet Uplinger is a longtime Sedalia resident with a minor criminal history for speeding and not wearing seat belts. She was named in a 2008 bankruptcy case and has several civil judgments against her totaling a few thousand dollars. Tragically, Janet knows what it is like to be a bereaved person seeking justice just like the Fizer family. According to the Sedalia Democrat she is the grandmother of Dana Bruce ( Bruce went missing in 2008 and has never been found. We would like to know how Janet would feel if someone created a Facebook group looking for whoever took Dana Bruce and decided to censor anyone that posts names of people they suspect of being the kidnapper? Evan Kirby Lawrence Age: 22 560 W ARROW ST MARSHALL, MO 65340-1907 Facebook Profile: Evan Lawrence appears to be the token black guy of the group. Having a token black guy is nice for any group that pretends to be seeking justice in a police misconduct case, especially after a surge in calls for change due to high profile murders of black people by police. Don't be fooled into thinking that his involvement makes the group more credible. Police departments are full of black officers that look the other way when their white colleagues use excessive force. Richie Marie a.k.a. Richie Beck Fort Myers, Florida Richie Marie appears to have been a new addition. Richie is a moderator that has been posting since June 22nd. According to her Facebook page she is a cake decorator at Woods Supermarket. Alternative Groups There are a few other Facebook groups that appear to be actually seeking Justice for Hannah. Those groups include Fight for Hannah (, Justice for Hannah (, and Justice for Hannah! ( Fight for Hannah is run by a Black Lives Matter activist that we have been chatting with quite a bit, she seems like a real person that is really interested in seeking justice for Hannah Fizer, she is not in Missouri, her father was recently photographed with Jesse Jackson in Minneapolis, and most importantly she promises not to censor anyone. Justice for Hannah was created by a local woman in Missouri and she has since added the founder of Fight for Hannah as an admin. Justice for Hannah! seems like a legitimate group despite the duplicate name, it is run by a trio of ladies in Missouri, and most importantly they say "If you have ideas, new information, conspiracy theories...anything that might lead us to Hannah's murderer feel free to post!" We recommend joining those groups instead of Don Hockaday's group and encouraging members of Hockaday's group to leave his group so that when people search for groups about Hannah that Hockaday's group does not show up first with the largest number of members. People see that he has the most members and automatically think that his group must be a legitimate group. We are only members of that group for the limited purpose of seeing what they are up to and posting under circumstances when we think we might get some good information before our posts are removed. Offer to Remove Information We are willing to remove the names and personal information pertaining to Janey Uplinger, Laura Page, Richie Marie, and Even Lawrence if they just leave the group or convince Don Hockaday to stop censoring the group. We will remove Don Hockaday's address if he stops censoring the group, unblocks Cop Blaster, and re-posts everything that has been deleted.#hannahfizer #donhockaday #laurapage #janetuplinger #evanlawrence


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