Friday, July 31, 2020

Cop Blaster Restricts Syndication to Avoid Facebook Jail

Due to repeated acts of censorship by Facebook against the official Facebook page we will limit all future post syndication to just those created using the official admin account under the user name ( We are doing this because Facebook didn't just remove the post they found objectionable. They actually banned the owner of Cop Blaster from posting or commenting as himself as well as doing it as Cop Blaster or any other page, which means that nobody can post or comment as any page he created. This appears due to an inability or unwillingness on Facebook's end to distinguish between content posted by an individual and content posted by automated posting applications. Cop Blaster uses ( to automate content syndication across social networks including Facebook. This required the owner of Cop Blaster to give posting permissions on the Cop Blaster Facebook page. then started checking our RSS Feed ( every few minutes for new content and posting it on Facebook automatically. Every post created by is clearly identified as being created by but despite that, Facebook still sends the individual that created the page notices accusing him of sharing content that violates the Facebook Community Standards ( Facebook then displays a list (pictured above) listing previous violations and in bold print says "You shard this" even though all of the posts in question were really shared by We tried asking Facebook to distinguish between the two and even posted a question seeking help with this in their help forum hoping for an employee to respond, but they did not. Every post that were removed were written by users of and not us. As such we are not legally responsible for that content under Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and neither is Facebook, but Facebook decides to censor the posts anyway. These types of decisions are usually PR moves on Facebook's part in response to bad press they have received in the past for not censoring lawful user activity if that activity is considered by some to be harassment or hate speech. Facebook is a good example of the sissification of America in action where there is a constant effort to silence speech that could cause anyone to suffer the slightest amount of emotional distress. That is why it is important for people like us to have our own sites where we know that we will be heard. Then by opening it up for the public to do the same thing we are providing a service where people can say things they can't say on sites like Facebook. The post that led to our three day Facebook jail sentence was about Mark Waltz of Fargo, North Dakota. The post is no longer on Cop Blaster because it was removed by the person who posted it, so Waltz had no need to rat us out to Facebook if he is in fact the one that reported the link. He could have just asked us to remove the dead link and we would have. The posting about Waltz accused him of being a snitch affiliated with biker gangs. It is not unusual for authors to remove posts about snitches after the subject threatens to snitch on the author or actually snitches on the author. We do not know if Waltz really was affiliated with bikers or had a history of snitching, but if the allegations were false he sure has a way of showing it. The notice given to us by Facebook focused on a specific part of their policy against harassment and bullying that says "We distinguish between public figures and private individuals because we want to allow discussion ... For private individuals, our protection goes further" (see We interpret that message to say that because Mr. Waltz is a private individual and not a public figure that their community standards prohibit posting anything "that's meant to degrade or shame" him. That is why even after we get out of Facebook jail, we will not be syndicating this post on Facebook since we are shaming him for probably being a Facebook rat. Most of our posts, at least the ones created using the official admin account, are about public figures and government employees, so that would explain why Facebook only took action against user generated content about private individuals. Government employees are public figures because their actions are subject to public scrutiny, so we can shame them just as much as we can those that make the news. To protect our right to speak on Facebook without these unnecessary inconveniences we are only connecting the official admin RSS feed with for Facebook syndication from now on. Now that Facebook has actually started limiting our ability to speak for meaningful time periods it is now important to us to prevent such content from being posted on Facebook by our account. We will continue to allow user generated content to be syndicated on other social networks because those networks have not engaged in similar censorship and temporary bans. This was never a big deal back when all Facebook did was take down posts, but when their overbearing behavior threatens our ability to efficiently speak ourselves it becomes a priority. Good News The good news is that we just added RSS feed support for all user accounts. That means that if you sign up for a free membership ( and write an article ( then you can use services like to syndicate your work to your social media accounts. This could make Cop Blaster the ideal platform for people to use if they want a way to be heard and share their work efficiently.#copblaster #facebook #censorship #dlvrit #markwaltz


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