Thursday, July 23, 2020

Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler Tear Gassed by Federal Officers

Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler got a taste of his own medicine during a publicity stunt outside the federal courthouse in Portland, Oregon just a few minutes ago when federal officers gassed him. He was standing up against the fence outside the federal courthouse when a giant cloud engulfed him and his security guards led him away. He had suffered a little bit of gas earlier but nothing like that. After his first gassing he commented about house he was overwhelmed by the symptoms and that he did not see how anyone could follow directions during something like that. He said he was focused just on what the gas was doing to him. He looked shocked and like he probably would have stayed longer, so maybe I am jumping the gun when I say that I agreed with the people that called him a coward when he left. Hopefully, if the good speech he gave earlier meant anything he will be back tomorrow and better prepared. We should have had some good video, but our admin's computer screwed up and did not record his screen. He hit Window+Alt+R like he always but it just did not start recording, so we are looking for some good footage to add to this post. UPDATE: Here is some great footage that really capture what happened to Ted tonight.#tedwheeler #teargas #homelandsecurity


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