Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Feds Shoot Bean Bag Rounds at Protesters in Portland, Oregon

Federal officers attacked protesters in Portland, Oregon with bean bag rounds fired out of shotguns tonight. After the feds went back into the courthouse, the protesters found the above pictures shell casing on the street. It also appeared on a live streams as thought some sort of canister fired by the feds started a fire in the park. The park had been filled with grills that people use to cook food for protesters. At least one protester was shot in the head. We will update this post when we have video of the shooting. Bean bag rounds are dangerous. Check out the Wikipedia link above this article to learn just how dangerous they are. Officers involved are from several agencies including the Department of Homeland Security, Border Patrol, and United States Marshals. In response to this type of behavior we have started petition asking Marriott Hotels not to rent rooms to federal officers anymore. Please sign the petition at #borderpatrol #usmarshals #antifa #assault


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