Sunday, July 19, 2020

Failed Assassination Attempt on U.S. District Judge Esther Salas

A failed assassination attempt on United States District Judge Esther Salas left her 20 year old son dead and her husband in critical condition. Not much is known about the gunman beyond the fact that he was disguised as a fake Federal Express deliveryman. The shooter has not been apprehended and has not released a manifesto as far as we know. Why did this happen? We have theories as to motive and facts as to how it was possible. We don't know why this shooter wanted to kill Judge Salas. Our theory is that he or someone employing him had their Constitutional rights violated by her at some point in the past and probably felt that they were being patriotic by eliminating a threat to the Constitutional rights of the people. Those tend to be the more honorable motives for removing government officials from office using such means, but again we don't know who the shooter is or why he really did this. He could have easily been a schizophrenic that thought she was a demon conspiring against him, a vindictive ex-con on a personal vendetta with no political motivations, or a white supremacist that just did not like seeing person of color sitting on the bench. We do not know. All we know is that the gunman missed his target miserably, shot people that did not deserve to be shot, and killed someone. Whatever his motives, he has discredited himself with this epic fail. Who goes to all the trouble to arm up, get a disguise, go the the target location, and leave the target untouched in the basement? When we advocate that people protest the actions of government officials, including judges, we always ask that they leave their families alone should they choose to protests at their homes. Shooting their family members is not a protest and not something that we would ever support for any reason. We would support someone dressing up as a delivery man to deliver a piece of their mind, but that is it. We support knocking on their doors and saying what you think, but we do not support hurting anyone. How could this have happened? It happened because people working for the U.S. Marshals Office of Protective Intelligence (OPI) are incompetent. The OPI is in charge of judicial security and they fail to keep home addresses of federal judges out of public records. We were able to obtain Judge Salas' home address just a few minutes ago by typing her name into an online background check service that we subscribe to. Had the OPI done their jobs we would not be able to do that. There are ways to keep that information away from people like this shooter. Have the judge purchase property through a trust so that it is not in their name and use a P.O. box for all mail. Then have someone at OPI periodically check public records sites for personal information belonging to court staff. That would probably keep people like this shooter from finding their targets. We speak from personal experience. This author once sent a letter to the home of U.S. District Judge Marco Hernandez from jail asking him to recuse himself from his case and it worked. How easy it was to find his address was shocking and Judge Salas' address is just as easy to find. That is why when we dox law enforcement personnel we point out that any psycho that really wants to hurt them can and will do it anyway without our help. Our limited doxxing is intended to support peaceful protesters looking for places to make their voices heard. Doing that does not make it more likely for someone to harm the person being doxxed because they are being doxxed by public records sites anyway and their enemies know that. We just identify people involved with evil deeds and make it easier for everyday people to find those evil doers as long as we think their intentions are most likely peaceful. That is why our doxxing is usually just temporary while people are holding demonstrations to protest their behavior. We are not displaying Judge Salas' home address with this article because we are not aware of her perpetrating evil acts and we are not aware of any people that are peacefully protesting anything she has done. Finally, we ask that you take our word for it when we say that people looking for her don't even have to pay to find her information. When we Google'd her address and name together there were a whole bunch of public records sites listing her name with her address for free.#esthersalas #usmarshals #officeofprotectiveintelligence


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