Tuesday, July 16, 2019

"COCK Blaster" Ivan Lopez-Mendoza?

As Deputy Lopez-Mendoza assisted with medication rounds in 4E at the Multnomah County Detention Center (MCDC) on April 23, 2017 at around 8:30 PM he looked at me and asked "what is that written on your jumpsuit?" to which I answered "COPBlaster.com" and he said "COCK Blaster!" I froze and took my medication wondering if he really just said what I thought he said. Then as he went out the door, the medical technician turned to him and said "that is a whole different website" to which I responded "very funny." I did some searches for deputies in Portland, Oregon, or Multnomah County named Lopez-Mendoza and found next to nothing. I did however find a testimonial on a Portland State University website by an Ivan Lopez-Mendoza that graduated from PSU and is now a MCSO deputy. The paragraph about him reads as follows: "Portland State University, Mendoza is now a deputy with the Multnomah County Sherriff’s Office. He credits part of his success to I Have a Dream. 'Life would have been much harder without Dreamers because I come from a Spanish-only-speaking family,' he says. 'My parents did not graduate from high school, so could only provide me with moral support.'" He is also listed on a PSU alumni page as now working in law enforcement. I believe after reading this information that the full name of the "COCKBlaster" deputy is in fact Ivan Lopez-Mendoza. This Ivan Lopez-Mendoza is about the same age and is the only online reference I could find to any deputies with that last name at MCSO. In closing, I actually laughed my butt off and I'm just posting this because I thought his joke was really funny.#cockblaster #ivanlopezmendoza #multnomahcountyjail

source https://copblaster.com/blast/162/cock-blaster-ivan-lopez-mendoza

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