Thursday, August 27, 2020

So Called Kenosha "Victim" Joseph Rosenbaum was a Sex Offender

When we first defended Kyle Rittenhouse on self defense grounds we had no idea that he did the world a favor, but today we found out that the first guy he shot was a convicted sex offender. Joseph D. Rosenbaum was convicted of sexual contact with a minor in Arizona in 2002. We don't know the age of the child he molested, but whatever he did was bad enough to earn him a profile on the Wisconsin Department of Corrections Sex Offender Registry despite nearly two decades elapsing since his conviction. As the above screenshot shows he was subject to lifetime sex offender registration and was in non-compliance status. You might be wondering why an anti-cop website that advocates for convicts would advocate against Rosenbaum. It is because we only advocate for good convicts that do not have anything wrong their paperwork. Anyone with a history of sex crimes or snitching in their paperwork has bad paperwork, so we do not advocate for them. Child molesters are beyond redemption, so we sincerely hope that Black Lives Matter and Antifa cease and desist from providing Rosenbaum with any support in the future. It is not possible for a child molester to be a hero even if Rittenhouse had not been defending himself. If a convict had done a good job putting in work on Rosenbaum years ago he would have saved the life of the skateboarder that Rittenhouse also shot in self defense after he tried to hit him with his skateboard. This is a good example of why sex offenders get stabbed in prison. They get stabbed because men that are not beyond redemption see an opportunity to redeem themselves by protecting society from sex offenders. Will Anitfa want to make Rosenbaum a martyr so bad that they will tolerate someone with his history? The recent bailout of a sex offender in Portland suggests that they might (see Does this make Rittenhouse a hero? No, Rittenhouse is not a hero because he did not know that Rosenbaum was a sex offender when he shot him. Had he known and shot him for that reason he would be a hero. #josephrosenbaum #kylerittenhouse #antifa #sexoffenders


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