Friday, July 31, 2020

Cop Blaster Restricts Syndication to Avoid Facebook Jail

Due to repeated acts of censorship by Facebook against the official Facebook page we will limit all future post syndication to just those created using the official admin account under the user name ( We are doing this because Facebook didn't just remove the post they found objectionable. They actually banned the owner of Cop Blaster from posting or commenting as himself as well as doing it as Cop Blaster or any other page, which means that nobody can post or comment as any page he created. This appears due to an inability or unwillingness on Facebook's end to distinguish between content posted by an individual and content posted by automated posting applications. Cop Blaster uses ( to automate content syndication across social networks including Facebook. This required the owner of Cop Blaster to give posting permissions on the Cop Blaster Facebook page. then started checking our RSS Feed ( every few minutes for new content and posting it on Facebook automatically. Every post created by is clearly identified as being created by but despite that, Facebook still sends the individual that created the page notices accusing him of sharing content that violates the Facebook Community Standards ( Facebook then displays a list (pictured above) listing previous violations and in bold print says "You shard this" even though all of the posts in question were really shared by We tried asking Facebook to distinguish between the two and even posted a question seeking help with this in their help forum hoping for an employee to respond, but they did not. Every post that were removed were written by users of and not us. As such we are not legally responsible for that content under Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and neither is Facebook, but Facebook decides to censor the posts anyway. These types of decisions are usually PR moves on Facebook's part in response to bad press they have received in the past for not censoring lawful user activity if that activity is considered by some to be harassment or hate speech. Facebook is a good example of the sissification of America in action where there is a constant effort to silence speech that could cause anyone to suffer the slightest amount of emotional distress. That is why it is important for people like us to have our own sites where we know that we will be heard. Then by opening it up for the public to do the same thing we are providing a service where people can say things they can't say on sites like Facebook. The post that led to our three day Facebook jail sentence was about Mark Waltz of Fargo, North Dakota. The post is no longer on Cop Blaster because it was removed by the person who posted it, so Waltz had no need to rat us out to Facebook if he is in fact the one that reported the link. He could have just asked us to remove the dead link and we would have. The posting about Waltz accused him of being a snitch affiliated with biker gangs. It is not unusual for authors to remove posts about snitches after the subject threatens to snitch on the author or actually snitches on the author. We do not know if Waltz really was affiliated with bikers or had a history of snitching, but if the allegations were false he sure has a way of showing it. The notice given to us by Facebook focused on a specific part of their policy against harassment and bullying that says "We distinguish between public figures and private individuals because we want to allow discussion ... For private individuals, our protection goes further" (see We interpret that message to say that because Mr. Waltz is a private individual and not a public figure that their community standards prohibit posting anything "that's meant to degrade or shame" him. That is why even after we get out of Facebook jail, we will not be syndicating this post on Facebook since we are shaming him for probably being a Facebook rat. Most of our posts, at least the ones created using the official admin account, are about public figures and government employees, so that would explain why Facebook only took action against user generated content about private individuals. Government employees are public figures because their actions are subject to public scrutiny, so we can shame them just as much as we can those that make the news. To protect our right to speak on Facebook without these unnecessary inconveniences we are only connecting the official admin RSS feed with for Facebook syndication from now on. Now that Facebook has actually started limiting our ability to speak for meaningful time periods it is now important to us to prevent such content from being posted on Facebook by our account. We will continue to allow user generated content to be syndicated on other social networks because those networks have not engaged in similar censorship and temporary bans. This was never a big deal back when all Facebook did was take down posts, but when their overbearing behavior threatens our ability to efficiently speak ourselves it becomes a priority. Good News The good news is that we just added RSS feed support for all user accounts. That means that if you sign up for a free membership ( and write an article ( then you can use services like to syndicate your work to your social media accounts. This could make Cop Blaster the ideal platform for people to use if they want a way to be heard and share their work efficiently.#copblaster #facebook #censorship #dlvrit #markwaltz


Federal Charges Against Ronald Bernard Hickey Appear Baseless

After auditing the Twitter account of Ronald Bernard Hickey (at TawasiSoce) we have not been able to find any evidence that he violated 18 U.S.C. 119 as he appears to be charged with. We say appears because according to the DOJ press release (see source link above article) they do not say which statute he is accused of violating. They just say that he allegedly "knowingly release personal information of these employees in an attempt to threaten, intimidate, or incite violence against them." 18 U.S.C. 119 is the only statute worded like that (see The problem with that argument is that Hickey's Twitter account ( contains no "restricted personal information" as defined by the statute. 18 U.S.C. 119(b)(1) defines "restricted personal information" as follows: "(a) the term restricted personal information means, with respect to an individual, the Social Security number, the home address, home phone number, mobile phone number, personal email, or home fax number of, and identifiable to, that individual;" - 18 U.S.C. 119(b)(1) If you look at the PDF uploaded with this article (click on the big PDF icon above this article) you can see all the screenshots we could find involving Marriott and the federal officers staying there. All he did was post the address and phone number of the hotel before asking people to complain to the hotel. Organizing a peaceful phone call complaint campaign among consumers is not a crime. They have every right to call (503) 226-7600 and ask them not to rent rooms to federal officers. None of that activity falls within the scope of actions prohibited by Section 119. Section 119 only prohibits making publicly available a "home address ... home phone number, mobile phone number" the address of the Marriott hotel is not a "home address" and the phone number of the hotel is not a "home phone number" or a "mobile phone number" therefore Hickey did not make "restricted personal information ... publicly available." Even if the address of a hotel were held to be a temporary "home address" and the hotel phone number was a temporary "home phone number" Hickey did not make that information publicly available. It is a defense to a charge of violation Section 119 that the information was already publicly available. So, if you get "restricted personal information" from a public source, then that source or its source are ones that made the information publicly available. We get that information about those people from public records all the time. We can and do legally post it and we are not be legally considered the ones that made the information publicly available. Public records are made publicly available by the government and one cannot legally be considered as having made publicly available what was already made publicly available by the government. The address and phone number of the Marriott Hotel in downtown Portland are public record. Even if he did not get the info from public records, the hotel itself made that information publicly available by advertising it as much as possible. Conclusion, unless Hickey posted some restricted personal information that was not already publicly available then he is not guilty.#ronaldhickey #tawasisoce #freespeech #civildisobedience #marriott


Thursday, July 30, 2020

Hannah Fizer Investigation Sent to Phillip Sawyer for Prosecution

The Missouri State Highway Patrol (MSHP) have finished their investigation into the murder of Hannah Renee Fizer, 25, of Sedalia, Missouri and have sent their findings to Pettis County Prosecuting Attorney Phillip Trent Sawyer. It is now up to Sawyer to decide what Pettis County Sheriff's Deputy Jordan Schutte will be charged with. Hopefully he will be charged with First Degree Murder since he had plenty of time to think about what he was doing before he shot Hannah. Before shooting Hannah five times he had time to make a radio call and accuse her of threatening to shoot him (see video embedded below article), so at the very least he had plenty of time to figure out that no weapon was visible, take her into custody alive, and then make sure there was no gun in her car, which there was not. According to the media (see source link above article) there are videos from Hannah's cell phone and a nearby business' surveillance camera that the public has not seen. We do not know what was on those tapes, but an earlier news reports ( that MSHP Trooper Kyle Seabaugh said the surveillance video just showed a standoff where Hannah was moving around her car, that does not justify shooting her. Other than that revelation, Seabaugh was not terribly helpful when it came to informing the public, neither was Pettis County Sheriff Kevin Bond who still refuses to name the shooter ( Knowing who is under investigation is important because it allows others that have interacted with him to contribute and those contributions can reveal patterns of behavior. About three weeks ago Hannah's father posted the name Jordan Schutte on his Facebook page saying that he is 99.9% sure that he is the shooter ( He then took it down saying he was jumping the gun, but other members of the Fizer family reposted it and said that they too believe that it is Jordan Schutte. We believe them as well and produced a wanted poster for people to distribute ( The reason we believe them is because they have conducted themselves with nothing but dignity, decency, and patience ever since Hannah was taken from them. We do not believe that they would name someone unless they are sure. The behavior of Kevin Bond, Jordan Schutte, and people that know Schutte since he was named supports this theory. Bond has not issued any statements denying the allegations against Schutte, but he was quick to release a statement denying that it was another deputy when people not associated with the family circulated his name on social media. Jordan Schutte has been completely silent and people say they have not seen him in town since the shooting. Schutte's family have been silent on social media and shutting down their accounts. We hope that Pettis County Prosecuting Attorney Phillip Sawyer makes the right choice, files charges, and officially releases Schutte's name soon. Until then we urge the people of Pettis County to continue their peaceful demonstrations demanding justice ( Sawyer is an elected official, so please share the above image and try to make a meme out of it. If Sawyer thinks that he will not be re-elected if he does not file charges then he will likely file charges, that is of course unless he is so close with Bond, Schutte's, and others associated with them ( that he cares more about that than his job.#mshp #hannahfizer #jordanschutte #phillipsawyer #kyleseabaugh


Freight Broker Live Host Steve Oatley Condones Violence on Camera

Freight Broker Live host Steve Oatley was caught on camera tonight condoning violence on his stream "You're Favorite Freight Broker: Live PD." He started out as he usually does saying that he does not condone violence, but then changed his tune after counter protesters arrived at a Black Lives Matter protest in Springfield, Oregon. Eventually he switched from Adam Costello's live stream to himself and said "I do not condone violence" while shaking his head up and down signaling yes with a cheesy grin on his face. He then repeated himself while shaking his head from side to side signaling no with the same cheesy grin. The message that most reasonable people would receive from that in the context in which it was made was that he condones violence as long as it is against Black Lives Matter and Antifa demonstrators. To better demonstrate the context, you can see some footage from when counter-protesters supporting the police showed up right before Steve made his comments. In the minutes before the footage starts there was a bunch of yelling and shoving between the two that included one person putting hands on Costello's camera. Mr. Oatley has repeatedly made statements during his live streams encouraging police to attack protesters in Portland, Oregon and other parts of the country. This is the first time we have noticed him do that when the people using violence are counter-protesters and not police. The video should be embedded below unless he filed another frivolous copyright complaint against us. This whole thing started with him censoring our comments on his stream even though he claims to welcome all views. We then did a background check on him and dug up an old mugshot that he did not know existed (pictured above). We posted the mugshot along with other information about him. His response according to him was to file a police report, contact the FBI, and call law enforcement agencies in Oregon even though he lives in Florida. We did not commit any crimes against Mr. Oatley. All we did was publish publicly available information about him, repeatedly criticize him publicly for his public statements, and send him a couple of respectfully worded completely non-threatening emails. Mr. Oatley's behavior is consistent with reports of him or his followers' behavior that we have received from others. One local independent media company says that their Facebook page was unpublished due to frivolous complaints from his followers. One local live streamer accused his followers of doxxing him or her and trying to get him or her fired. We do not know what role if any Mr. Oatley personally played in those activities. Also, Mr. Oatley responded to our first publication by falsely accusing a live streamer of being involved with it. That streamer sent us a picture of that accusation and you can see part of it pictured above with Mr. Oatley. Finally, Mr. Oatley also falsely accused the founder of Cop Blaster of having federal charges for stalking and extorting women. Our founder has never been convicted of stalking or extortion. He was convicted of making threatening communications to a deranged stalker that was stalking him, posting his social security number online after it was intentionally and unlawfully leaked to her through a court file by local law enforcement, doxxing his relatives when she could not get to him directly, and even swatting one of his relatives by placing a false 911 claiming that she was being held hostage in that relative's home which caused the police to respond in force ready for an armed confrontation (see Pre-Sentence report where the writer called all those activities "acts to which a reasonable person might resort under similar circumstances," at in which the circumstances were him refusing to delete statements someone else made on a website he owns). You can follow Adam Costello's stream at #freightbrokerlive #fbi #blacklivesmatter #antifa


Dancing Flowers Lady Protester Arrested by Feds in Portland

A lady dancing with flowers at a protest in Portland, Oregon was just arrested by federal officers tonight. After seeing the video footage there is no cause for an arrest. She is literally just dancing with flowers when she tried to give some to the feds and they grabbed her. One good samaritan tried to rescue her but they grabbed him too. The rest of the protesters were too afraid of the feds as they opened fire with automatic weapons to do anything to help. At what point does a citizen have an obligation to intervene and stop what is obviously an unjustified kidnapping by law enforcement? The feds will probably charge the guy with assaulting an officer, resisting, impeding, etc., but will the charge stick once the charges against dancing flowers lady is are dropped? Unfortunately, probably because as this author knows all too well you can't defend a charge of resisting, impeding, or assaulting an officer on the grounds that the underlying arrest was not justified. That is one of the laws that need to be changed so that people are free to intervene as long as they know the underlying arrest is not justified. The guy trying to rescue her is almost a nightly fixture at these protests and they have probably been looking for an excuse to grab him for awhile. No matter what he will have to spend at least a year with the charges hanging over his head and we have zero faith in the magistrate judges to honor his First Amendment right to protest as any other person that has not been convicted of a crime. They will probably offer him a slap on the wrist plea, so his best chance to beat the charge would be to seek a jury nullification like Ammon Bundy did.#homelandsecurity #borderpatrol #teargas #kidnapping


Ex Portland Police Officer Robert Bruders Sued for Sexual Harassment

Former Portland Police Officer Robert Karl Bruders was sued for sexual harassment this week after the Portland Police Bureau had already assigned him to desk duty after he was caught on camera beating a suspect that later sued and cost the city over $500,000. According to the woman, whose name has remained anonymous, Bruders stalked and harassed her in and out of the office for three years. The woman says that he created a hostile work environment that caused her to change her work habits. She says that he would often target her with a creepy stare and follow her around. Other women also reported that he had treated them inappropriately including one of the human resources managers that the plaintiff complained to. In 2014 a jury awarded Jason Cox $562,000 for a 2011 beating he took at the hands of Bruders. It was a very high profile case because the beating was so savage that his mugshot afterwards shocked the conscious and is burnt into the public's memories to this day. The PPB of course defended his actions, so instead of firing him they just moved him to a desk job in the personnel department where he screened job applicants. So, the job of deciding what kinds of people should be allowed a chance at becoming a police officer depended on the opinion of a former beat cop caught on camera savagely beating a man that also sexually harassed and stalked women around the office. According to Portland Police spokeswoman *Kristina Jones the PPB took steps to reduce interactions between Bruders and the victim, but would not say what those steps were. Jones also claimed that there was no basis for moving him out of the personnel department due to the complaints. The victim is being represented by the law firm Kafoury and McDougal which is the same law firm that represented Jason Cox. Learn more about Kristina Jones here #tinajones #harassment #lawsuit #jasoncox


Wednesday, July 29, 2020

United States Magistrate Judge Jolie Russo Violates First Amendment

United States Magistrate Judge Jolie Ann Russo joined fellow U.S. Magistrate Judge John Victor Acosta's efforts to chill the exercise of free speech in Portland, Oregon this week by ordering people charged with various alleged federal crimes not to participate in peaceful protests as pretrial release conditions. Their abuse of authority is just one example of a much bigger problem due to Congress finding excuses to take Constitutional rights away from people that have not even been convicted of a crime. As a result, pretrial detainees are basically guilty until proven innocent and subject to the same conditions as convicted persons on probation or supervised release. Under **18 U.S.C. 3142 federal judges can impose pretty much any conditions on pretrial supervisees. Under 18 U.S.C. 3142(c)(B)(iv) specifically allows them to order that pretrial detainees "abide by specified restrictions on personal associations, place of abode, or travel" and 18 U.S.C. 3142(c)(B)(Xiv) allows them to order that they "satisfy any other condition that is reasonably necessary to assure the appearance of the person as required and to assure the safety of any other person and the community." The later allows judges to craft pretty much any condition they like simply by stating that it is "reasonably necessary" to protect the "safety" of the community and "safety" is construed to mean keeping the community safe from any illegal activity whether or not the activity really endangers anyone's safety. Judges Acosta and Russo are abusing Section 3142 to deprive people that have been convicted of no crimes of the rights afforded to all other innocent people under the Constitution. They are Enemies of Liberty that consider only the statutes given to them by Congress with no regard for the Constitution, morals, or ethics. They took an oath to protect the Constitution but find excuses to disregard the Bill of Rights to get what they want. They are traitors in the true sense of the word. Like the Congress that wrote the statute, they are not part a government that has any legitimate claim to govern at all. Whenever they say that anyone else would have a right under the Bill or Rights they disregard the clear intentions of the founding fathers which was for all people to have those rights. Eventually, people in power realized that they could not control people as much as they wanted to if they honored the Bill or Rights, so they started looking for extreme cases in which they felt they could argue that the founding fathers could not have foreseen the circumstances when they wrote the Bill of Rights. They then expanded to include less extreme cases and eventually anything involving anyone accused of breaking the law. We are not listing Judge Russo's address due to a truce we have with local law enforcement in which they agreed not to stop doxxing us if we didn't do it to them, but anyone that really wants to find it can fairly easily, so the truce does not do much to protect them. They really need to be more diligent when it comes to suppressing their personal information. Possible email address: nicorusso22[at] Possible phone number: 503-244-8589 Minor traffic citations: EXCEED MAX REPEALED/RENUMBERED... 1995 EXCEED MAXIMUM SPEED 1995 VIOL OF BASIC RULE 1996 EXCEED MAXIMUM SPEED 1995 *Learn more about Judge Acosta at **Learn more about 18 U.S.C. 3142 at #johnacosta #enemiesofliberty #freespeech


Portland Police Association President Daryl Turner

Daryl J. Turner (DPSST# 25221) is President of the Portland Police Association which is the union representing employees of the Portland Police Bureau. Protests in Portland, Oregon were originally focused on the Portland Police before the federal occupation because the Portland Police have a horrible history of using excessive force, racially profiling black people, and abusing people with developmental disabilities. In recent weeks, Turner has become the main source of pro-cop anti-Black Lives Matter propaganda in the Portland area. His voice better represents the views of the police than Chief Chuck Lovell or Mayor Ted Wheeler do. A background check of Turner revealed only a handful of minor traffic infractions. We tried looking for anything about him in the misconduct data made publicly available by the Portland Police but none of it lets anyone identify the officer involved. They don't even show their DPSST number. We could not find any mentions of his name in case law decisions from the Ninth Circuit, Oregon Court of Appeals, or Oregon Supreme Court on Find Law, and we could not find any mentions of his name or his DPSST number with his name on Justia. We have censored his home address because we do that to maintain a certain level of peace with local law enforcement. We feel this better enables us to advocate against law enforcement misconduct across the rest of the country, but his address isn't hard to find. Anyone that is Google savvy enough can find it without having to pay a fee. Possible email addresses include: dturner878[at] djvaw[at] Possible corporate affiliations include Rap Sheet Inc.#darylturner #portlandpoliceassociation #chucklovell #tedwheeler


Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Stephen Oatley: Your Favorite Freight Broker's Least Favorite Mugshot

For anyone that has been watching live streams of recent protests, Your Favorite Freight Broker Stephen Oatley a.k.a. Freight Broker Live needs no introduction. For everyone else, Steve Oatley is a conservative video blogger that re-streams live streams of protests across the country, mostly from Portland, Oregon and adds his own pro-police tyraids. This has made him notorious among liberal streamer circles. He has also admitted giving the government information recently and proven himself to be a hypocrite with his censorship. We first learned about Oatley's stream after we were contacted by one of his *supporters over a story that they thought was very one sided ( and after looking at their arguments we made some changes to better tell both sides. We them checked out Oatley's stream from time to time while we were watching various live streams during protests. To be honest, his commentary is entertaining and funny at times. Last night we heard Steve talking about Andrew Kimmel ( and chastising him for live streaming a small group of protesters that were reading off the names of U.S. Marshals from a flier using a bull horn. We had already posted a copy of the flier with an embedded clip of the same video from Kimmel's stream at so we posted the URL so that his followers could see what he was talking about. He quickly called us a "scumbag" and banned us. He then falsely stated that posting that information is not free speech. He had just banned one of our pages from commenting so we posted a link to using our National Cop Watch Report page to show him that posting names and addresses of police officers obtained from public records is not illegal according to the decision of a federal district court in his state. He then quickly banned National Cop Watch Report and called us a "scumbag" again. You can watch the incident in the video embedded below this article. After being banned, we decided to reach out to Steve via email hoping to start a dialog with him. You can read our email to him by clicking on the PDF icon above this article. As you can see we were respectful. We educated him about the fact that the U.S. Marshals themselves are usually the ones that make their names and affiliations known online. Most of those names probably came from profiles created by the Marshals themselves on LinkedIn, Facebook, and other social networks. Others likely came from simple Google searches for articles mentioning them by name. The also may have done a search of public court decisions that mention them by name. The point is that it looks like all the creators of the flier did was search the internet for names of individuals known to be affiliated with the U.S. Marshals in Portland and make a list of them. All Kimmel did was go to a protest and film what was going on. At one point some people read off the names on the flier and Kimmel filmed it, that is called freedom of the press and it is not illegal. Despite it being overwhelmingly obvious that the we and the streamers were not breaking the law, Oatley's response was as follows: "This is a scummy thing to do and you know that. I banned you because you heard me say I did not want that in my chat, and then posted not once but twice. It is a scummy thing to do, and you sir are a scumbag for doing so. Again, that is my opinion on my page. Move on with whatever you do for your life and grow up" - Steve Oatley We respect Oatley's right to free speech, but we also like to exercise our own free speech right to point out the factual inaccuracies of his speech. After that we decided to do a background check on Oatley because he has repeatedly stated that he is not afraid of being doxxed because all his information is public anyway, so we knew that we could post his info without making him uncomfortable. It turns out Your Favorite Freight Broker has a least favorite mugshot. A criminal record with a mugshot came up in his results. The mugshot appears to be a younger Steve Oatley that was in Transcor custody for some unknown reason in 2006. The record associated with Oatley's Transcor mugshot is as follows: Arresting Agency: TRANSCOR AMERICA Confine Date: 03/28/2006 Release Date: 03/29/2006 Case Number: TRANSCOR Charges: TRANSCOR DETAINEE Bond: NOBOND Prisoner Id: 98568 Remarks SO#: 06087-04 We know a former Transcor executive, so we know a thing or two about the company. Transcor is a corrections transportation company ( They contract with law enforcement agencies and transport prisoners from one jurisdiction to another. We believe that Oatley was picked up on an outstanding warrant in one jurisdiction, was transferred to Transcor custody for transport at which point the mugshot was taken, and was then transported to the jurisdiction that issued the warrant. His criminal history lists just three traffic citations and one other entry that says "UNSPECIFIED." The unspecified entry has no more information (no date, no charge, nothing). We believe that Oatley faced a charge at one point but was probably found not guilty and had the government expunge the record. That would explain why the only record of it comes from a private company. It is also possible that he was convicted and completed a diversion program or completed a sentence and sought expungement later. Whatever he did or did not do he was in Transcor custody once, they took a picture of him, and that information is still publicly available. Why is Steve Oatley a Snitch? Steve Oatley is a snitch because we heard him say on his stream one day that he had reported threats he allegedly received to the FBI. We don't have the exact URL and timestamp because when we tried to find it the video was like 5 hours long and we just could not find it again. We may look for it again time permitting. At the time we heard it we decided that other things were more worthy our time. We have since not only had this encounter, but have heard of trolls that follow him ganging up on live streamers to get their pages banned by spamming Facebook with frivolous abuse complaints. We don't know if Steve himself has anything to do with that and we have heard him denying any involvement on the stream, so we are giving him the benefit of the doubt and not accusing him of personally being behind any of that at this time. He is also a snitch because we heard him say on his stream that he is saving all of the footage from the live streamers for the purpose of giving it to the government for use in criminal prosecutions. One of his *followers told us "We are always recording what's going on so it cant be deleted". So, Oatley is shepherding a flock of rats. Companies Linked to Oatley: North American Association of Transportation Service Providers Inc. Capacity Logistics Group Inc. Dominion Mechanical Expedited Ventures Company Low Tide Management Inc. TLG Holding Company Emails Linked to Oatley: live[at] lowtidemanagement[at] steveoatley1[at] therealsteveo[at] oatley21[at] STEPHEN RICHARD OATLEY 1185 SE PURITAN LN PORT SAINT LUCIE, FL 34983-3225 *Note: We know the name of the follower but told him or her that they could remain anonymous in another story, so we are honoring our word by keeping that person anonymous here.#stephenoatley #freightbrokerlive #transcor #andrewkimmel #fbi


Monday, July 27, 2020

Portland Residents Gassed by Federal Officers in Downtown Apartments

The Oregonian reported today that officers have been gassing innocent downtown Portland residents in their homes while targeting Antifa and Black Lives Matter demonstrators near the Oregon Art Museum. One woman, who lives in one of the apartments in that area, reported incidents of tear gas fired by officers with the Portland Police Bureau entering her apartment in recent weeks. The role of tear gassing people in that area has largely been taken over by federal officers with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Border Patrol, and U.S. Marshals. We know that there are several apartment buildings along the downtown Portland park blocks and that federal officers have been pushing all the way up to those areas at times even thought the park blocks near the Oregon Art Museum are some distance from the federal building that they were sent to defend. The Portland Police are primarily to blame for most of the tear gas that those residents have been subjected to this summer, so one resident filed a lawsuit against the City of Portland for battery, negligence and nuisance. She asked for $10,000 but settled for $1,000. Hopefully, a federal lawsuit will follow against the federal officers that have also been tear gassing people in their homes, but suing the federal government is far more difficult. They would have to overcome sovereign immunity and that would require that they prove that federal officers knowingly battered people in their homes while operating within the scope of their employment. Otherwise they can only go after individual officers under Bivens v. Six Unknown Named Agents ( but they would still face a high bar to prove that the officer knew of a risk to the apartment residents specifically and therefore were deliberately indifferent to them. #homelandsecurity #borderpatrol #usmarshals #teargas #lawsuit


Sunday, July 26, 2020

Names of U.S. Marshals Read Out Loud by Protesters

Protesters in Portland, Oregon used a bull horn to read off a list of names. Those names were those of United States Marshals stationed in Portland, Oregon. We have a video of the reading embedded below this article and you can read the flier for yourself (pictured above). We already had some of the names and more information about some of them so we added some of that information. Names of U.S. Marshals called out last night: Brian A. Petty Laura A. Polson John R. Shoemaker Brad A. Sholer Andrew R. Simpson James A. Stratton Timothy N. Sundhelm Eric L. Wahlstrom Bryce E. Collins Lawrence J. Gloth Kara L. Kinney Peter W. Cajigal Kyle B. Cozart Jason L. Ferrell Rafael A. Medrano Eduardo Sanchez Vanessa M. Siemasz Martin Sobczyk Jacob S. Kabrud Jesse M. Lindgren Aaron D. Pfenning Craig Slack Robert W. Gerg Alberto Aguilar Tabeth Aguilar Barbara J. Alfano Bryon P. Carroll Anthony S. Cowan Troy D. Gangwisch Donald F. Holden Brian C. Kelly Eric A. Kinney Karl R. Knobbs Jonathan W. Lobell Rodney Lowe Patrick J. McGarrah John Moody Christopher M. Roberson Christopher J. Tamayo Brian C. Nelson Seth E. Weigel Marc E. Nordquist As you can see someone probably did a thorough audit of social media sites like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter for anyone that self identified as being associated with the U.S. Marshals in Portland, Oregon. They probably went through Google looking for news coverage as well. The list includes Peter W. Cajigal who is the Chief of the United States Marshals in Portland according to his LinkedIn profile. The last name on the list is that of a guy who spied on the founder of Cop Blaster for many months and testified against him in court, you can learn more about that by clicking the link under Marc Nordquist's name. We also have a some names to add: Wilson Culwell Deputy US Marshal at United States Marshals Service Eugene, Oregon Area 19 connections Contact info Scott Linde Part-time Security Guard at U.S. Marshals Service Cory Cunningham Deputy U.S. Marshal at U.S. Marshals Service Portland, Oregon Area 4 connections Contact info Robert Gerg Supervisory Deputy US Marshal at US Marshals #antifa #marcnordquist #petercajigal #civildisobedience


Protesters Picket Outside the Home of Acting DHS Secretary Chad Wolf

We posted the home address of Acting DHS Secretary Chad Wolf almost two weeks ago ( and today a group of peaceful protesters gathered outside his home. We hope that we helped motivate them but we think they came up with the idea on their own and found his address easily like we did. The address is: Chad Frederick Wolf 1509 CRESTWOOD DR ALEXANDRIA, VA 22302 Our first post that included this address mysteriously disappeared from Google. We did not receive a notice of a manual action and according to our Google Search Console the page is still on Google, but when you search for the page it is gone. Is DHS working with Google to bury personal information about high ranking officials? Maybe, it could have been that Google's algorithm decided that more recent articles about Wolf were more important or that the tag archive is good enough, but usually that kind of decision does not completely remove a page from Google's search engine results pages (SERPs). We think someone at Homeland Security got Google to shadow ban the page, but we know how to get around that. We have had Google shadow ban pages on other sites before and all you need to do is change the URL of the page and submit the new URL to Google. That can be done via Search Console or just by posting a new link to the new URL where Google can find it. The URL change can be done by changing the post title, but there are also other large scale automated solutions that we have implemented elsewhere that we could easily implement here. We call it the Anti-Censorship Search Engine Rehabilitation Program (ACSERP) and if these types of shadow bans become widespread we will implement ACSERP on Cop Blaster. When ACSERP is added to a site, any URL that is removed from Google gets changed slightly and that causes Google to add it back to SERPs. The end result is an infinite loop of removals, URL changes, and re-indexation.#chadwolf #homelandsecurity #civildisobedience #google


Vietnam Veteran Mike Hastie Pepper Sprayed in the Face in Portland

Vietnam Veteran Mike Hastie was just sprayed in the face with mace on camera while he was trying to talk with federal agents in downtown Portland. The video was shot by Andrew Kimmel, he is still streaming live at and we will try to find a copy of the actual spraying ASAP. For now we are embedding a video of Mike Hastie that is part one of a series with him by The Peace Report called "Ask a Vietnam Veteran Anything." Hastie was walking peacefully alongside federal agents in downtown Portland near the federal courthouse. Because he is a photographer he had every right to be there taking pictures after a riot had been declared and he posed no threat to the feds whatsoever. Hastie said he was born in 1945, so that would make him at least 75 years old. We watched live on Facebook as he told the feds about the atrocities he was a part of in Vietnam and how he swore an oath to protect the country. Their response was to spray his entire face with pepper spray. Eventually some protesters were able to get him some water to flush out his eyes. While he was getting treatment he mentioned that he was an Army medic with the 10th Cavalry in Vietnam and a recipient of the Bronze Star. He now is a photographer that has spoken for the group Veterans for Peace all over America. He was most likely part of the Wall of Vets that were peacefully protesting earlier. We thank Mr. Hastie for his service#mikehastie #veteransforpeace #andrewkimmel #photography


Black Lives Matter March on Marriott in Downtown Portland

About a week after Black Lives Matter and Anitfa activists tracked down the hotels that federal officers are staying at, a large crowd of peaceful protesters marched on the Marriott Hotel on the waterfront in downtown Portland, Oregon tonight. They waved signs, gave speeches, and chanted "kick them out Marriott." We are not involved with organizing the protests at all but we do support them and have been advocating online for such a march. We also created a petition a couple days ago that already has over 2,000 signatures on asking Marriott to stop renting rooms to federal officers. Please sign the petition at and boycott all Marriott owned businesses. Earlier this week we posted that reputable online sources had accurately named the Marriott downtown as well as the Residence Inn by Marriott at Jantzen Beach ( We believed the information to be accurate because after it was posted DHS Secretary Chad Wolf released a statement saying that "violent anarchists" had follows federal agents to their hotels and posted the locations of their lodgings online. Our petition on followed Wolf's admission. The protest at the Marriott was entirely peaceful and the crowd has since gone back to the federal courthouse where federal officers attacked them with tear gas and other crowd control weapons like they do every night. Tonight's victims included the Wall of Mom and the Wall of Vets. The former is a group of women with children that lock arms in front of the courthouse. The Vets are a group of disabled veterans that do the same thing. Hopefully Marriott gets the message and kicks the feds out of their hotels. They have the right to refuse to do business with them. Hopefully other hotels will take notice and exercise their right not to rent to them as well. Eventually we hope that they will be forced to pitch tents or couch surf with local federal employees. Current Marriott tenants include agents with the Department of Homeland Security, Border Patrol, Customs and Border Protection, Federal Protection Service, and the United States Marshals Service. They were deployed under direct orders from President Donald Trump for the stated purpose of protecting federal buildings and monuments. Their brutal tactics led to a restraining order banning them from targeting journalists (, but they continue to target them anyway. Last night independent journalist Tre Stewart was hospitalized after being shot in the nuts ( and reported seeing other men there that were also shot in the nuts, so the feds have started aiming below the belt and we recommend all male protesters buy athletic cups like Tre did today. Image source: #blacklivesmatter #antifa #boycott #homelandsecurity


Saturday, July 25, 2020

Is Pettis County Sheriff Kevin Bond with the Boogaloo Bois?

Yesterday, when I heard that the Boogaloo Bois were in town I wanted to learn more about them, so I Googled them. The result was a shirt that I thought I had seen before on Pettis County Sheriff Kevin Bond. It turns out not to be the same shirt exactly, but is is pretty close, close enough to ask, is Kevin Bond with the Boogaloo Bois? The shirt in question can be seen worn by Boogaloo spokesman Mike Dunn at a rally in Richmond earlier this summer in the above photo and in the video below. As you can see Kevin Bond (pictured right) is wearing a strikingly similar shirt. We already know that Kevin Bond runs his department as he wishes, covering up for dirty deputies, and has worked with members of local Masonic lodges, but is all this part of a broader Boogaloo conspiracy involving the Sheriff, his shirt points to yes. Learn more about the Boogaloo movement on Wikipedia at where it says among other things that shirts like the one worn by Bond are basically the Boogaloo uniform. Could Bond be building an army of dirty deputies loyal to him for the purpose of preparing for a second American Civil War? Anything is possible at this point. If he is an older Boogaloo he is probably among the older part of the movement that some accuse of include white supremacists. That would explain why he treats 25 year old Hannah Fizer, who was brutally murdered by a deputy while dating a black man, like she was less than human.#kevinbond #boogaloobois #hannahfizer #mikedunn


Portland Stabber Blake David Hampe Has Child Porn Conviction

Blake David Hampe is a convicted sex offender with a prior federal conviction for child pornography. You can view some of his sex offender paperwork in the PDF uploaded with this article. Hampe was caught on camera stabbing a Trump supporter last night at a Black Lives Matter protest in Portland, Oregon. Upon further review of the tape it does look like that Trump supporter, who goes by the online handle Black Rebel, was physically harassing Hampe just before the stabbing, and it is likely that Hampe may have feared for his safety due to that harassment, but the courts in Multnomah County have recently ruled that such harassment is not grounds for a self defense claim. Earlier this year a jury convicted Jeremy Joseph Christian of murder and assault for stabbing three men on a max train in 2017. Jeremy Christian had a much better argument for self defense than Hampe does because Christian had been thrown on the ground and into a seat with another person in it by Micah Fletcher before he stabbed Fletcher and two other men in the neck ( We thought that Christian had a valid self-defense claim with regards to Fletcher because Fletcher had thrown Christian on the ground while telling him to "get off the max" and in so doing committed a felony against Christian by telling him to leave the train. The felony in that case being coercion on the grounds that Fletcher had no legal right to kick Christian off the train and therefore was deliberately placing him in fear of physical injury for the purpose of compelling him to do something he had a legal right to abstain from doing, which was leave the train. Christian we felt had a valid argument that he was defending himself from a violent felony being committed against his person by Fletcher (, but that the argument did not extend to the stabbing of Ricky Best, whom Christian himself admits did nothing to him. Our position was that because of Fletcher's conduct and Christian's dual diagnosis (Autism and PTSD) that the appropriate verdict in that case would have been manslaughter ( We also thought that Christian's life sentence failed to account for his diminished mental capacity and runs the risk of creating some really bad law for people with developmental disabilities accused of violent crimes in Oregon ( We believe that so long as the conviction and sentence of Christian stands that Hampe has no valid self defense claim. The fact that Hampe is a sex offender, that his sex crime involved children, and that Hampe is an Anitfa supporter are three strikes guaranteed to make his time in prison hell or a trip to hell. From what we know of the state prison system, sex offenders including child molesters are only allowed to live in general population if they pay protection money known as "rent" to white supremacist gangs that run the state prisons. We believe that because Hampe is an Antifa supporter that he surely hates white supremacists and that feeling is surely mutual. We believe that he will be a marked man in prison, especially if he is sent to the same prison as Jeremy Christian. Christian follows the news very closely, so if he does not have his name written down already he will soon. We know Jeremy, so it would not be hard for us to make sure Jeremy is waiting for Hampe by the time he goes up state. Lastly, we feel that the Antifa medics that treated Black Rebel before the police arrived are far better examples of the Antifa movement than the weirdo dressed like them last night. Those medics honored their Hippocratic oath by caring for someone even though they surely hate his views. That is a perfect example of the good prevailing over evil. The PDX Bail Fund has not bailed Hampe out, probably because their purpose is for bailing out peaceful demonstrators and not violent sexual predators. Here is his information from the jail website: SWIS ID: 824866 Name: Hampe, Blake David Age: 43 Gender: Male Race: White Height: 5 ft 11 in Weight: 140 lbs Hair: Blonde Eyes: Blue Arresting Agency: Portland Police, Central Precinct Booking Date: 07/25/2020 05:58 AM Assigned Facility: MCDC Projected Release Date: Unknown#blakehampe #antifa #sexoffenders #childpornography


Friday, July 24, 2020

Multnomah County Jail Inmates Gassed by Federal Officers

Federal officers deployed to federal building in downtown Portland, Oregon have been gassing inmates at the Multnomah County Detention Center (MCDC) according to Federal Public Defender Lisa Hay. According to Hay, the gas has been hitting the female inmates on the 8th floor of the Justice Center especially hard. She describes incidents in the early morning hours of women hitting the panic buttons in their cell because they are having trouble breathing and their eyes burn. At least one of them has started breathing through the crack between the door and the floor. This is the direct result of tear gas being used by federal officers on protesters outside the Mark O. Hatfield United States Courthouse across the street from MCDC. The 8th Floor of the Justice Center is the top floor of the housing units at MCDC. MCDC occupies the basement where people are booked, floors 1-3 include Multnomah County Sheriff's Office (MCSO) offices and courtrooms used for arraignments, floors 4-8 are used to house inmates, floors 9-10 are used for things like cooking inmate food and inmate recreation, and the top floors are home to the headquarters of the Portland Police Bureau (PPB). We believe that the intake vents for the ventilation system are all on the roof, but we could be wrong about that. That would explain why most of the complaints from inmates come from women on the 8th floor. Most of the units up there are for women only. It seems like the gas is only a problem during the early morning hours, which is probably why the PPB is not complaining about it too as far as we can tell. For anyone that has not been paying attention, the federal agents at the courthouse, and the other federal building across the street from the opposite side of the Justice Center have been using an outrageous amount of tear gas. They use so much that entire city blocks are engulfed and even people wearing air tight gas masks cannot see through the thick gas. The ventilation systems in correctional facilities are notoriously bad for protecting inmates from pollutants from other parts of the facilities or nearby. That is because all the cells on every floor are connected by vent shafts. At MCDC inmates can talk to other inmates on the floors above and below them through the vents. At other facilities, like the Federal Correctional Institution in Sheridan, Oregon (FCI Sheridan), inmates that are smoking in their cells stink up entire ranges of cells so much that the guards would have to toss them all if they were to have any chance at finding out who was smoking, but fortunately the correctional officers (COs) are usually too lazy to search one cell let alone an entire range, but that benefit has a huge drawback whenever inmates are maced during cell extractions because it gets into the vents and into the nearby cells where inmate end up coughing uncontrollably for hours. Sometimes the smoke is actually coming from COs smoking near the vent outside. This author was personally the victim of mace used by Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) COs against other inmates at the United States Penitentiary in Victorville, California (USP Victorville) at least twice. The first time took place in the 4A housing unit when a couple of my fellow white inmates were putting in work on a dope debt check-in named Dana Devoe because they found out that he had checked in at USP Atwater to avoid paying his debts (check-in is prison speak for requesting protective custody). When the COs came in to break it up they used a lot of mace. That mace got into the ventilation system and I ended up coughing uncontrollably for hours even though my cell was way up on the top tier far away from the scuffle. The second time happened in the Special Housing Unit (SHU) where I was being housed temporarily pending a disciplinary hearing. One day the guy in the cell next to me had a mental health episode and was threatening to kill himself. To disarm him, SHU COs suited up in riot gear, maced him, beat him with a baton, and took him to a dry cell where he was placed in 4 point restraints. The mace came right into my cell via the vent and I had a hard time breathing for awhile. We hope that Lisa Hay pursues a remedy for this to the fullest extent of the law. We hope that she seeks a court order prohibiting the use of tear gas by federal agents on the ground that it violates the rights of pretrial detainees. Unfortunately and Fortunately, the United States Marshals could easily deny her standing to challenge these conditions simply by moving all federal detainees housed at MCDC to the Columbia County Jail in St. Helens (CCJ) or the Federal Detention Center (FDC) in Sheridan (FDC Sheridan). Most federal pretrial detainees with upcoming court dates in the near future are kept at CCJ pursuant to a contract with the Marshals because they charge a lower rate per inmate than the MCSO does. Inmates housed at CCJ are then woken up early in the morning and transported to the federal courthouse where they are kept in holding cells before and after their court appearances. Inmates with court dates further out are usually transported to FDC Sheridan. The only exception to this would be if an inmate cannot be housed at CCJ for any reason. For instance, this author was banned from CCJ by the Columbia County Sheriff after the Sheriff exercised a clause in his contract that allows him to refuse an inmate. He said I was a security risk to the facility because he falsely accused me of recruiting inmates to engage in acts of disobedience on top of the acts I was personally committing. I was a nightmare inmate, but I did not recruit others. There is also a possibility that CCJ might not have enough room to house all the federal inmates currently at MCDC. Fortunately, the MCSO also operates the Inverness Jail, which is where most federal detainees in MCSO custody are kept, so Lisa Hay could seek an order requiring the MCSO to only house federal detainees at Inverness Jail. There is also a possibility of using the Northern Oregon Regional Correctional Facilitiy (NORCOR) in The Dalles. The Marshals also have a contract with NORCOR but use it as little as possible because NORCOR is a 60-90 minute drive from the courthouse. They have housed inmates in NORCOR in recent years, but usually they are on immigration holds and a lot of them are awaiting their date in immigration court in Tacoma, but it is not unheard of for inmates with severe disciplinary histories in Multnomah and Columbia counties to be sent there. This author tried to get sent there in 2018 after being taken back to MCDC on the grounds that the alleged victims in my case were all COs at MCDC directly charged with my custody and we felt that was a due process violation (, but even that was not enough to get me moved there. Conclusion, it is entirely possible for the U.S. Marshals to keep federal detainees from getting gassed in Multnomah County. Unfortunately, even if the Marshals take action to keep federal detainees from getting gassed on the 8th floor of MCDC, most of the inmates on that floor are in county custody because they have cases pending in state court or are serving sentences of less than one year for misdemeanor convictions in that court. We believe that Oregon Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum should sue the federal government on behalf of all MCDC inmates and seek an injunction prohibiting the feds from using tear gas close to MCDC. The argument would be that continuing to do so creates a situation that constitutes Cruel and Unusual Punishment under the 8th Amendment for all sentenced inmates serving sentences and constitutes punishment without due process of law under the 14th Amendment for all pretrial detainees. The reason for the split between the amendments is that the 8th Amendment only applies to inmates serving a formal sentence, so excessive force cases brought on behalf of pretrial detainees have to be brought under the due process clause of the 14th Amendment. If Rosenblum does not sue or is denied standing then we would like to see the ACLU pursue this issue. If the ACLU or a similar group of civil litigators won't take the case then we would like to see their conditions of confinement challenged by the criminal defense attorneys representing the inmates. The quickest remedy we could see them seek would be to stop housing inmates on floors vulnerable to tear gas. If there is no more room at MCDC or Inverness Jail, then release some people for good behavior or on their own recognizance pending trial. They also may want to consider opening the Wapato Jail which is fully constructed and has never been used. Due to all the finger pointing sure to result when this unacceptable situation is challenged, the likelihood of a swift and effective solution is small. The U.S. Marshals will say that they are not responsible for how the MCSO houses inmates and the MCSO will say that they are not responsible for the feds using tear gas. Fortunately, both the feds and the MCSO are both on notice of the problem and there is now an argument to be made that failing to do what they can to help the inmates is deliberate indifference. Deliberate indifference is defined under a subjective recklessness standard, so if a municipality or government employee knows of a substantial risk to someone's health and fails to act or acts with no regard for the person's well being they are subjectively reckless and thus deliberately indifferent. Deliberate indifference was defined by the Supreme Court in Farmer v. Brennan, 511 U.S. 825 (1994) ( "(c) Subjective recklessness, as used in the criminal law, is the appropriate test for 'deliberate indifference.' Permitting a finding of recklessness only when a person has disregarded a risk of harm of which he was aware is a familiar and workable standard that is consistent with the Cruel and Unusual Punishments Clause as interpreted in this Court's cases. The Eighth Amendment outlaws cruel and unusual 'punishments,' not 'conditions,' and the failure to alleviate a significant risk that an official should have perceived but did not, while no cause for commendation, cannot be condemned as the infliction of punishment under the Court's cases. Petitioner's invitation to adopt a purely objective test for determining liability-whether the risk is known or should have been known-is rejected. This Court's cases 'mandate inquiry into a prison official's state of mind,' id., at 299, and it is no accident that the Court has repeatedly said that the Eighth Amendment has a 'subjective component.' Pp.837-840." - David Souter, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States So far all the MCSO claims to be doing is closing the air intake vents in the evening hours and recycling the air internally. They try to make it sound like someone just forgot to do that a couple of nights. Hopefully they can fix it but if it happens again they are responsible for the consequences. The claim by Multnomah County Corrections Health that nobody has been treated for exposure says more about the incompetence and indifference of the medical staff than it does for the effects of the gas. If people are so uncomfortable that the COs are opening the food ports to help them breathe that is a problem. It is not a defense that the gas has not put any of them in the hospital. The whole point of "less lethal" munitions like tear gas is to cause temporary yet uncomfortable and painful symptoms, so they can't simply say that no harm is done because the gas did not require medical treatment.#multnomahcountyjail #lisahay #teargas #usmarshals


Judge Michael Mosman Refuses to Protect the People in His District

United States District Judge Michael Wise Mosman refused to protect the people of his district today by telling Oregon Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum that she lacks standing and presented little evidence of people being snatched off the street. Judge Mosman's decision is like most decisions made by judges in high profile highly politicized case, highly political. According to Judge Mosman the Attorney General of a state lacks standing to challenge the behavior of federal employees in that state on behalf of people in that state because those actions are not "vindicating an interest that is specific to the state itself" (see decision in PDF format by clicking the PDF icon above this article). That opinion sounds ridiculous to us because we are well aware of many incidents in which the state has sued on behalf of the people of Oregon. That is often the case in consumer protections cases when the Oregon Department of Justice Consumer Protection Division files suits against businesses for unfair trade practices that may or may not also be criminal. In such cases the state has the authority to sue on behalf of its citizens, so why is this any different? Mosman thinks that you need a far more widespread pattern of abuse to give the state standing, so unless you have proof that many people are being kidnapped at a rate that guarantees that more will be unless a TRO is issued for the state to have standing. Mosman also went on to claim that the state has no evidence of protesters being snatched off the streets by federal agents despite clear video evidence to the contrary ( Mosman says that just one incident is not enough despite other videos showing officers creeping up on people, trying to snatch others, and many examples of snatching people on non-federal property near the courthouse. When people are being secretly snatched off the streets there is typically little evidence because if there were transparency and evidence it would not be a secret anymore. Perhaps a better approach would have been to seek a ban on arrests unless those arrests are on federal property and in support present evidence of people caught and released near the courthouse. Mosman is a conservative law and order judge appointed by George W. Bush. Like most judges his decisions are highly political. Liberal judges are just as bad. For example, whenever you have a case being brought against a right wing defendant in a liberal court, the judge is likely to do all they can achieve the outcome they want rather than assuring that the law is enforced to the literal letter. They can do this due to the broad discretion they are given and an abundance of conflicting case law in appeals courts that often result in decisions supporting any decision they make. Only when you find a seminal case clearly prohibiting certain conduct do you stand a chance at deterring a judge from doing what they want. The founder of this website for instance, found himself prosecuted as a means of getting around the First Amendment many years ago and that prosecution was led by liberals before a liberal court. That judge did not care about free speech or the Constitution, he just cared about whether or not his speech made people angry and whether or not he would had committed the crime he committed had he not been angering people with his speech. The result was a temporary restraint being put on his speech as a release condition saying that people needed to be protected from how he might respond if people angered by his speech were to start stalking and harassing him again. Until then he always enjoyed the protection of the law, liberals had been unsuccessful at changing the law, so they set up him by harassing him for the purpose of provoking a violent response so that he could be prosecuted for something. That required the government not to enforce the laws on people that committed crimes against him and prosecute him to the fullest extent of the law. He believe that a more conservative court would have been far less sympathetic towards his alleged "victim" and more likely to support free speech in his case. Unfortunately, conservative judges also find excuses to avoid changing the status quo even when doing so is clearly in the public's best interest, especially if that would require other conservatives to act differently. In the case of law enforcement, conservative judges almost always side with them citing a lack of precedent against them or some compelling public interest that is typically served by the police and therefore should not be interfered with. The end result is two different yet equally tyrannical sides, one committed to doing whatever they can to make changes (the liberal), and the other committed to do all they can to avoid changing (the conservative). A good example of liberal persecution is the case against Mark and Patricia McCloskey in St. Louis, Missiouri. The McCloskey's decided to deter protesters from trespassing by standing on their property with guns and in some cases pointing them at people that either stepped on their lawn or came close to it. The liberal city attorney Kim Gardner charged them with unlawful use of a weapon on the grounds that they unlawfully intimidated people for exercising their First Amendment rights and tried to prevent them from continuing to exercise them. If you actually watch footage of the McCloskey's however, you will see that their goal is clearly just keeping people off their property. Pointing a gun and saying "move along" does not chill the free speech of people that were are marching to a different house anyway, it just encourages them to keep going where they intended to go in the first place ( In this conservative case you have a judge that does not want to do anything to help liberals change how police operate in Oregon, so he finds excuses based on current case law for refusing to change anything. DOJ lawyer David M. Morrell urged Mosman not to do anything that would hinder the ability of the police to do their jobs. People like Morrell and Mosman, who used to be the U.S. Attorney for Oregon, love law enforcement and will not do anything to get in their way unless they have no other choice.#michaelmosman #ellenrosenblum #davidmorrell


City of Portland Removal Notice on Federal Courthouse Fence

Portland independent journalist Cory Elia just tweeted a picture of what looks like an official notice from the City of Portland on the new fence that the feds erected around the federal courthouse this week. If this is a real notice it means that the city wants it removed and if the feds do not remove it the city will. Most of the fence is on city property and as the notice says it is blocking a "public right of way." This could be an interesting confrontation waiting to happen. Will the Homeland Security, Border Patrol, and U.S. Marshals personnel that guard the courthouse stop city crews from taking down the fence? If this is a joke then it is a damn good one. UPDATE: This is not a joke ( the city really has demanded the fence be removed.#tedwheeler #homelandsecurity #borderpatrol #coryelia


Thursday, July 23, 2020

Feds Slapped with Restraining Order by U.S. District Judge Mike Simon

United States District Judge Michael Simon slapped the federal government with a temporary restraining order (TRO) today banning federal officers from using force or threats against journalists and legal observers by exempting them from dispersal orders. This order is virtually identical to the one Judge Simon issued against the Portland Police earlier this month ( That TRO successfully deterred the Portland Police from targeting journalists and legal observers for the most part, but the feds responded by targeting journalists and legal observers themselves. They also started using tear gas and "less lethal" munitions indiscriminately again crowds full of peaceful demonstrators. The TRO is in response to a lawsuit filed by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) challenging the above mentioned tactics. They used examples including the beating of former Navy Lieutenant Chris David ( and the shooting of Donavan LaBella. Simon cited these examples in support of his order. David had been beaten with a baton just for standing in front of the federal courthouse while trying to speak with federal officers about their oath. LaBella was sent to a hospital with skull fractures and needed surgery just because he was holding a speaker box above his head across the street from the federal courthouse (see video below). To read about more examples see the source link above this article. Andrew Warden argued against the TRO on behalf of the Department of Justice. Warden took the position that the TRO would make it too difficult for federal officers to do their jobs. According to Warden, journalists and legal observers have "no special rights of access above and beyond the public." That was the case before the TRO, but now because Judge Simon recognizes the importance of freedom of the press in a free society, federal officers must recognize that journalists and legal observers do in fact have rights of access above and beyond the general public. Warden also blew off questions about the training of the U.S. Customs and Border Patrols tactical unit (BORTAC) saying he was not aware of what specialized training they have and that they are typically deployed to ports of entry along the southern border. An internal DHS memo leaked last week showed that BORTAC agents lack crowd control training ( #aclu #homelandsecurity #andrewwarden #borderpatrol


Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler Tear Gassed by Federal Officers

Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler got a taste of his own medicine during a publicity stunt outside the federal courthouse in Portland, Oregon just a few minutes ago when federal officers gassed him. He was standing up against the fence outside the federal courthouse when a giant cloud engulfed him and his security guards led him away. He had suffered a little bit of gas earlier but nothing like that. After his first gassing he commented about house he was overwhelmed by the symptoms and that he did not see how anyone could follow directions during something like that. He said he was focused just on what the gas was doing to him. He looked shocked and like he probably would have stayed longer, so maybe I am jumping the gun when I say that I agreed with the people that called him a coward when he left. Hopefully, if the good speech he gave earlier meant anything he will be back tomorrow and better prepared. We should have had some good video, but our admin's computer screwed up and did not record his screen. He hit Window+Alt+R like he always but it just did not start recording, so we are looking for some good footage to add to this post. UPDATE: Here is some great footage that really capture what happened to Ted tonight.#tedwheeler #teargas #homelandsecurity


Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Photographer Embedded with Feds Wearing Pants From U.S. Marshals?

Activists on social media are wondering, who is this guy? Some call him a "citizen journalist" while others think he is a cop. What is for sure is that if he is a reporter then somebody has a journalist embedded with the federal police units in Portland taking pictures of protesters and they are not sharing his work online, which kind of defeats the purpose of having a reporter there at all. We think he probably works for one of the agencies involved and is not a journalist at all. Technically he could be from any one of several agencies including the Department of Homeland Security, Federal Protective Service, U.S. Marshals, or Customs and Border Protection all of which have been noticeably active guarding the courthouse. We believe based on his attire that he is probably a U.S. Marshal, but we are not sure and his build raises doubts as well as his function as a photographer. U.S. Marshals in Oregon are well known for wearing khaki cargo pants identical to the pants in the photo. They typically wear them when doing some sort of field work such as transporting prisoners from the Multnomah and Columbia County jails to the Federal Detention Center (FDC) in Sheridan or from FDC Sheridan to the Oregon Air National Guard base at Portland International Airport. They also started wearing them when taking inmates to and from court and in the courtrooms when the court stopped making them wear suits in the courtrooms. Most people probably would be surprised to see the way the Marshals dress sometimes because they usually look quite casual. Often they show up wearing t-shirts, khaki cargo pants, and hiking boots, but the shirts usually have some sort of U.S. Marshals insignia, but they probably ditch that in the field when they don't want people to know who they are working with. If he is with the Marshals then he is the skinniest male U.S. Marshal that we have ever seen. Usually their men are pretty stocky, while this guy has no noticeable muscles whatsoever. It could be a woman, they have some pretty manly looking gals working for them too. The last possibility would probably be the FBI. The Portland FBI Field Office employs some shockingly young small skinny dudes and their job is to investigate criminal complaints, so it would make sense for them to want to embed an agent to take photos even if the FBI is not charged with guarding the courthouse at all.#usmarshals #photography #fbi #homelandsecurity #borderpatrol


Deputy Assistant Attorney General David Morrell Defends Feds in PDX

Deputy Assistant Attorney General David Morrell went to bat for the Government in federal court today in response to a lawsuit filed by Oregon Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum on behalf of the people of the State of Oregon. Morrell told United States District Judge Michael W. Mosman that Rosenblum's request for an order restricting the conduct of federal officers so that their conduct does not violate the First, Fourth, and Fifth Amendment rights of lawful demonstrators would have a "chilling effect" on the ability of law enforcement to do their jobs. Restraints such as not retaliating against people for exercising their First Amendment rights, getting warrants or warrant exceptions before searching or arresting people, and affording people due process under the law have long been practices disfavored by law enforcement. According to media coverage (see source link above article) Judge Mosman, a conservative appointed by George W. Bush, seemed to take issue with Rosenblum's case and only seemed to agree that is appears at least one protester was unlawfully detained. Mark Pettibone is the name of the man featured in a viral video (clip included in video below) getting kidnapped by federal officers in an unmarked SUV from Enterprise. In the video you can see two men in military fatigues get out of the car, walk up to Pettibone, and arrest him without using any words. As a result, Pettibone had no way to know if they were police or possibly right wing militiamen volunteering to help Trump. Like most federal judges appointed by Bush, Mosman has a reputation as a law and order judge, so this case will be uphill battle for Rosenblum. David Morrell is a typical Trumpite who was appointed to his current position after serving as Associate Counsel to the President. Normally, when the feds are sued in Oregon they are represented by someone from the local U.S. Attorney's Office, so for him to come in from Washington just for this shows that the government means business. The most recent property listing we could find in public records for Morrell is the following address which he appears to have owned since 2018, so there is a good chance this might actually be his current address. DAVID M MORRELL MALE DOB: NOV-1984 AGE: 35 1062 DALEBROOK DR ALEXANDRIA, VA 22308-2017 Along with that address were several older addresses the timelines of which appear to mirror Morrell's career as he moved from California to Texas and the Washington D.C. area. We are listing this address for peaceful protesters seeking to air their grievances in a non-violent yet more personal fashion than they can through his office. We ask that no one threaten anyone at this location, refrain from damaging property, and do not physically harm anyone. This address is public record and can be obtained from countless online background check services for a small fee, but if you Google the address with his name you will see that it is available for free in elsewhere including the official website for the California State Bar ( He is of course not at this address right now and probably does not spend much time there. We believe that he is at a Hotel in Portland, Oregon most likely owned by Marriott Hotels ( Alexandria, Virginia seems a popular town for federal employees working in nearby Washington D.C. Morrell shares a zip code with Acting Secretary of Homeland Security Chad Wolf ( Like other recent address postings this is intended to be temporary. We will remove this once the current situation in Oregon is resolved. If Mr. Morrell wants it removed sooner he has three options: 1) Recuse himself from any and all lawsuits stemming from the federal crack down on protesters since the death of George Floyd. 2) Settle Rosenblum's lawsuit by agreeing to comply with all of her requests. 3) Hold a press conference asking Trump for permission to settle Rosenblum's lawsuit by agreeing to all of her requests and say at that conference that he is doing so at the request of #ellenrosenblum #michaelmosman #homelandsecurity


Annoying Protester Unnecessarily Gassed by Retreating Feds in Portland

Federal officers deployed to "protect" the federal courthouse in Portland, Oregon used unnecessary force when they needlessly gassed an annoying protester last night. The protester was standing at SW 4th and Salmon across the street from Lownsdale Square which had been cleared out by the feds, so they took up a perimeter defensive position around the square. Lownsdale Square is federal property, so that is why they have no problem kicking people out by any means necessary and guarding the place. After the gas had largely cleared and people were not doing much of anything an annoying man started taunting them. He claimed to be associated with Jeffrey Epstein's whistleblowers, Portland Mayord Ted Wheeler, and Oregon Governor Kate Brown. He told them to "look it up on Twitter" (we did and could not find anything) and said "shoot me." Then they shot tear gas at him and retreated back to the courthouse. What threat did this guy pose to them? He was not threatening them or standing in a place they needed to get to, in fact they were leaving when they attacked him. Does he deserve to be gassed just for being annoying? We don't think so. Federal agencies involved include the Department of Homeland Security, Federal Protective Service, Border Patrol, and U.S. Marshals. They were deployed under Donald Trump's order to protect federal buildings and monuments. The sidewalk across the street and the ears of people in that area are not federal buildings or monuments. His attack on their ear drums and mental health is not an assault in the legal sense and does not justify using force to defend against.#homelandsecurity #borderpatrol #teargas #jeffreyepstein #assault


Feds Shoot Bean Bag Rounds at Protesters in Portland, Oregon

Federal officers attacked protesters in Portland, Oregon with bean bag rounds fired out of shotguns tonight. After the feds went back into the courthouse, the protesters found the above pictures shell casing on the street. It also appeared on a live streams as thought some sort of canister fired by the feds started a fire in the park. The park had been filled with grills that people use to cook food for protesters. At least one protester was shot in the head. We will update this post when we have video of the shooting. Bean bag rounds are dangerous. Check out the Wikipedia link above this article to learn just how dangerous they are. Officers involved are from several agencies including the Department of Homeland Security, Border Patrol, and United States Marshals. In response to this type of behavior we have started petition asking Marriott Hotels not to rent rooms to federal officers anymore. Please sign the petition at #borderpatrol #usmarshals #antifa #assault


Willamette Week Takes Action Supporting Acting DHS Secretary Chad Wolf

Willamette Week recently assisted the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) by taking action to shield acting DHS Secretary Chad Wolf from accountability for his actions towards the city of Portland and the state of Oregon They did this by censoring a comment we left on an article by Aaron Mesh in which Mesh appeared to oppose the presence of federal troops in Oregon. The comment read: "While Mr. Wolf was standing outside I received a phone call from someone that works in that building. The caller was complaining about addresses posted on the Cop Blaster website including that of a residence known to be owned by Chad Wolf, but I would be shocked if he were actually living there right now." As the above image shows that comment was removed. By removing this comment they made it more difficult for peaceful demonstrators to learn about places where they are more likely to be capable of making Secretary Wolf hear their voices. Willamette Week's actions clearly show their true colors. They are not an ally of the people in this fight. They try to look supportive but when the dookie hits the fan they are just as lame as the rest of the mainstream media. We ask that you no longer visit the Willamette Week website or contribute to them in any way. They are traitors to the people of Oregon that are helping the feds occupy our city.#chadwolf #willametteweek #homelandsecurity #censorship #aaronmesh


Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Are Federal Agents Staying at the Marriott Hotel in Downtown Portland?

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) issued a press release recently that said "Violent anarchists published personal lodging and rental details of DHS employees on social media, detailing exact locations including entrance and exit points of lodging, harassing rental and lodging staff, and asking individuals to acquire tools for attacks. " After learning of this we asked around and were told by persons connected with the Portland protests that one of those lodging locations is the Marriott Hotel on the waterfront in downtown Portland at the above address. We ask that no one acquire tools for attacks or do anything violent, but we do ask that people pressure Marriott Hotels not to do business with the federal government and evict these unruly tenants from their property. We encourage peaceful demonstrators to picket Marriott Hotels until they agree not to rent rooms to federal officers. In addition to the Marriott, we have been told that they are also staying at some properties in the Jantzen Beach area. #BoycottMarriott LEGAL NOTICE: Publishing locations of hotels where federal officers are renting rooms does not violate 18 U.S.C. 119 because their hotel is not a "home address." #homelandsecurity #borderpatrol #usmarshals #antifa #marriott


Attempted Kidnapping by Federal Agents Foiled by Portland Protesters

The Portland protests saw one of their funniest moments tonight when federal officers tried to kidnap another Antifa member only find out just how untrained they really are. Check out this video (source: where the feds try another snatch and grab kidnapping outside the federal courthouse when Antifa comes to the rescue and frees their comrade. When the New York Times reported on the Homeland Security memo in which DHS said that their people in Portland lacked crowd control training, a DHS spokesperson was quick to try and make their people look properly trained on Twitter by saying "All DHSgov components cross designated to defend federal facilities in Portland had their training records reviewed to ensure their tasked missions aligned with their appropriate training."(" How do those reviews and training look now? Clearly the people tasked with defending the federal courthouse are not well trained if they are getting man handled by a bunch of skinny unarmed kids from Antifa. It seems that unless they are outnumbering people and taking people by surprise from unmarked cars they rented from Enterprise ( that they really are not that tough. Watch the video below for good laugh. UPDATE: The original poster of the video managed to upload a rotated copy. Notice how he pulls out his sidearm at the end? That is not a taser, that is a real gun and it looks like he almost used it. Had a properly trained person been there he would not have ended up on the ground in the first place. Check out the new video at UPDATE: We managed to rotate the original so that it is at the right angle without the cell phone in the picture#homelandsecurity #borderpatrol #usmarshals #antifa #kidnapping


Mark and Patricia McCloskey Charged with Unlawful Use of a Weapon

In American everyone has the right to defend their property and under the Second Amendment they have the right to bear arms. When someone steps on your property without your permission, you have the right to tell them to leave, and if they refuse to leave you have the right to use force, so why are Mark and Patricia McCloskey charged with unlawful use of a weapon? On June 28, 2020 they made international headlines and earned praise from Donald Trump when they stood on their front lawn with guns to deter protesters from trespassing on their property. That is not a crime and it certainly is not unlawful use of those weapons. They did not hurt anyone, they simply made it known that if they came on their property that they would get hurt, and from the look of it some people stepped on their lawn anyway. They had every right in the world to point guns at people trespassing on their private property and tell them to leave. Whether or not the protesters were peaceful (they were) is irrelevant to the fact that they were trespassing on private property. These charges have no basis in law and like anyone these people should not be charged with crimes they did not commit for political reasons. Had President Donald Trump not Tweeted their picture full of compliments we don't think that the Democratic city prosecutor of St. Louis Kimberly Gardner would have even bothered pursuing the matter. People need to realize that just because Trump Tweeted his endorsement that the McCloskey's didn't do this for political reasons. They noticed a peaceful crowd of protesters coming towards their house, some of the protesters stepped on their property, and they wanted them to stay off their property. When we see liberals beaten in the streets by the police we support their right to protest and condemn the brutality of their abusers, but that goes both ways. We cannot oppose vindictive prosecution of protesters and at the same time favor filing frivolous charges against two people that chose to exercise their Second Amendment rights on their own land for the limited purpose of keeping people off of it. Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner said "It is illegal to wave weapons in a threatening matter at those participating in nonviolent protest, and while we are fortunate this situation did not escalate into deadly force, this type of conduct is unacceptable in St. Louis." Had the McCloskey's simply pointed weapons at people to keep them from protesting we would agree with her, but they were on their own property and they were pointing weapons at people to keep them off their property. The McCloskey's never told them not to protest. They just didn't want them to protest on their property. The First Amendment gives people the right to peaceably assemble in public, but it does not give them the right to do so on private property without permission from the property owner. That is why the protesters that sat on the law of the Kentucky Attorney General were arrested for trespassing ( Had Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron been home we would have supported his right to stand on his lawn with a gun and demand that they not trespass. We hope that by posting the following information people will protest on public property in support of the McCloskey's provided one of them is in fact her current address (we are not sure if they are current because conflicting sources state that each one is, but it is the best we can find): KIMBERLY M GARDNER 5352 DELMAR BLVD SAINT LOUIS, MO 63112 2017 - Now 4602 NATURAL BRIDGE AVE SAINT LOUIS, MO 63115 1993 - 2020 The right have called us violent anarchists, communists, and worse for posting home addresses of police officers that have abused liberals even though we clearly urge people just to protest at those locations. That goes both ways, so if we see conservatives being persecuted by a liberal politician we will support picketing them at home just like we support groups like those that were protesting at the McCloskey's house to protest on public property. We were very vocal supporters of Citizens for Constitutional Freedom and have frequently advocated against state and federal authorities for wrongfully shooting their people ( just like we have advocated against police using excessive force on blacks ( because we consider the cops that murdered Lavoy Finicum and George Floyd to be murderers undeserving of protection from the government. We would love to see a big crowd of Three Percenters and Oath Keepers outside Gardner's home exercising their First and Second Amendment rights to peacefully protest just like they did at the Bundy Ranch in Bunkerville, Nevada ( We are of course willing to remove Ms. Gardner's address should she come to her senses and drop all charges against the McCloskey's, but we have no reason to think that she would ever actually do that. Fortunately, the Attorney General of Missouri has voiced his intention to intervene in the case and hopefully he is successful (see video below). It might surprise people to see us cite Fox News as a source because of how pro-Black Lives Matter we are, but they seem to be the ones supporting the Second Amendment in this case. We are usually on the opposite side of people like Eric Schmidt but in this case we support defending people's right to defend themselves and their property. If the McCloskey's were black and the march was nothing but white conservative Christians we would be saying the same thing. DISCLAIMER: This posting is not an endorsement of politicized statements made by the McCloskey's since the incident at their homes. Specifically their claims that they feared for their lives and that they thought a violent mob would burn their home to the ground. We think they feared for all the expensive stuff in their house and for the integrity of their windows, paint job, and and shrubberies, but that the Second Amendment gives them the right to use guns in defense of those things.#markmccloskey #patriciamccloskey #kimgardner #gunrights


Monday, July 20, 2020

Roy Den Hollander: Men's Rights Activist Lawyer Found Dead

Roy Den Hollander was found dead in his car yesterday while holding a package addressed to United States District Judge Esther Salas near Liberty, New York. The FBI believes that Hollander had shot Judge Salas' husband and son earlier that day. Judge Salas' son died and her husband is still in the hospital. It is not clear whether or not Hollander was wearing a Federal Express uniform like the gunman was accused of wearing. Judge Salas was not hurt but she was home at the time. Hollander was a self identified anti-feminist and men's rights attorney that was suffering from cancer at the time. He was a failure of a lawyer that went out a failure of a hitman. Hollander's murder spree is believed to have began a week ago when a man in a Federal Express uniform gunned down another men's rights lawyer in California. That lawyer was Marc Angelucci. Angelucci was founder of the Los Angeles Chapter of the National Coalition for Men (NCFM) a men's rights activist group. The NCFM specializes in lawsuits challenging laws that enable feminine privilege. Such challenges typically challenge laws that give women an advantage over men in some situations. Hollander was also a member of NCFM. Hollander's website ( is full of hateful statements directed at women including several self published books. He is believed to have referred to Judge Salas in one of those books as "a lazy and incompetent Latina judge appointed by Obama." Salas was presiding over a lawsuit filed by Hollander challenging the Selective Service laws as violations of women's rights that only allow men to register, but the real argument was that it discriminated against men by making them register and not women. Hollander might have had a point on that one, but he was never very good at arguing those points in court. His cases consist mainly of frivolous challenges to things "ladies night" at Manhattan night clubs that were thrown out of court. He was a failure of a lawyer, but possibly a necessary evil in the courtroom because there always need to be lawyers willing to argue anything. Hollander appears to have targeted Judge Salas because of his views towards women in authoritative positions. He probably thought that if he could get her off the case that the case would have a greater likelihood of succeeding after he died. He was diagnosed with cancer and it looks like he decided to go out with a bang. He left a message on his website that read "Now is the time for all good men to fight for their rights before they have no rights left." Maybe he was hoping to inspire others on his way out the door, but by missing his mark he probably just inspired Judge Salas to spend the rest of her life on the bench taking out her grief on those that come before her. Anyone that she sentences for anything involving threats to government officials, anti-feminists, or anything that reminds her of Hollander will probably spend a lot more time in prison. Even if Salas does not realize it, there is no way something like this will not effect her views towards those that come before her. By killing her son, Hollander went out as a failure of a hitman that not only left her on the bench, but did so in a way that is sure to make her a vindictive judge if she were not one already. But, why did he kill himself? Maybe he knew how bad medical care is for cancer patients in correctional facilities and just did not want to risk going through that, but he could have shot himself anytime, so if he wanted to go out with a bang why would he stop where he did? We believe that he intended to shoot himself eventually, but are surprised he did it so soon. We would have expected him to move on to other targets until he knew the gig was up. This makes us wonder if he shot himself at all or if maybe he was some kind of Manchurian candidate pre-programmed to shot himself after trying to take out his target.#roydenhollander #esthersalas #usmarshals #murder #fbi
