Monday, September 14, 2020

Stephen Sokoloff Calls The Murder of Hannah Fizer "Justified"

Special Prosecutor Stephen Sokoloff is defending the murder of Hannah Fizer inSedalia, Missouri by saying that he will not file charges against Deputy Jordan Schutte. In so doing Sokoloff is actively aiding and abetting a murderer and in our opinion that makes him as well as Pettis County Sheriff Kevin Bond ( just as guilty as the man that pulled the trigger. That trigger man is Deputy Jordan Schutte whose wanted poster can be found at and his history can be found at More to come as we dissect his excuses and post our analysis here. We profiled Sokoloff last month ( and refrained from posting his address hoping he would do the right thing and seek justice for Hannah. Because he did not do that we are releasing his last known home address for the purpose of assisting non-violent protesters that want to make themselves heard in person or by mail. That address is: Stephen Paul Sokoloff 1524 ROSEVALLEY DR Jefferson City, MO 65101 We will remove his address if and only if he changes his findings and files charges against Jordan Schutte. As long as Sokoloff continues to aide and abet a murderer, his neighbors and the rest of the world have the right to know that there is a person in their community that protects murderers of innocent women. The same goes for Pettis County Sheriff Kevin Bond. The community has a right to know that he is aiding and abetting a murderer. People that aide and abet murderers are a danger to the community. The danger known as Kevin Charles Bond resides at 4130 Apple Ridge Road in Sedalia, Missouri. We will remove his address if and only if he publicly denounces Sokoloff's findings and fires Jordan Schutte. Because the prosecuting decision is out of Bond's hands now we are not going to demand that he arrest Schutte at this time. Last, but certainly not least is the trigger man himself, Jordan Daniel Schutte of Sedalia, Missouri. His last known address was 1002 S Kentucky Ave in Sedalia, Missouri. We are wiling to remove Schutte's address if and only if he writes and signs a confession stating that he unnecessarily shot Hannah Fizer five times. #stephensokoloff #hannahfizer #jordanschutte #murder


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