Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Kenosha Protester Shot in Self Defense After Throwing Molotov Cocktail

The armed man that shot and killed a protester in Kenosha, Wisconsin last night acted in self defense according to video footage of the incident. In the video below you can see a man with a rifle running away from a group of people, one of those people throws a Molotov cocktail at him, but the Molotov does not explode, so the chase continues and only after the man that threw the Molotov catches up with him does he open fire. As the images above show, you can see the flame both in the hand of the protester and on the pavement. People are already trying to spin this on social media to make it look like the chase was in response to the second shooting, but that is not the case. That footage was immediately followed by this footage ( where you can see the foot chase down the street towards where the second shooting took place being, that chase continued as people yelled "get him" and "he just shot someone" until it appears that one of his pursuers knocked him down at which point he started shooting wildly at anyone he perceived as a threat ( We do not know the identity of the gunman at this time, but the whole world will know his name shortly and sadly he will probably be portrayed as some sort of monster. The Antifa and Black Lives Matter crowd will want to think that their guy died a hero fighting white supremacy, so they are likely to portray the shooter as a white supremacist militiaman that went there looking for an excuse to shoot black people. That could be the case. We know nothing about him and have only known of his existence for a few hours. We do know that he was seen with a group of militia earlier in the evening and that group said that they were there to defend private property ( The Antifa/BLM crowd were clearly not happy to see them. The deceased was seen arguing with the militia at times. We do not know how things escalated into people chasing the shooter with a Molotov cocktail. Whatever inspired the chase does not appear relevant at this point. The shooter was clearly defending himself from an armed assault and it was a proportional response given the fact that Molotov cocktails are deadly weapons. Was the second shooting justified? We believe that it was because of the Molotov cocktail. In his shoes he had every reason to think that the crowd would try to kill him because someone just had. Throwing a Molotov at a person is attempted murder. There will be those that say he was shooting indiscriminately at anyone near him when he fell on the ground, but in a situation like that you can't be too careful when people are trying to kill you. We don't think he had time to figure out who was who and select his targets accordingly. This is not like when Jeremy Christian killed Ricky Best in Portland, Oregon because he felt threatened after another man shoved him to the ground repeatedly. Christian had no reason to think anyone was trying to kill him, but the shooter in Kenosha did. UPDATE: The shooter is believed to be a man named Kyle Rittenhouse #antifa #blacklivesmatter #selfdefense #kylerittenhouse


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