Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Are Federal Agents Staying at the Marriott Hotel in Downtown Portland?

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) issued a press release recently that said "Violent anarchists published personal lodging and rental details of DHS employees on social media, detailing exact locations including entrance and exit points of lodging, harassing rental and lodging staff, and asking individuals to acquire tools for attacks. " After learning of this we asked around and were told by persons connected with the Portland protests that one of those lodging locations is the Marriott Hotel on the waterfront in downtown Portland at the above address. We ask that no one acquire tools for attacks or do anything violent, but we do ask that people pressure Marriott Hotels not to do business with the federal government and evict these unruly tenants from their property. We encourage peaceful demonstrators to picket Marriott Hotels until they agree not to rent rooms to federal officers. In addition to the Marriott, we have been told that they are also staying at some properties in the Jantzen Beach area. #BoycottMarriott LEGAL NOTICE: Publishing locations of hotels where federal officers are renting rooms does not violate 18 U.S.C. 119 because their hotel is not a "home address." #homelandsecurity #borderpatrol #usmarshals #antifa #marriott

source https://copblaster.com/blast/25862/are-federal-agents-staying-at-the-marriott-hotel-in-downtown-portland

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