Saturday, August 29, 2020

DDA Angelina Gabriele Charges Teen for Defending Self from Rapist

Kenosha County Deputy District Attorney (DDA) Angelina Gabriele is charging a 17 year old boy for defending himself from a convicted rapist that attacked him earlier this week. Joseph Rosenbaum was convicted in 2002 of having sexual contact with a minor in Arizona, spent several years in prison, and was sentenced to register as a sex offender for the rest of his life ( On August 25, 2020, Rosenbaum attacked 17 year old Kyle Rittenhouse in Kenosha, Wisconsin for unknown reasons, Rittenhouse ran away as fast as he could, and when Rosenbaum closed within feet of him he was shot in the head. The incident was caught on camera and is clearly self defense, but despite that Gabriele charged Rittenhouse with murder. The story does not end there. The incident took place during a protest against the wrongful shooting of a black man by local law enforcement organized by Black Lives Matter and Antifa. When Rittenhouse went to check on Rosenbaum, called someone on the phone, and said "I just killed someone" a crowed began to gather and Rittenhouse ran away obviously fearing for his safety. A small group gave chase and kept screaming at other protesters to "get him" and "he just shot somebody" without telling them that he did it in self defense. As a result of false information, other protesters pounced on Rittenhouse after he tripped and fell. One of those people was also shot and killed ( The second shooting was also caught on camera and the footage clearly shows that he acted in self-defense, but Gabriele charged him for that too. Rittenhouse is now charged with first degree murder, reckless homicide, and other charges including being a minor in possession of a firearm. Rittenhouse is innocent of all charges except the misdemeanor gun possession charge. Kyle Rittenhouse was by all accounts a wannabe cop bootlicker that idolized police officers and posted a lot of stuff online promoting the Blue Live Matter movement. Rittenhouse was obviously working with the police that night. He was allowed to leave the scene of the second shooting by flashing a special hand sign to the police. Police were also seen giving Rittenhouse and other members of the Kenosha Guard militia water while praising them for being there. Their stated purpose was to help protect private property, but we are not aware of them helping police arrest anyone. People are wondering why we would side with a blue backing bootlicker like Rittenhouse. First, when we first analysed the footage of the incident we had no idea who he was or who he was with, so we can't change our conclusion of self defense just because we find out who he was supporting; Second, we do not consider militias that are defending private property without helping the police put people in jail to be cops. We believe that if it were not for the government violating the Second Amendment that every American would be armed, would have the right to defend their property with lethal force, crime rates would plummet out of fear of those property owners, and police would not be needed for the most part. We are against wrongfully charging people with crimes they did not commit no matter what their political ideology is. We also have a little bit of sympathy for Rittenhouse for being a bootlicker due to his age. It is hard to find a boy in America that never thought it might be cool to be a cop someday, but eventually fail in his efforts to become a cop or just learns that there are better things he could be. Hopefully this experience teaches Rittenhouse that the police are not his friends because they set aside their laws when they wish. According to public records, Angelina C. Gabriele is a registered Democrat. Democrats are notorious for selectively prosecuting people they view as right wing and pushing gun control. We believe that Gabriele intends to make a political spectacle to advance her position in the Democratic party and hopefully use it as a stepping stone to advance her career. Democrats will want to use this as an excuse to circumvent the Second Amendment far beyond what the founding fathers would ever consider acceptable. Democrats will look for arguments that the founders could not have foreseen a set of circumstances and therefore those circumstances justify unconstitutional actions. When they do that and are successful they end up proving that the current government of the United States is not a legitimate government. Public records also contain the following information about Angelina C. Gabriele: ANGELINA C GABRIELE DOB: JAN-1970 AGE: 50 3504 108TH ST PLEASANT PRAIRIE, WI 53158-4118 Wisconsin State Bar# 1025039 Graduation Year: 1995 Languages: English Law School: University of Wisconsin Law School WI Admission: 06/19/1995 License Status: Good Standing Member Type: Active We are posting this address for the same reason we have posted addresses of other prosecutors and police in the past, to encourage non-violent peaceful demonstrations at those locations. We usually dox pro-Trump cops but have no problem treating their anti-Trump colleagues just the same as them. We would love to see a peaceful crowd of pro-gun pro-Second Amendment protesters make themselves heard lawfully at that location. We will be sharing this article with people we known to be connected with militia movements and hope that they use it to plan protests in support of Kyle Rittenhouse. We are willing to remove the address if Gabriele drops all charges except the one that Rittenhouse actually is guilty of or if she withdraws from the case. #angelinagabriele #kylerittenhouse #selfdefense #enemiesofliberty


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