Thursday, July 16, 2020

PDX Body Snatchers: Random Snatch and Grab Kidnappings in Portland

In recent days federal aggression has reached an all time high in Portland, Oregon as unidentified federal officers with the Department of Homeland Security, Border Patrol, and U.S. Marshals have escalated their attacks on peaceful protesters to include tear gas, "less lethal" munitions, and creepy snatch 'n' grab operations (see video below). These snatch and grab attacks involves a fleet of unmarked vehicles with tinted windows that the feds use to creep around downtown looking for stragglers to snatch off the street. They don't even identify themselves as law enforcement. They just pull up, get out of the vehicles, grab someone, throw them in their vehicle, and leave. They don't say why they are kidnapping people apparently at random, but we have a good idea. We think these random snatch and grabs are an effort to gain information about the protesters. A lot of these federal officers tend to be recruited directly from the military and these types of abductions are common place in war zones. Troops will identify an enemy straggler, snatch them, and interrogate them for information. They could also be arrests, but the U.S. Attorney's Office has suspiciously said that people snatched last night were not criminally charged (, so what grounds do the feds have to snatch innocent people off the street? We don't think they have the right to do that and if they do then they should not have the right to do that. We don't know much about them, but we have managed to find one of their license plates online and in the video below someone reads off a bunch of them on camera, but he is hard to hear at times. The license plate we identified is a Florida plate that appears to read CHU R57 or CHU RS7 (see image above). If you go downtown at night be vigilant and stay in large groups. During a pandemic anyone wearing a mask it at risk of losing their freedom for no justifiable reason. There is a link to a news story about this article. In that story you will learn that Oregon senators Ron Wyden and Jeff Merkley along with two member so Congress Suzanne Bonamici and Earl Blumenauer, wrote to Acting Secretary of Homeland Security Chad F. Wolf (learn more about Wolf at saying that "This politically driven federal response is intolerable." They are also demanding answers (see PDF link/icon/button above this article for the full letter). #usmarshals #borderpatrol #homelandsecurity #kidnapping


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