Saturday, September 5, 2020

Portland Protester Sets Himself on Fire with a Molotov Cocktail

Portland Police failed to intervene and watched a protester burn after setting himself on fire with a Molotov cocktail. Watch the video below for one of the funniest moments from this summer's mostly peaceful protests in Portland, Oregon. The protester appears to throw a Molotov cocktail at the ground right in front of him or maybe he dropped it on his foot. Nobody know why he did it or who he is, but fortunately for him the Portland Police seem intent on letting that burn be punishment enough. They never did anything to put out the fire besides trying to separate the burn victim from other protesters that were trying to help. Why are we complaining about the cops not helping when we want them to be defunded? Because a defunded police force is intended to leave them with just what they need to do stuff that really needs to be done, like putting out fires on people. The police always seem quick to put out fires at government building, but hesitate to put out fires on people. #molotov #deliberateindifference #civildisobedience


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