Thursday, September 3, 2020

U.S. Marshals Shoot and Kill Michael Reinoehl

U.S. Marshals shot and killed Michael Reinoehl the same day that Vice News Tonight aired an interview in which he defended his killing of Patriot Prayer member Aaron Danielson a.k.a. Jay Bishop. Reinoehl torpedoed his self defense claim in the interview, so we don't know if that is why Portland Police issued a warrant for his arrest earlier today. We do know that the U.S. Marshals moved in to arrest him and killed him in Lacey, Washington. We do not know of he was armed or if there is any video of his death. We do know that U.S. Marshals do not wear body cameras, so they can murder people and claim self defense without being held liable. No matter what happened the U.S. Marshals will say that they were justified and unless there was some independent footage of it they will get away with this shooting. Marshals are notorious for coming up on suspect with their guns drawn and threatening to shoot them if they so much as move a muscle. If he so much as tried run into a house or run they would have shot him and said they feared for their life. Hopefully some footage can be found of this shooting. This could have been suicide by police though. Reinoehl torpedoed his self defense claim earlier today when Vice News Tonight aired him giving a story that made no sense ( given the video evidence. We did an in depth as to why we didn't think he had a valid claim anymore due to that interview. To sum it up, he said that he acted to defend a person of color that the thought Danielson was going to stab. We could find no such likely victim in the footage of the incident. #usmarshals #michaelreinoehl #jaybishop #antifa


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