Monday, July 13, 2020

Chad F. Wolf: Acting Secretary of Homeland Security

Acting Secretary of Homeland Security Chad F. Wolf was praised by President Donald Trump on Friday for how his agents have acted in Portland, Oregon recently. Wolf described the peaceful protests that have taken place in Portland for the past six weeks as "civil unrest" and blasted the Portland Police for not supporting his agents. President Trump responded by saying that Wolf "has it in very good control" and that he appreciates that. Federal officers have been assaulting protesters on nearly a nightly basis since they made their presence known on July 3rd ( These attacks began right after a federal judge ordered the Portland Police not to target journalists ( and the Governor banned the use of tear gas unless a riot is declared. Federal officers have responded to the restrictions placed on Portland Police by taking it upon themselves to target journalists and use tear gas without waiting for riots to be declared. Federal officers from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), U.S. Marshals, and Border Patrol agents have escalated their attacks beyond simply defending the federal buildings and monuments they were deployed to protect. Last night, federal agents joined Portland Police lines as they marched through the city herding protesters away from downtown (, attacked medics that were trying to help a man that appeared to be unconscious on the ground (, and nearly killed a protester by shooting him in the head with a "less lethal" munition while he was holding a speaker above his head across the street from the courthouse (see video below). Last night's violence has led local leaders to demand the withdrawal of federal authorities from the state. "The consequences of Donald Trump unilaterally dispatching fed'l law enforcement into U.S. cities played out in Portland w/a peaceful protester shot in the head. Trump & Homeland Security must now answer why fed'l officers are acting like an occupying army." Senator Ron Wyden ( A background check of Chad F. Wolf revealed that he and one Hope Wolf are listed in public records as the owners of a home in Alexandria, Virginia at the following address: 1509 CRESTWOOD DR ALEXANDRIA, VA 22302 2007 - Now Owner When Wolf was nominated to the position of Under Secretary of Strategy, Policy, and Plans for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security last year, he stated to the U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, "Please allow me to introduce my wife of 15 years, Hope, who is my rock and without her support I would not be before you." From that we can conclude that the only Chad F. Wolf in Virginia married to one Hope Wolf is the same Chad F. Wolf currently acting as the Secretary of Homeland Security and that he owns a residential property at the above address. We do not know if that is his current residence however, but we do believe that he lived there at some point. After looking at the house on Google Earth we got the impression that it is quite small for someone earning $174,500 a year as a schedule III executive recently promoted to a schedule I position that pays $220,000 a year ( We believe that he has made six figures for many years and most likely purchased a larger home sometime after 2007, the address of which is not publicly available. Usually high level officials like Wolf start purchasing homes through trusts that are listed as the owners in public records, so we would be shocked if this is in fact his current residence, but he could also be living humbly in his $1,000,000 home. Even if he does not live there right now, the fact that he owns it still makes it a fair target for anyone looking to picket him for his policies. If by chance it really is his current residence we are willing to remove the address if he does one of two things: Option 1: Release the full name of the officer that shot Donavan LaBella on July 11, 2020 in Portland, Oregon and state publicly that is being released at the request of Option 2: At the next televised military briefing, ask Trump for permission to withdraw all federal officers recently deployed to Oregon from the state and say that he is doing so at the request of, or hold a press conference saying that he asked Trump for permission to withdraw at our request. If he does either of the above two options we would happily remove his address from this site. After that people looking for him would have to use one of the many other websites that list his name with that address to find his address.#chadwolf #donaldtrump #assault #homelandsecurity


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