Saturday, July 13, 2019

Watery Peanut Butter at the Multnomah County Detention Center

Inmates at the Multnomah County Detention Center began waking up to watery peanut butter on their trays last year. Obviously Aramark (the company that provides the food) felt that they could improve their margins watering it down so much that it ran off the bread. Even if that bread were on a level surface a mudflow would drip off the bread onto the plate. You couldn't even think about putting two pieces of bread together because that would just squeeze the peanut butter right out. If it were not as thick as a milkshake I'd call it "peanut water." Having to eat jail food is bad enough without Aramark cutting corners. Aramark has an obligation to make sure inmates get the nutrients they need every day. That is the whole point in putting peanut butter on the menu in the first place. #aramark #multnomahcountyjail #jailfood #peanutbutter


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