Sunday, June 7, 2020

Brooklyn Court Officer Terri Pinto Napolitano Suspended for FB Post

Sergeant Terri Pinto Napolitano was suspended today for posting a racist image on her Facebook page yesterday. The image depicted former President Barack Obama hanging from a noose with the caption "your day is coming traitor" and an image of Hillary Clinton being led to the gallows with the caption "it's not over till the fat lady swings." Until that post she worked for New York State Court Officers in Brooklyn, New York. NYSCO is an agency that provides security for courts across the state of New York. Unfortunately her suspension is only for 30 days after which she will get her gun back and be responsible for court security again. It also appears that she was wearing a Make America Great Again hat in her profile picture.#terrinapolitano #facebook #barackobama #hillaryclinton #racism


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