Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Did Pettis County Deputy Jordan Schutte Shoot Hannah Fizer?

Multiple sources just contacted us within the hour saying that Hannah Fizer's father named Pettis County Sheriff's Deputy Jordan Schutte as the killer on his Facebook page, but we have not been able to confirm this. Several people have messaged us on Facebook or left messages on our Google Voice saying this. The first said that it was posted on the "sign the petition" Facebook group but taken down by the admins. The second said it was posted on Hannah's father's Facebook page but taken down by him. We are still trying to get confirmation as to this recent development. Someone posted a copy of what he said was Hannah's father's post on Don Hockaday's group but it was quickly taken down because Don does not allow people to post names of deputies they suspect of being the shooter. That message said that Hannah's father's post read:' Got his name finally...Now I just need to know WHY? The name came from a very reliable source, and if he, or she, wishes to put themselves out there, that's fine with me, but I wont. But you cannot get any closer than 99.9 % sure. So I'm going with it; and if it isn't the right cop, then I apologize in advance, and Pettis County can come forward and once again protect their man by saying this isn't the guy, otherwise we can take it to the full 100% that this IS the officer that murdered my beautiful child; my only biological seed, that will never bare me grandchildren, as the last of my DNA lies dead in a cold grave. Officer Jordan Schutte, you killed more than one person that night, I just want you to know that. You crushed me and that beautiful girls mother, brother, boyfriend and best friend, and several others. Our lives will never be the same again. You made a horrible mistake that night, one that can never be undone. And there is absolutely no excuse whatsoever for you putting ONE, letalone FIVE slugs into my precious little harmless, 140 pound beautiful baby girl. But your name is out there now. Your buddies did a good job hiding you for awhile; longer than I would have expected actually, for such a high profile case as this, but now we know who you are. And if for some crazy chance it's not you, then we will see how long it takes for them to clean your name up. But I have a feeling we wont be hearing from them. So with that, that's all I have to say for now. You'll have your day in court just like I always did. And, like you, I was guilty, and justice was served... ---End-of-Message--- Again, we are trying to confirm this. One of them sent us a picture of a Jordan Schutte on Facebook. We found the above image on that profile posted by Schutte. It is the kind of image that has been getting deputies fired in other jurisdictions recently, so even if he is not the shooter there is an issue here because people are really sensitive about confederate flags right now. We are however having doubts as to whether or not that Jordan Schutte profile is the same Schutte that worked for Pettis County as far back as at least 10 years ago. Public records list two Jordan Schutte's in the state of Missouri in the Sedalia area. One is listed as being 35 and living in Sedalia. The other is listed as being 24 and from Mexico, Missouri. The Facebook profile that picture is from lists Mexico, Missouri as his home town, so we are leaving the Facebook URL out of this post and abstaining from adding a facial close up for now until we make sure it is the right Jordan Schutte. UPDATE: Hannah's Dad just posted a message on Facebook saying he jumped the gun, so we believe the above transcription to be genuine. Hannah's dad's latest post reads: I'm so beside myself, that if I'm not careful I will lose myself in this. I jump the gun. I shouldn't have posted that. I have lawyers that tell me to just stay calm and let them WORK. It's just so hard for me not to take off like a mad man pursuing this issue. And the very thought of this man getting away with this, with cop immunity, just makes me plum sick. So I apologize for jumping the gun. I need to just chill and let justice work, as I pray it will. I let my pain and hurt finally turn into anger, the one thing I was trying so hard not to let happen. And when I got his name, I just flipped. I'm better than that, and I apologize. I'm just sick over this, and I miss my daughter so much that I can't even imagine life without her, and she's only been gone a short while. So once again, thank you ALL for all your love and support. You people have been so good. You have paid probably half of this funeral bill already. I cannot tell you how much I appreciate that. The love and support has flooded us. Hannah would be so proud of all of you, because your hearts have proven to be as good as her's. Love and appreciate each and every one of you. God bless...#hannahfizer #jordanschutte #racism #murder #donhockaday


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