Sunday, July 26, 2020

Vietnam Veteran Mike Hastie Pepper Sprayed in the Face in Portland

Vietnam Veteran Mike Hastie was just sprayed in the face with mace on camera while he was trying to talk with federal agents in downtown Portland. The video was shot by Andrew Kimmel, he is still streaming live at and we will try to find a copy of the actual spraying ASAP. For now we are embedding a video of Mike Hastie that is part one of a series with him by The Peace Report called "Ask a Vietnam Veteran Anything." Hastie was walking peacefully alongside federal agents in downtown Portland near the federal courthouse. Because he is a photographer he had every right to be there taking pictures after a riot had been declared and he posed no threat to the feds whatsoever. Hastie said he was born in 1945, so that would make him at least 75 years old. We watched live on Facebook as he told the feds about the atrocities he was a part of in Vietnam and how he swore an oath to protect the country. Their response was to spray his entire face with pepper spray. Eventually some protesters were able to get him some water to flush out his eyes. While he was getting treatment he mentioned that he was an Army medic with the 10th Cavalry in Vietnam and a recipient of the Bronze Star. He now is a photographer that has spoken for the group Veterans for Peace all over America. He was most likely part of the Wall of Vets that were peacefully protesting earlier. We thank Mr. Hastie for his service#mikehastie #veteransforpeace #andrewkimmel #photography


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