Friday, July 17, 2020

Was Chad Wolf Talking About a Flier Listing Federal Officer Names?

Was Acting Secretary of Homeland Security Chad Wolf talking about us posting home addresses linked to him and Acting CBP Commissioner Mark Morgan in his press release today like we initially thought ( or was he talking about this Antifa flier listing names of federal officers that they distributed around the same time? We were Googling phrases about doxxing federal officers from the past week to see if we were mentioned by name anywhere and found an article (linked to above) about this flier. Apparently it was distributed by Antifa the same day we posted a profile of Chad Wolf (, but we had nothing to do with the flier. Secretary Wolf stated in his press release ( that "Violent anarchists doxed members of federal law enforcement." We thought that he had libeled us because we are not "anarchists" so using that word makes the allegation false. Usually the term "violent anarchists" is used by the Trump administration in reference to Antifa, so that would make more sense. The flier in question reads "KNOW YOUR LOCAL DHS/FPS ASS-HATS" followed by the following names: Purdum, William H. Patrick, Glen O. Blasingame, Stephanie D. Capps, David J. Coring, Micah D. Dominguez-Ortiz, Jesus A. Endresen, Robert J. Fawcett, Colin M. Foster, Michael C. Frambes, Layne R. Greenhill, Ronald C. Huerta, Nathaniel E. Kirk, Jimmy K. Keedy, Thomas C. Lofland, Craig F. Lopez, Luis C. Maxey, Katherine E. Miller, David NElson, Graham M. O'Neal, Bradley R. Richeson, Keith A. Sherraden, Ryan C. Woodcum, Larry M. Warren, Justin S. Winsor, Wayne T. Wood, Joshua K. We always suspected the addresses listed for Wolf and Morgan to be outdated due to how high ranking they are. Usually officials as high up as them use trusts to purchase their homes and scrub their current addresses from public record. We do think they own the properties we listed, but we do not think they actually live there, so we thought Wolf was majorly overreacting when we read his comment, but now we think he might have been referring to this flier that Antifa put out the same day we posted his profile. The timing really is pure coincidence. If we knew about the flier when it was released we would have posted it.#chadwolf #homelandsecurity #usmarshals #antifa


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