Monday, June 15, 2020

Who is the Erie Officer That Kicked Hannah Silbaugh in the Face?

Who is the Erie Police officer that kicked Hannah Silbaugh in the face last month? We known that he recently received a slap on the wrist three day suspension for his felonious attack on a woman that was just sitting on the ground, but the Erie Police Department has yet to release his name. He should have been fired and criminally charged by now, but instead it seems that Ms. Silbaugh will have to wait for the discovery process in her lawsuit to conclude before knowing who she is suing. Erie Police Chief Dan Spizarny has been doing all he can to defend his thug. He has been telling the press stories that it was a split second decision that was not intended to harm. Spizarny did nothing to hold this officer accountable. It took an intervention from Mayor Joe Schember to get him suspended and even then it was just for three days. You can read Ms. Silbaugh's complaint by clicking on the PDF icon above the body of this post. If you know the name of this officer please contact us at #hannahsilbaugh #assault #danspizarny #joeschember


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