Sunday, September 13, 2020

Ricardo Munoz Shot by Police in Lancaster, Protest Mostly Peaceful

The Lancaster Bureau of Police shot and killed a Ricardo Munoz today in Lancaster, Pennsylvania and a mostly peaceful protest followed. We do not know more than that at this time. We will be following this closely and will update this page once we know the name of the officers involved. Police are accusing Munoz of being armed with a knife and say that they were responding to a report of a domestic disturbance. There are no indications that the police tried to deescalate the situation or use less than lethal force at this time, but like the source link says not much is known right now. Body cam footage shows Munoz chasing after an officer with a kitchen knife before the officer shoot him, but unlike Kyle Rittenhouse this officer had a taser and could have at least tried to use less than lethal force. We think he should have tried the taser first and the the gun second, but we are going to say that legally we believe that this officer acted in self-defense. As the video we originally included with this post shows ( this tragedy was followed by a mostly peaceful protest in which a small minority of protesters damaged a police vehicle. A protest is mostly peaceful when most of the protesters are peaceful, so if 6 out of every 10 protesters are peaceful then the protest is mostly peaceful regardless of what the other 40% do. That is why we say that almost all protests since the death or George Floyd have been mostly peaceful because most of the participants have been peaceful. UPDATE: This article has been updated now that we know that the name of the victim was Ricardo Munoz UPDATE: This article has been updated now that body cam footage has been released. #blacklivesmatter #selfdefense #ricardomunoz


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