Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Did Property Owners or Employees at Crane Shed Commons Call The Cops?

According to Your Favorite Freight Broker Steve Oatley, property owners and/or employees called the police on anti-ICE protesters at the Crane Shed Commons building in Bend, Oregon today. Oatley fingered them during his Freight Broker Live Protests and Demonstrations broadcast during the protest today. We are not sure if his accusations are true, so keep that in mind when reading this article. We do not endorse Freight Broker Live nor do we consider Oatley a credible source of information, but it is better safe than sorry when identifying possible snitches. We could not find any mainstream news sources specifically saying that people at Crane Shed Commons called the police, so if you want to hear Oatley's accusation you're going to have to click on the source links above the article and find it in his stream once the live feed is over and it becomes archived. Oatley likes to sit around live streaming for the police, by "for the police" we mean that he raises money for law enforcement, takes screenshots of people's faces to send to the police, and constantly advocates for the police. It was during one of his pro-police rants that Oatley pointed out that the protest is being held on private property and claimed that the property owners had already called the police. Crane Shed Commons is right next to the SpringHill Suites by Marriott. Marriott is the same hotel chain that has been housing federal officers sent to Portland, Oregon under the direction of DHS Secretary Chad Wolf after President Trump ordered DHS to protect federal buildings and monuments ( In response to their presence at Marriott, a protest was held ( and an online petition is still circulating asking Marriott to kick them out ( According to DHS Secretary Wolf, the entire augmented federal force is still in Portland and will not leave until they are convinced that the protests have ended ( The protest in Bend, Oregon began today after good samaritans spotted ICE agents kidnapping two Mexicans and blocked their escape by standing in front of the ICE buses. Then a crowd gathered that eventually swelled to a couple hundred people. The Bend Police Department was nice enough to show up for the limited purpose of protecting the First Amendment rights of the protesters. Bend is a sanctuary city where local law enforcement does not enforce federal immigration laws, so they have no reason to help ICE unless the protest becomes violent. One of the buses has Washington license plates that read 72754RP. The vehicles are owned and operated by Geo Transport Inc. Geo Transport is a company that provides law enforcement agencies with secure prisoner transportation services. The protest is going on right now and unconfirmed reports have said that over 50 federal officers are on their way to reinforce the lone pair of bus drivers that are still surrounded with their prisoners inside. Protesters are demanding at a minimum that an immigration lawyer be allowed to board the buses and accompany the prisoners to wherever they are going. Other reports suggest that the protesters might stay there overnight with the hopes of keeping the buses there long enough for a lawyer to seek an injunction against ICE tomorrow. Side note on Oatley, we don't like him so why do we still watch his stream? It is not just because we have been feuding and he has been talking about us. He does a really good job of pointing out where the action is and we like to listen to the live streams while doing other things just in case something happens. If we keep the audio on Oatley we know that he will probably say something when the action picks up. To his credit, he does that really well. #craneshedcommons #marriott #geotransport #immigration


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