Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Family of Hannah Fizer Plan Protests in Sedalia, Missouri

Got a message from a known member of Hannah Fizer's family via Facebook today letting us know about some protests that they have planned and asking us to tell as many people as we can. Hannah Fizer was killed on June 13th by a Pettis County Sheriff's Office (PCSO) deputy that shot her five times after pulling her over for a minor traffic violation. Initial statements from the PCSO made it look like the deputy was defending himself from an armed assailant until the Missouri State Highway Patrol (MSHP) announced that there was no gun in Hannah's car. Pettis County Sheriff Kevin Bond stuck by his man calling the stop a "non-compliant situation," refused to turn over documents via FOIA that could be used to identify the shooter, and threatened to file criminal charges against CopBlaster.com (https://ift.tt/30YvYUF). Bond has yet to release the name of the shooter and the MSHP has yet to finish their investigation, so we must rely on others for updates. The week after the shooting several protests were held in Sedalia by Hannah's family and friends as well as concerned members of the community (see video below). Kevin Bond responded to the protests by writing an "open letter" to the public saying among other things: "Are you willing to allow Pettis County to become the test project for some Social Justice experiment for Rural America? I certainly hope not. Our nation is facing difficult times, and we are facing a difficult issue right here in our hometown. But it is important to remember that we must have faith in the American Way, and not allow this type of Social In-Justice to establish a stronghold here." - Kevin Bond (https://ift.tt/2C2gXXP). Bond clearly seemed more concerned about damage control than justice for Hannah. He is trying to wait out the storm but it won't go away. Just last weekend there was another protest in downtown Sedalia and people continue to talk about Hannah on social media. Those discussions found new life last week when Hannah's father named PCSO Deputy Jordan Daniel Schutte as someone he is 99.9% sure shot his daughter (https://ift.tt/3iIyrZy). That name was also posted by Hannah's brother and other members of the family in the days that followed. Despite the renewed interest in the case, not a single mainstream media outlet has printed Schutte's name in connection with the case. We know from experience that the mainstream press has a protocol for protecting bad officers that prohibits naming them until that name is officially released by law enforcement or criminal charges are filed. We had issues just last month when media outlets in the St. Louis area admitted that they knew we were correct about Detective Joshua Smith being the driver of a SUV that ran down a black man, but they still did not name him until the Chief of police formally named him (https://ift.tt/3eYPX9j). Fortunately we lack their restraint. Today we received a message on Facebook from a member of the Fizer family stating: "we need justice and we aint got no answers from them yet They need hear us Justice for Hannah Send this to your family & to more people I need everybody get the word out We need a change ASAP Tell different towns July 18th -protest -8am -7pm July 25th -5:30 pm -7:00pm In August to Saturday's Tell all the news people" We are happy to help, so we are helping them get the word out. Hopefully plenty of people will show up and maybe even pass out a few wanted posters (https://ift.tt/30eAjRx #jordanschutte #kevinbond #murder #liars #mshp

source https://copblaster.com/blast/25846/family-of-hannah-fizer-plan-protests-in-sedalia-missouri

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