Thursday, August 1, 2019

Disgraced former Sheriff Dan Staton Claimed to Support Diversity

Before former Multnomah County Sheriff Dan Staton resigned in disgrace and lost a huge lawsuit to a former deputy that he ostracized for reporting use of force statistics that indicated a bias towards black men, Dan Staton presented himself as a champion of diversity. At one point he watched the movie Selma with some black people and commented on camera about how offended he was at the conduct of the Sheriff in Selma back in the 1960s. He should be appalled with his own conduct because his conduct is why the culture at the Multnomah County Sheriff's Office has not changed over the years. I have said before that not all COs are bad people, but when one decides to do the right thing and that decision goes against the status quo at the department. That person will no longer be considered a team player, they will suffer retaliation, and the culture within the MCSO stays the same.#danstaton #multnomahcountyjail #racism #lawsuit #selma


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