Wednesday, July 10, 2019

YouTube Employee Christopher Cukor Calls Cops on Black Man - Son Cried

YouTube employee Christopher Cukor ended up in a viral video when a black man filmed him calling the cops on him while his son begged him not to do it. He repeatedly accused the black man, who was just there waiting for a friend that is a neighbor of Cukor's, of being a trespasser and told the police that the man had been "tailgating" him and he "appears to be African American." His son says things like “Daddy, I don’t like this, let’s go!" and "I agree with him daddy" while the black man, Wesly Michel, tells Cukor that he is going to be the “next person on TV.” A better father would be proud of his son. His son proves that the sins of the father do not apply to him.#christophercukor #racism #weslymichel #youtube #tailgating


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