Monday, August 26, 2019

FCI Sheridan Inmate Legal Phone Call Request Form

This is the official "INMATE REQUEST TO STAFF MEMBER FOR LEGAL TELEPHONE CALL" form from the Federal Correctional Institution in Sheridan, Oregon (FCI Sheridan). This form is simple and easy to understand. Unfortunately it can be hard to come by for inmates at Sheridan. In general population they can get in from their counselor just by walking into their office and asking. Unfortunately inmates at the Federal Detention Center (FDC Sheridan) have a harder time due to staff shortages that can keep the counselor out of office for long periods of time. Inmates in the Special Housing Unit (SHU) at FCI Sheridan can rarely get a copy of this form because they have to wait for their counselor to do rounds in the SHU. That never happens more than once a week and usually the counselor does not have any copies. Inmates from the FDC in the SHU almost never see their counselor. When this author was in the SHU he only saw his counselor while spending several months in SHU. That counselor was named Waldner and he was from the FDC.#fcisheridan #bopdocuments #governmentforms #shu


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