Thursday, December 28, 2023

Child Molester Informant Snitch

Child Molester Informant SnitchChild Molester Snitch Informant...................................................................... #childmolester #snitch #informant


Child Molester and Informant

Child Molester and InformantChild Molester Snitch Informant........................................... #informantsnitchchildmolester


Monday, December 25, 2023

Dylan Cuthbert Informant

Dylan Cuthbert Informant Dylan cuthbert has been an informant ever since he got arrested. Why do you think he keeps getting probation? He snitches on people that's why he gets out so fast. Look up jesse stoks he was the informant in his case. Also he snitched on his friend in 2021 to be with his ex-girlfriend. He snitches on a bunch of people especially in Yavapai county. His specialty is getting caught with drugs and blaming his girlfriends on it. He should get beat tf down. #snitch#pant#informant


Narcotics taskforce informant

Narcotics taskforce informantKnown to set up for Kiley berkstrum. Latest was setting up cali plug at rumming y ranch. No one should fuck with her. She runs a surveillance team #narc #controlledbuy


Saturday, December 23, 2023


Youtuber PLANET RANDY CP planetrandy hansels of Woodhull, NY YouTube has gone beyond his taking advantage of young disabled people of the internet asking for money blackmailing the victims into hiding making people believe they lied when actually they told the truth, when the young disabled people of the internet try to tell the truth on planetrandy guy tried to hack there bank email number lied on them to get a whole group of people dislike the person, a year goes bye planetrandy hansels on his best behavior my roommate has a channel manger named randy out of new york he was the only one who had his information and passwords randy uploaded PORN to my roommates channel hacked his channel #planetrandy#hansels


Friday, December 15, 2023

Josh Haley& Brittney his GF

Josh Haley& Brittney his GFJosh Haley buys and sells fentanyl pills but got made and they called the cops on my friend that hooks them up because the got mad over some dumb shyt he's a crybaby tadle tell dont trust or fuck with them #joshhaleyandhisgirlfriendbrittany


Sharon Hill SRO Tyler Humphreys Charged with Raping Children

Sharon Hill SRO Tyler Humphreys Charged with Raping ChildrenTyler Humphreys, a school resource officer (SRO) with the Sharon Hill Police Department (SHPD) has been charged with raping three kids aged nine, fifteen, and nineteen between 2014 and 2022. Humphreys was a school resource officer with the Sharon Hill Police Department at the time of his arrest, and before that, he worked part-time for the Folcroft Borough Police Department. An investigation was launched in November 2023 after Pennsylvania State Police received reports of suspected child abuse. The investigation revealed three victims of Humphreys' abuse. A 9-year-old was forced into sexual acts multiple times from 2014 to 2018 in East Whiteland Township. A 15-year-old girl was reportedly raped by Humphreys after he intoxicated her, and this occurred while she was unconscious in Charlestown Township. A third victim, a 19-year-old female, reported an assault in East Whiteland Township that happened between November 25, 2022, and December 2, 2022, and also disclosed previous abuses dating 2014 through 2018. Humphreys was released after posting a $275,000 cash bail and awaits a preliminary hearing. Investigation into the case continues, with plea for additional information from the public. We don't know what his official status with the SHPD is at the moment but he is likely suspended pending the outcome of the case during which time he may or may not be getting paid. Obviously, paid leave would be outrageous since it would amount to the police violating their oath to protect and serve by paying a child molester's legal bills. According to public records, Tyler J Humphreys is a 21 year old resident of Malverne, Pennsylvania. The last known home address we could find for him was 2002 Conestoga Road. We are making that address available because we think it is in the public's best interest for people to know where people facing these kinds of charges are in the community. Surely parents in his area should appreciate that information. However, the address could be outdated seeing as how we have no boots on the ground to see if he is still there. Please show your appreciation for our research by not approaching the property or harassing him at all. NOTE: Media outlets including the one we are citing as our source have been erroneously misspelling his last name as Humphries. We knew something was wrong when we did a background check for Tyler Humphries and found no candidates for being this guy. Then we ran one for Tyler Humphreys and found someone the same age living in the same city as the above named individual. For that reason we believe that Humphreys is the correct spelling. #tylerhumphreys #sexoffenders #childmolestation


Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Justen Bass - Memphis Informant - Snitch

Justen Bass - Memphis Informant - SnitchJustin Bass of Memphis, TN is a confidential informant to the Shelby County Organized Crime Unit. He got caught multiple times with large amounts of crystal meth & several guns. This was in Bartlett a suburb of Memphis where they will sentence harshly. In Memphis someone caught with this would get at least 15 years in jail. Somehow he has never been charged. Several of his dealers have gotten arrested. No one has ever heard of anyone getting caught with that much dope and GUNS and not having to been charged or indicted. This degenerate loser has been an informant for Shelby County since 2016. I know his mother and she has told me all about him being a meth dealer and addict. The police have came to her and his home and searched it after his multiple arrests. They end up taking him to the OCU office downtown and then she ends up going to pick him up. He told her he worked on deals with them but setting up his dealers and finding new dealers to buy from to stay out of jail Justen Bass is a coward hoe that needs to be dealt with immediately. He knows many people in Memphis of all different affiliations (GD, VL, etc) and he is a liability to everyone he knows. If you know this punk and he knows any of your business you best believe he has told Shelby County Organized Crime Unit about your business He is Justin Bass on Facebook & feadsofsyn369 on Instagram. He brags all about being ADD and having autism. It shows with his lack of intelligence and being a snitch. You can look up his criminal records at for yourself to see. Be careful, everyone knows a coward is the most dangerous person there is. #justin #bass #memphis #snitch #fearsofsyn #justinbass #tn #informant


Saturday, December 9, 2023

Confidential Informant sells and uses illegal Drugs with immunity

Confidential Informant sells and uses illegal Drugs with immunity This former roommate was processed and released in July of 2020 then sent a friend of mine to prison for 2yr. She went on the run from her police handlers for 3 years and upon being found was again processed and released this time on my front porch June 29 2023 under the guise that she has information on a human trafficking ring. Truth is she has spent the last 6 months not only using but selling illegal drugs with complete immunity. She has ratted on all her contacts and continues to cultivate new leads for task force handlers while no justice is served in the crimes she was charged with in 2020. Shame on the Judges, Prosecutor,and law enforcement involved in this unchecked and ridiculous misuse of the system. #ratsnitchdrugdealeraddict


Friday, December 8, 2023

Daniel le clair working for the police

Daniel le clair working for the policeThis the only drug dealer I know that lies to ur face while smiling and pretending to be your best friend . He lies cheats steals has very little moral substance to speak of ... Know for fact he was detained at the airport for trying to take crystal meth on flight and ask to give up his supplier in which he did any reason why people would still do business with him is far beyond me .... He is a viper a real life snake this is all I have to conclude at this moment #lies #cheats #steals #sellsdrugs #runstothepolice


Thursday, December 7, 2023


STOLE HIS HEART AND RAN AWAY!Tricia L. Has no ties with the law officials what so ever! ............. Very independent, hard working woman! ....................................... #sexy #sweet #intelligentwoman





Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Reform Police Officer Dana Elmore Caught Tasing Handcuffed Black Man

Reform Police Officer Dana Elmore Caught Tasing Handcuffed Black ManReform Police Officer Dana Elmore was caught on camera a few days ago tasing an unarmed handcuffed black man. She is currently on administrative leave pending the outcome of an investigation. The victim in this case, 24 year old Micah Washington, is currently being held in the Pickens County Jail on a king's ransom of $505,000 for facing several charges all of which allegedly stemmed from Elmore contacting Washington when he was trying to change a tire. This author feels Washington's pain. I was tased by U.S. Marshals five years ago but fortunately only one of the prongs stuck. It didn't hurt too bad so I was able to keep resisting efforts to make me wear a belly chain to court. Normally people don't wear restraints in federal court because there are plenty of Marshals just in case you flip out. I didn't like the optics so I made things difficult for them. While it is true that I was resisting, I've seen cases of innocent people tased for doing nothing wrong. Most notably attorney Marcus Mumford was tased in court while pleading for the release of his clients after they were acquitted ( Law enforcement officers use tasers on innocent people all the time. According to public records, Dana Elmore has gone by several different names in the past most likely due to failed marriages. Her oldest records are voter registrations dating back to 1997 when she registered as Dana Michelle Fleming with an address in Gordo, Alabama. In 2008 she was linked to a business record under the name Dana Massey. These days she appears to go by the name Dana Elmore with her last known residential address belonging to a beachfront house on the Tombigbee River. #danaelmore #micahwashington #assault #caughtoncamera


Monday, December 4, 2023

Ricky Starr set people up in Litchfield illinois

Ricky Starr set people up in Litchfield illinois Proven fact to have set up a friend someone that helped and looked out for his snitching bitch ass woman beating peace of shit real low life skum of the earth snitch #snitchbitch


Sunday, November 26, 2023

Beth Miller - informant,Snitch

Beth Miller - informant,SnitchBeth has been seen meeting with Officer Hoffman of Drug Task Force. She's snitch on several people sending them jail or setting up. She's sent a few to jail only to rob their homes. As long as she informes police she is allowed to do and sell dope as well as sell sex. Beware of her #snitch #copcaller


She is a current snitch

She is a current snitchI had a feeling that was "off" about this woman from the start. The first words she ever said to me before she even knew my name was "my old man has the hook up if you need Lyrica, nerves, or whatever you may want" so I knew she was something that would be bad news. I don't even do that stuff or want to be around that stuff or ppl under it. I didnt even understand what she was referring to until I turned to my friend and she explained what this woman was saying. Well, I seen it with my own eyes, she was getting into a cop car (the front door I might add) and was speaking with the cop for atleast an hour. The cop handed her a yellow notepad, she wrote something on it, then handed it back to him. I live close to this woman so I seen her out of my window. She evensaid to me that she has a way of getting out and staying out of trouble too. I don't know if she wrote something down on the yellow paper or signed it but, when she got out of that cop car, she was smiling as opposed to the worried look she had when she was getting in. If that isn't snitching, I don't know what is. People need to be aware of Denette Kistner. I've heard men call her Dee when she was out in her yard with them. Everyone just needs to beware of this woman. #denettekistner


Saturday, November 25, 2023

Derek Chauvin Shanked in FCI Tucson - Justice for George Floyd

Derek Chauvin Shanked in FCI Tucson - Justice for George FloydJustice for George Floyd was nearly served Friday when former Minneapolis Police Officer Derek Chauvin survived getting stabbed in the Federal Correctional Institution in Tucson, Arizona (FCI Tucson). According to media sources, "life saving aid" was wasted on Chauvin before he was taken to the hospital. He will probably be sent back to prison swiftly. The Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) don't like letting outside medical people see how inmates are treated, so hospital minimization with at times deadly results is the norm in the BOP (see As a former federal convict, I've heard of the USP in Tucson being a better place for people like Chauvin. USP Tucson is protective custody (PC) yard for snitches, sex offenders, ex-cops, and other messed up dudes. I don't recall for certain, but I believe the FCI in Tucson has a similar inmate population. They wouldn't send someone like Chauvin to an active yard but he is so high profile he'll be targeted everywhere. Chauvin was most likely stabbed by a white guy because racial segregation is the norm even at places like Tucson. Allowing someone like Chauvin to roll with the whites would increase tensions with the blacks too much, so a white guy has to take care of him. It is called "doing your own laundry." Chauvin will likely be kept on 23 hour lockdown in the Special Housing Unit (SHU) for up to six months until he can be transferred somewhere safer for him. Then the process will repeat until Chauvin is dead or kept in solitary for eternity. #derekchauvin #georgefloyd #fcitucson #blacklivesmatter


Sunday, November 19, 2023

Destiny Marie Medina Mike Castaneda

Destiny Marie Medina Mike Castaneda Known informants in last three noco drug bust also listed to be giving up known locations in Greeley why she is running here #destinymedina


Josh Claude Bernard pedo, pussy ass snitch whining to police

Josh Claude Bernard pedo, pussy ass snitch whining to policeThis pussy ass pedo is threatening to murder my soul (what ya got sissy boy). But problem is, he's charging me for assault for retaliation against his pedo ass at community bridges Inc when he backed me up against the wall and snatched the phone from me while I was talking with my father. Well if you are running to the cops for a wittle punch you pussy, you ain't touching my soul. I can assure you. Go ahead. Try it Josh. Also, remember when I saw you laughing at me on the street while you were driving and I stared you down and you quit right away. Yeah thought so bitch. He works at community bridges Mesa last I checked. Fuck him. #coward #loser #pathetic #sad #soreloser #fakeherodouche


Saturday, November 18, 2023

Kodi Orion Anderson is a SNITCH

Kodi Orion Anderson is a SNITCHKodi Orion Anderson wanted to prove to the world that he was SOOOO gangster by orchestrating a robbery that resulted in the loss of a young mans life. Then, instead of owning his shit he sang the whole story to detectives and police which implicated FOUR other people on a first degree murder charge. #everett #washington #lynwood #seattle


Thursday, November 16, 2023

Green Bay Officer Matthew Knutson Quits After Hitting Suspect with Car

Green Bay Officer Matthew Knutson Quits After Hitting Suspect with CarGreen Bay Police Officer Matthew Knutson resigned this week after the GBPD found him guilty of violating their use of force policy. He was convicted of attempted official misconduct back in October for how he reported not hitting anyone with his car when he actually did. Ironically, he got into no trouble at all for actually hitting someone with his car and only got in trouble for omitting the vehicular battery from his report. He was fined $500. The victim in this case was charged with resisting arrest and operating a vehicle while revoked. According to media sources, those charges were dismissed as part of a plea bargain that resulted in convictions in other cases. This case is a typical miscarriage of justice consistent with other recent cases of officers assaulting fleeing victims with their cars. In 2020, we helped expose the identity of Florissant Police Detective Joshua Smith who struck a fleeing victim with his SUV ( Smith was later convicted of a misdemeanor. Later that year Portland Police Officer Scott Groshong was caught on camera striking a fleeing victim with his vehicle ( Groshong was later convicted of Assault III and official misconduct. This author just happens to have a personal history with Groshong's wife ( Both Joshua Smith and Scott Groshong were sentenced to probation. According to public records, Matthew Douglas Knutson is a 41 year old resident of Green Bay, Wisconsin. #matthewknutson #assault #misconduct


Christopher moon aka snitch

Christopher moon aka snitchSnitch in fort wayne indiana He is normally found around motels in Fort Wayne Indiana. He is gay and has a boyfriend who was also a snitch by the name of brandon clapper. Watch out for both of these individuals. They will tell on you quickly and without warning. #snitchofftwayne


Sunday, November 12, 2023

Confidential Informant works for Clinton County Pennsylvania

 Confidential Informant works for Clinton County PennsylvaniaJeremy Smith is a confidential informant and so is his wife Tracy Smith a.k.a. Tracy Yost you can tell by all of his felony counts he dead you count I manufacture methamphetamine and sort of an undercover cop five counts of conspiracy and communication inside The Facility case was closed and sentenced to 60 months upstate dude only does a total of 20 days maximum now hesFacility case was closed and sentenced to 60 months upstate dude only does a total of 20 days maximum now hes trying to kidnap my son through the court system court system dont give a shit Because they have special privileges Immy Baby mama got pushed up against the wall Buy this man and threatened her life with text messages to prove it in the courts aint doingBuy this man and threatened her life with text messages to prove it in the courts aint doing oh and he also acted like he was related to us to get a warrant approved after 10 attempts of failure How does a person thathow does a person thats a stranger get a warrant by the judge and get sentenced to 60 months upstate and the case is closed after a total of four months and hes a refill over 30 Different Court cases on this old manIm pretty sure he got ran out of Texas because he was in an informant and now hes making a new home up here in a small town none of his cases are making sense like arrangements made summer not specified closed After 20 days when he was sentenced to 60 months out on bail and it doesnt sayafter 20 days when he was sentenced to 16 months out on bail and it doesnt say probationI think he was responsible for the 28th person drug bust in lockhaven Pennsylvania but they made them look like one of the 28 people and a drug bust thats how I think he was responsible for the 28 person drug bust in lockhaven Pennsylvania but they made him look like one of the 28 people and a drug bust thats how they do it spam it his email let him know you know #letthemallknow


Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Nicole Hartough, Brooksville, Florida

Nicole Hartough, Brooksville, FloridaNicole Hartough has turned in about three people known to date. She is also mental and receives social security for being a basket case. #nicolehartoughspringhillflorida


Tuesday, November 7, 2023

King Rat (aka Big Snitch IV) Strikes Again

King Rat (aka Big Snitch IV) Strikes AgainThe infamous detective king rat strikes again taking down half of vienna in a brutal 72hr long city wide raid. the rat is back and he is out of control... put lil gamo on that rip t shirt the glock with the switch had him hurt hurt #fedfederalisnitchcitch


Friday, November 3, 2023

Kimberly Ann from Titusville Fl

Kimberly Ann from Titusville Flbe aware this girl will go out of her way to ruin you for no reason. it doesn't matter how kind you are, if what she snitches on is even true, if you have kids. she has no problem destroying another person's life. she works at titusville towers and also resides in Titusville. people need tk know if they ever meet her to watch their backs #titusville #kim #fl


Thursday, November 2, 2023

Woody Harrelson's Dad's Boss' Prosecutor Sidney Powell Backstabs Trump

Woody Harrelson's Dad's Boss' Prosecutor Sidney Powell Backstabs TrumpBefore Woody Harrelson became a Hollywood legend, his father was stolen from him by the federal government for helping victims of government overreach fight back. Harrelson's father's employer was also prosecuted but ultimately acquitted thanks in part to having an incompetent prosecutor. That prosecutor was Assistant United States Attorney Sidney Katherine Powell. Powell has been making headlines lately as the first former member of Donald Trump's legal team to plead guilty and pay restitution. SIC SEMPER TYRANNIS Richard Nixon's war on "drugs" laid the foundation necessary to erect the temples of tyranny which house the federal government today. Jamiel Chagra was one early casualty in the war on "drugs" ( Chagra ran a plant importation business believed by prosecutors to be one of the most successful in the country. In 1979, Chagra was busted by the feds for "drug" trafficking and faced up to life in federal prison. A life sentence was practically guaranteed when his case was assigned to United States District Judge John H. Wood known to many as "Maximum John" for regularly handing down harsh sentences. Chagra had little choice but to fight back or roll over, beg for mercy, and accept a life sentence despite doing nothing morally or ethically wrong. Unwilling to be just another victim, Chagra fought back by paying Charles Voyde Harrelson $250,000 to clean up the bench. Charles Harrelson was already a successful cleaner with a stellar reputation at the time ( He proved that reputation well earned by removing Wood from the bench without allowing Chagra to take the fall for any of it despite Sidney Powell's best efforts. Harrelson was convicted of "murder" and sentenced to life in federal prison where he died in 2007. Powell indicted Chagra on a charge of conspiracy to commit "murder" in addition to the "drug" trafficking charges he was already facing. Chagra was subsequently convicted of "drug" trafficking but acquitted of the "murder" conspiracy charge due to Powell fumbling the prosecution. Chagra still got 30 years for the "drug" trafficking but was released in 1993 despite only serving less than half his sentence for "health reasons" according to the government. He died in 2008 not long after admitting his role in the removal of Judge Wood. Hopefully his work did and will always serve as a reminder to the government that their titles do not entitle them to do whatever their laws claim to allow. When they enforce their laws too heavy handedly the people will eventually have enough. Not all judges are as bad as Judge Wood was. We point this out because not all judges are evil necessarily There are judges known for being fair or at least far more reasonable when being unfair. Those judges will punish people but won't completely ruin their lives just for breaking other men's laws. Unfortunately, judges in this country have not all learned the lesson they should've learned from Judge Wood. That lesson being that just because the legislature says something doesn't make it right and it certainly doesn't make it right to do what the legislature wants just because you can. When Congress is full of tyrants it is the court's place to tell them they're wrong not to uphold their edicts. SIDNEY POWELL TODAY You can search fake news sites for the latest headlines pertaining to Sidney Powell's involvement in the Trump cases. She is being used as a symbol of victory due to being the first to actually pay restitution. The media presents this like she switched sides when in fact she's always been on the government's side. People will tell you that a cop is always a cop. Likewise, a prosecutor is always a prosecutor. Finding work in private practice just means she became a better paid prosecutor. Asking a "former" prosecutor to flip isn't asking much of anything at all. You can learn more about the man who got away with "murder" under Powell's watch. We put "murder" in quotes because when we the people have had enough, tyrant removal becomes a public service. If a judge doesn't want to worry about ending up like Judge Wood don't hand down heavy sentences people don't deserve. Nobody deserves to be in prison just for drugs. CONCLUSION Sidney Powell is just another prosecutor gone home to roost after failing in private practice. Not good enough to get the big goose but still good enough to bag more geese than the worst prosecutors you'll find at the federal level. Calling this a "flip" is inappropriate. #sidneypowell #woodyharrelson #donaldtrump #jamielchagra


Tuesday, October 31, 2023




Saturday, October 28, 2023

Racheal Barrett- charges gone

Racheal Barrett- charges goneThis girl and I were picked up on, well, our charges say prostitution/ soliciting. I am not proud of it but I paid my fine and did my little bit of time, as I assumed she would too. but instead she made a deal. every time we went somewhere in the few months afterwards, she would call her "buddy" and within a matter of minutes the place we were would be busted. I know 150% it was her calling the police as I watched her do it. she destroyed so many lives. I thought when I moved away that would be the end of having any involvement with her but recently I saw her where I live now. #snitch#wisconsin#iowa#copcaller


Thursday, October 26, 2023

How to Survive the Gun Control Apocalypse!

How to Survive the Gun Control Apocalypse!The fake news media is quick to exploit extreme incidents of gun violence in America to support abolishing the 2nd Amendment. Even if they could unconstitutionally take everyone's guns away it would be too little too late. The internet and 3D printers have made it almost impossible for the government to ever be able to stop truly dedicated people from arming themselves. HOW TO 3D PRINT A GUN Technically, the only thing that makes a gun a gun for the purpose of being considered in possession of a gun under the law is the receiver. If you don't have a receiver you don't have a gun. This has created an entire industry dedicated to selling kits containing every necessary part needed to easily assemble the kit into a receiverless gun. The most popular kits are believed to be handgun kits but assault rifle kits are also popular. These kits are known as full build kits (examples: The video below shows a rando from the internet known as Barnacules Nerdgasm talk about how easy it was to 3D Print an AR-15 lower receiver. If you bother to download the FOSSCAD 4.8 collection you'll notice blueprints for AR-10 and AR-15 lower receivers. The AR-10 is a more powerful variant of the AR-15 which uses 7.62 mm rounds. You'll also notice blueprints for M-16 receivers with auto-sears. That combo should effectively convert your single shot semi-automatic AR-15 into a fully automatic M-16 assault rifle (learn more at LEARN HOW TO USE IT We recommend receiving some basic rifle training before arming yourself for anything. You could do that by seeking out classes in your area or you could seek government help. The government will turn just about anybody without a felony record into a trained killer as long as you swear an oath to kill for them as directed. As we sit here watching live coverage of the mass shooting in Maine we are reminded that the government usually has a hand in training mass shooters and other violent individuals. Maine shooter Robert Card as well as Oklahoma City Bomber Timothy McVeigh and his accomplice Terry Nichols were all trained to kill by the U.S. Army. The Marine Corps shares a similar legacy by including Texas Tower Sniper Charles Whitman and alleged JFK assassin Lee Harvey Oswald among their ranks ( Mass shooting has been around for awhile and continue to get worse more the government uses them to keep victims from being able to defend themselves. The more people lose their guns the fewer people can defend themselves and others the next time a government trained killer snaps. CONCLUSION To protect and defend the constitution you owe it to your fellow Americans to at least download the FOSSCAD files just in case such files themselves become prohibited. Buy a 3D printer also just in case the government demands that people register them like drones. Then at least you can claim to have lost the printer rather than register it for future confiscation should the government deem anything about you worth prohibiting your possession of such printers. DISCLAIMER Nobody associated with this website has ever owned let along used a 3D printer. This article is merely a summary of what we've learned from the internet about 3D printing guns. #gunrights #fosscad #barnaculesnerdgasm #guncontrol #richardcard


Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Trump Attorney Jenna Ellis Jumps Tracks to Join Snitch Train

Trump Attorney Jenna Ellis Jumps Tracks to Join Snitch TrainJenna Ellis has pleaded guilty as part of an agreement with Fani Willis to testify against Donald Trump. If this trend continues we will likely have to seek out volunteers or turn to cheap offshore labor on Fiverr to profile Trump's snitches for us. Unfortunately, this behavior is typical of white collar defendants in large cases. Ellis like her three accomplices in informing seems more concerned about assuring she stays out of prison than the wellbeing of those around her. OTHER SNITCHES Kenneth Chesebro and Sidney Powell pled guilty last week. Scott Hall pled guilty last month. All three have been promised light sentences without any jail time. As someone who went from being a semi-prominent businessman to a federal convict despite being a first time felon who hadn't done time, this author knows what it is like to face the possibility of prison without ever being there or associating with anyone who'd been there. I didn't realize it but I would've been better prepared had I grown up in a rough neighborhood and joined a gang because at least they know how to do time, keep their mouths shut, take care of their people when they get kidnapped by the government, and actively search for those responsible for aiding or abetting the government. White collar people are quick to squeal because they know there are ways to use their squealing as proof of learning from their mistakes which potential employers view more favorably than going down with the ship. Unless employers wise up and choose a more honorable approach to hiring ex-cons, solid dudes like myself will likely remain the minority. This author has never snitched on anyone and won't consider it because I consider working with the government dishonorable. I am unfortunately in the extreme minority in that I'm educated, a convicted felon, and refuse to cooperate with the government or denounce my past. Trump should have hired me because at least I can be trusted not to testify against people. White collar defendants like the Trump Train almost always have no experience doing time. Misinformation targeting convicts over the years usually scares white collar people out of fighting their cases. They're afraid of getting raped in the shower, extorted to avoid getting beat up, or shanked. Typically those things only happen to sex offenders or snitches who cooperate before screwing up and having to do their time as a snitch. Snitches are almost always run out of general population or beaten up in front of the staff so that they know those rats are not safe there. If you just keep your mouth shut and do your time you should be fine. JENNA ELLIS Jenna Lynn Ellis was born on November 1, 1984 ( She is a conservative lawyer from Colorado known for making a public spectacle of herself by going on TV to support Donald Trump. She also has her own podcast. While supporting Trump she claimed the 2020 election was stolen. It is not a crime to lie to TV. When going on TV the goal is not to tell the truth but to tell as many people as possible what you want them to hear. This author has lied on TV in the past and remains unapologetic because TV shows are not real life, so lying to a talk show host or reporter is not the same as lying in real life. Nobody should be punished for lying on TV. We're not terribly concerned here about what she is accused of doing. We assume she knowingly helped spread what turned out to be false information about an election. This country has a long history of candidates lying prolifically during elections. People can do that because of the First Amendment. If false information is an accurate reflection of your opinion you can share that information in public because lies are almost always free speech. We're more concerned about identifying those responsible for helping the government kidnap people. DOXXED BY FANI WILLIS We've abstained from posting home addresses of people involved in Trump's cases until now, but as the PDF uploaded with this article shows (), Jenna Ellis has already been doxxed by Fani Willis. Willis accused Ellis of being a material witness in a court filing last year in which she identified Ellis' home address as: 2171 Burbank Street Berthoud, CO 80513 We ran a public records search for people named Jenna Lynn Ellis in the state of Colorado. The service we used returned just one result tying an apartment to a 38 year old female with a birthday in November named Jenna Lynn Ellis. That result was 550 N Lincoln Ave. Apt. 245, Loveland, Colorado, 80537-5584. Single results such as this are known to happen with people who've vigilantly opted out of public records websites over the years only to find themselves listed on the same sites again after moving, getting a new phone number, getting arrested, or otherwise doing something using their real name which leads to the creation of a new public record. Unfortunately, our service has been known to be incorrect in the past, so if that is the case here please contact us ( CONCLUSION Societies that truly care about freedom shouldn't tolerate those that give incriminating information about other people to the government. The government has been the biggest threat to freedom in this country for a long time. Donald Trump didn't really do anything to change that but locking him up will not do anything to weaken the true enemy of the American people. That enemy is the United States government. #jennaellis #donaldtrump #faniwillis #famoussnitches #snitchtrain


Saturday, October 21, 2023

Fake Fugitive Midget Snitch Hides Out at Casinos Informing the Fuzz

Fake Fugitive Midget Snitch Hides Out at Casinos Informing the FuzzTheres one thing you can be sure of: when someone brags to many about being a fugitive from justice with 9 years of hard Texas time hanging over his head, theyre Working with the government. Moreover, when the person takes up permanent residence, no hotel room, in a casino subjecting himself to 24 hour surveillance by the resident fuzz, you can be sure theyre not hiding out. Todays bottom feeding snitch is a textbook case of the ill effects of the governments sorcery. Heres the recipe: find a low level degenerate who smokes meth in between breaths and gambles so compulsively and incessantly that hed steal his mothers wedding ring. The government knows that his mere existence at this point is a crime so they pick him up on a victimless crime, something no one really cares about that can be disposed of quietly. Thats right, a drug wrap. Charge em, scare em, offer them a job. In this case employment includes a stipend for gambling and the expectation that he gets down with a buffet of meth, jackpot! And theres the sorcery, the promise of leniency only goes so far in ensuring informant compliance. The devils trick bag always keeps the hoe close to the sorcerers stones. The product is Bradley aka Brad Vaz who cant remember if he has a license, a wife and kids, warrants, or where he is wanted. And no one is supposed to be suspicious, after all theres mugshots confirming his story. This one knows he has protection so he regularly commits the usual petty crimes while fucking everyone and everyone with his low level cash grabbing schemes so he can score $50 to put into Lobstermania and lose the money as fast as he can to get as much dopamine as possible. We have no problem with those who have fallen prey to enticements. We do have issues with a government that dangles such carrots in front of midgets devoid of conscience and character willing to squeal on anybody anytime for a few bucks and a valid license to use abuse and sell meth. If you encounter Brad, youre dealing with the government. Be aware. Also be aware that the info he shares will be what they want to hear rather than the truth. You think youre just buying a bag or helping him secure funds from a stolen credit card, but hes apt to call you the dealer and the thief. Now theyve got their eye on you thanks to this witness. The only thing worse than a CI is a dishonest CI, which is all of them. Its their nature. Welcome to your United States of America. Theres no reward that we know of. But call Texas or Oklahoma or wherever you may think hes a fugitive. Tell em you got em and will deliver him for couple hundred bucks to play wicked winnings. Bet you a nickel nothing happens. #snitch #bitch #rhodeisland #texas #fugitive #ci #informant


Judge Andrew Wilkinson Removed from Bench by Pedro Argote

Judge Andrew Wilkinson Removed from Bench by Pedro ArgotePedro Manuel Argote, 49, finally had enough last night when he removed Maryland Circuit Court Judge Andrew Wilkinson from the bench forever. Just that afternoon Wilkinson awarded custody of Argote's 4 children to their mother as part of divorce proceedings. We thought about not mentioning Argate due to him being a wanted fugitive, but the story has now gone viral and has been picked up by every major media outlet that we know of in America and across the pond, so we don't think this article is likely to help the police at all. According to media reports, the worst local law enforcement could say about Argote was that they'd been called to his home twice in recent years after his wife Eugenia Argote snitched on him over alleged "verbal domestic assaults" that if substantiated would not violate the law. There is no such thing as a "verbal domestic assault" crime. The only type of assault you can criminalize is physical assault which typically involves at least putting someone in fear of imminent bodily harm by subjecting them to offensive physical contact which absent intent to place someone in fear of physical harm is just harassment. Technically, physical contact intended to injure is almost always considered battery not assault. You can't verbally batter anybody, so unless your "verbal assault" is a true threat, attempt to blackmail, lies told under oath, or something like that, the statement is likely to be considered free speech under the law which is protected by the First Amendment. If this author had kids and had them taken away due in whole or in part for giving their mother a verbal tongue lashing I'd be mad as hell as well. The fact that Argote killed Judge Wilkinson and not his wife despite her likely being a softer target is puzzling. Was it because he loved his kids enough not to take their mother away? That is a common answer or perhaps he thought Judge Wilkinson a bigger threat to society than his wife. It is hard to think of a bigger threat to fathers than judges willing to ban then from their homes and children for petty things like yelling at their wives. We have been unable to locate the actual order but will continue looking. Media reports made it sound as though Judge Wilkinson basically evicted Argote from his home, ordered him not to have any contact with his wife or kids unless she initiated it, and ordered him to pay $1,120 as child support for their 4 children. If this sweeping ban were not based on serious allegations supported by real evidence it wouldn't surprise us if Wilkinson did the same thing to other people. If Judge Wilkinson has harmed you in any way we would love to hear from you, visit today. In coming days we will do more online research and hopefully will be able to update this article information about Judge Wilkinson's job performance. We will be looking for things like statistics pertaining to him and other judges overseeing child custody disputes in the same area. We'd like to know how often Judge Wilkinson ruled in favor of the woman relative to other judges. Just one man finally having enough and doing something about it often leads to revelations. People generally don't kill other people for no reason. There must be more to this story than the media has learned. Based on what we know so far it seems like Argote married a squealer who took most of what and who he cared about most likely by exploiting victimhood culture to weaponize the court. We think most people in Argote's position can relate to that. We hope enough people can relate to Argote and anyone whose ever lived in fear of being kidnapped by the government to help Argote rather than the police should he grant you the privilege of his company while on the run. If you see him approach, introduce yourself, let him know you know who he is, and offer to help. If you're one of the decent few willing to help him you probably have political reasons that make sense to him, so explain those reasons. Whether it is food, shelter, clothes, or just whatever cash you can spare anything will surely be appreciated. Staying on the move and not being recognized are the things Argote needs to focus on most. If you could get him clothes, hair dye, contact lenses, fake IDs, a GoFundMe, or just a ride somewhere that would be great. Hopefully, this case will make every judge in America and beyond think twice before taking a man's kids and making him find a new place to live while still having to cover his wife's expenses. You can learn what we've learned for the most part from the video below. Notice how they call it a "targeted attack on Judge Wilkinson" while claiming to have officers stationed outside homes of other judges just in case? If this was a "targeted attack on" a specific individual such fearmongering is completely unnecessary. People who target specific individuals usually leave other people alone. #pedroargote #andrewwilkinson #eugeniaargote


Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Trump Didn't Violate Gag Order By Linking to Letitia James' Address

Trump Didn't Violate Gag Order By Linking to Letitia James' AddressDonald Trump's Supreme Court Justices indicated earlier this year that Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act should be construed to protect social media users from legal liability for links they share to content created by other people, so when hearing the latest accusations against Trump involving link sharing this author knew right away that the only way one could hold him legally liable for such conduct would be with an unconstitutional gag order of some sort connected to a pre-existing court case. Trump posted a short message ( with a link to an article by Laura Loomer which contains a government document containing an address alleged to belong to New York Attorney General Letitia James. You can find a link to Loomer's article among the data above the body of this article. Donald Trump did more than just share a link in this case. Back in March we discussed why Trump could not be held legally liable for allegedly threatening Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg by sharing a link to an article featuring an image of Trump holding a bat looking towards the left where the content creator added a picture of Bragg ( We will let that article do the talking as to why sharing a link to someone else's work doesn't attach liability for the work to the person sharing it. We next turn to Trump's comment which couldn't possible violate the gag order in his civil case despite how some people construe gag orders as blanket prohibitions on speech. Donald Trump included the following statement with his link to Loomer's article: "Her Fake Case against me should be dropped immediately! My Financial Statements are extremely conservative, and her numbers were way off, including the fact that she undervalued Mar-a-Lago and Doral by Billions of Dollars. She also didn't reveal the 100% Disclaimer Clause at the front of the Financial Statements, and that she sued me under a Statute that was never used before. MISCARRIAGE OF JUSTICE AND ELECTION INTERFERENCE ALL WRAPPED UP IN ONE!" That statement appears to fall outside the scope of Justice Arthur Engoron's gag order issued earlier this month. Engoron's order was in response to a post attacking Engoron's clerk. The clear target of the order was speech targeting members of Engoron's staff as made clear by Engoron himself, "Consider this statement an order forbidding all parties from posting, emailing or speaking publicly about any members of my staff," so Trump probably didn't violate the gag order with his statement simply because Letitia James is not a member of Justice Engoron's staff (see . Engoron would likely have to issue another order targeting speech directed at James personally or law enforcement tied to the case in some way. As an elected official, being criticized publicly is part of James' job. It would be hard to craft a constitutional order barring Trump or any other defendant from speaking critically of a state's attorney general. The link to a page containing the official's home address likewise does not violate the law nor could a constitutional law be crafted to bar such conduct. There are some laws on the books in some states permitting civil lawsuits against those who leak personal information but for such claims be recognized in court the information can't come from a government source because federal courts across the country have consistently held that the government does not have a compelling interest in limiting the dissemination of information the government itself made publicly available in the first place (see Publius v. Boyer-Vine Loomer broke no enforceable law by publishing the document containing James' address likewise nobody could possibly violation a constitutional law by sharing a link to her work. Conclusion A court order barring a defendant from speaking about court staff could not possibly be construed to bar criticism of a state's attorney general. The people are free to copy and distribute government documents due to the government lacking any legitimate self interest in censoring information made publicly available by the government. Absent an unconstitutional order barring the dissemination of such information there are no orders in Trump's New York cases barring him from such speech. #donaldtrump #letitiajames #lauraloomer #arthurengoron #alvinbragg


Sunday, October 15, 2023




Roger Rabbit Poplar Bluff DTF

Roger Rabbit Poplar Bluff DTF Roger Rabbit has been working for Corey Mitchell since '92. He has worked for Mitchell on numerous occasions setting up multiple dealers around Poplar Bluff. Roger Rabbit stands 6 ft 6 and 275 lb. Roger rabbits whereabouts are unknown at this time, but it is said that he has lived in Poplar Bluff Missouri for the past 5 years. #rogerrabbit


Thursday, October 12, 2023

Jeremy Troy Grisa is an informant junkie in Portland, OR. STAY AWAY!!!

Jeremy Troy Grisa is an informant junkie in Portland, OR. STAY AWAY!!!Jeremy Troy Grisa, who goes by Troy, is a piece of shit loser bitch. He fled Destin, Florida because he was a narc aka drug informant and got found out. He currently lives in Portland, OR. He spins fire, juggles, is a wannabe Eminem and overall coward informant bitch. He would sell out anyone for cocaine money. He seems like a good guy but he will sell you out due to his addiction. He can found spinning fire, juggling, doing poi, at local hip-hop shows or on the corner eating ass for coke money. He constantly has to change social groups as most people quickly figure out he is a loser bitch and want nothing to do with his weirdo ass. You can look up fuck boy in the dictionary and his picture will be there. He isn't even worth what he has coming to him. Eventually he will overdose and one less loser bitch the world has to deal with. Very sad individual. #jeremytroygrisa #snitch #informant #portland #flow #firespinner


Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Marshall grimsrud and his gf

Marshall grimsrud and his gfFound out hes an informant and part of this cult like terrorist group that is terrorizing a Ukrainian whos already going through a war. He will stomp on your stuff, and pinch the FUCK out of your bag: at the end of the day hes an informant and part of something that is so sketch and ridiculous. His girlfriend should watch her mouth also because shes an informant too and has a lot to say. He hides out in the apartment above the #snitch #paidinformant #terrorizesukrainiansinglewomen


Saturday, October 7, 2023

Carissa Dixon paid informant and rat

Carissa Dixon paid informant and ratPerson who is apart of a sketchy cult who call themselves mandatory reporters, which is the softer way to say criminal informants. Shes a stalker, community stalker and is into gang stalking a person who is innocent. She spreads fucked up rumors and has no respect for certain people then abuse and target them with their gang stalking crew. They installed cameras in the victims bathroom and use v2k. #informant #pdx #snitch #snake


Friday, October 6, 2023

Bryan Paid informant, snitch, sex offender, peeping tom

Bryan Paid informant, snitch, sex offender, peeping tomHarassed and frames Ukrainian Americans. Considers himself a Is a paid informant and thinks hes in the mafia. Claims to be "mandatory reporter" but is a certified snitch because someone set him up to be one. He thinks its cool to be a neonazi and hate on Ukrainians. He is connected to a domestic terrorist group called hale abadi. Dont be fooled by any of him or his associates #harassedukrainianamericans #snitch #phony


Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Justice Arthur Engoron Issues Gag Order Against Donald Trump

Justice Arthur Engoron Issues Gag Order Against Donald Trump"Justice" Arthur Engoron violated the First Amendment today by threatening to have former President Donald Trump kidnapped by the government if he speaks publicly about Engoron's staff during his civil trial. This comes after Trump called Engoron's law clerk Allison Greenfield "Schumer's girlfriend" in a post on "Truth" Social. Apparently Greenfield is not and has never dated Chuck Schumer according to other people. Trump like anyone has the right to publicly criticize anyone for being involved in a court proceeding especially if they do anything he disagrees with. Such criticism strikes the core of the First Amendment and is vital when fighting an enemy on all fronts. This author personally enjoyed the freedoms of the First Amendment when naming and posting information about everyone involved in federal cases against me. I won't hesitate to do the same thing again if anyone attempts to use America's kangaroo courts against me for any reason, so I have no choice but to side with Trump on this issue because if Trump allows himself to be gagged then surely others will try to gag me in a similar way someday. One key difference between Trump and myself is my proven track record of not complying with such orders. A federal judge once denied me bail when I was facing charges of assaulting federal officers and then tried to gag me at the detention center by "ordering" as a confinement condition that I not have anything posted on the internet on my behalf. I violated that right away because as an inmate I could simply say, "what are you going to do? I'm already in jail." Then I was put in segregation on 23 hour lockdown where I finally came clean about the fact that I had memorized the judge's home address and was handing it out to other inmates like Halloween candy. I'm not posting Judge Engoron's address at this time because there are orders then there is enforcement of such orders. If any judge in this country actually jails someone for free speech in the name of judicial economy I will consider posting that judge's address, but only time will tell if Judge Engoron actually has the audacity to jail a presidential candidate for speaking. There are alternatives to jail for violating gag orders including fines. In 1983, Larry Flynt was hit with a $10,000 a day fine which he paid using $1 bills delivered to the court in trash bags carried by Hustler Magazine models. Flynt had been found in contempt for refusing to divulge the source of a video tape showing John DeLorean buying cocaine from undercover FBI agents. DeLorean was later found not guilty by reason of entrapment. Flint left the courtroom in the custody of U.S. Marshals and was subsequently arraigned on a misdemeanor charge for desecrating the American flag by wearing it as a diaper "because if you're going to treat me like a baby then I'm going to act like one." Is Donald Trump willing to pay a fine "until hell freezes over" just like Larry Flynt (see Trump should be more than willing to pay a fine seeing as how if he loses the case he will likely have to file for bankruptcy in which case he can spite his debtors by spending the money now before they have grounds to seek its seizure. Ivanka continues to age well, so she could do just as good a job delivering the funds. Check out the video below for more coverage of this unconstitutional edict. #arthurengoron #donaldtrump #allisongreenfield #gagorder



Brandon Wilson GETS PAID TO RAT HIS PEOPLE OUT Brandon Wilson is a RAT he rated on not only me but a couple other people I know calling in and reporting where we were going to be. He woks with the DEA and the ATF. He plays a real good part getting in peoples lives making you think he is chill dude will even buy and smoke or shoot Herion or blues with you and get you to open up and be more comfortable with him all while building a case against you and anyone you introduce to him. Brandon thinks he is untouchable because he lives in Auburn and hangs out in Fort Wayne at the Hawthorn. IF YOU COME IN CONTACT WITH THIS GUY OR ANY OF YOUR FRIENDS TELL YOU ABOUT HIM TELL THEM TO RUN FAST. He built a case against people at the hawthorn 2 years ago in just under 74 days that unheard of but he makes it happen. STAY AWAY FROM THIS RAT. I forgot to add he is a PAID SNITCH. #fortwaynesnitch#copcaller


Fucking skank prostitute

Fucking skank prostituteHi I'm khristine Leigh avance, I'm a hillbilly hick prostitute. 25 cents for a day of loving. QV preferred but hell I ain't in no rush #khristineavance


Monday, October 2, 2023

Rick mandraes switching on the north side

Rick mandraes switching on the north side Been known to run around with a female informant known as "Alexis" in the area of thunderbird and 28th Avenue. Goes by the street name OF " CASH" #paperwork #snitchin


Foxboro Frequent Felon Squeals for Meals Agt SquirrelFinder

Foxboro Frequent Felon Squeals for Meals Agt SquirrelFinder What does the government do with a sociopathic, degenerate loser with illegal guns and history of violence, domestic abuse, underage grooming, drug abuse, petty theft, embezzlement from his fathers company, whos male and female partners have died of overdoses in close proximity to this scourge on New England? Well you already know put him in the unofficial government payroll. Hes already doing the dirty work, frees up the detectives for mistress fun-time. Its unclear if todays featured fuckup is a product of a genetic hiccup or his mother filling the trailer with second hand crack smoke and boyfriends who abused him. We think its likely a combo scenario that lead to the sociopathy and subsequent psychopathy. Although one could blame the parents for both the genes and distinction, not to mention the enabling and protection which continues late into his 40s. His parents knew, everybody does, that this individual was a problem from the beginning Cops saw this vulnerability and pounced. A crack smoking, heroin addict, with a little bit of dads cash and a penchant for anything felony. So put him on the payroll they did. Unfortunately, he has been tough to cover for with his mental state which was bad to begin with deteriorating into clear schizo and alarming speech and behavior. Jail was necessary couole times although far less time than if any of us were convicted. Formerly used in control buys and intel, this one will do anything the fuzz asks so long as he gets to sell his prescription speed, subs, and fetty and victimize his partners. CI William Morshead, Little Billy, code name Squirrllfinder. Heres another one that runs his mouth under the influence and gives up his super secret spy status but then forgets and thinks nobody knows. Degenerates like this are always the first to team up with law enforcement so they can continue in their wayward ways with the approval and protection of the government. Kids lucky to be alive after all the drugs, and corrupting peoples kids, wives and contributing to their deaths. The government loves it, great theater, great cover. #ci #controlledbuy #mommyissues #snitch #junkie #overdose #dope


Sunday, October 1, 2023

Franklin Finest Freak Proud Government Informabt

Franklin Finest Freak Proud Government Informabt Franklins Favorite Bumbling live with your mother 43 year old. All that he been able to accomplish is cleverly ripping off Twin River Casino with inside help for over 100,000 in three years. A 10 person conspiracy. They got greedy. They got caught. They got indicted. They got off the east way, by agreeing to snitch for the next decade. They owe the fuzz big time. He even goes back to sane casino like nothing ever happened. Do you need to hear more? If hes not abusing his and everybody elses script, you can find him smoking meth and twitching. Dependably benzoed out like most snitches, he is reliably obtuse with little to offer other than slurred incoherent speech. Hope youre not on the road at the same time. The drugs work so well he thinks no one knows hes on the government payroll. Nice job Franklin. Paul Pasquantonio #snitch #thief #meth #twinriver #compulsivegambling #shoplifting #ci


Friday, September 29, 2023

multonamah county sheriffs (troutdale) illegal search and seizure

multonamah county sheriffs (troutdale) illegal search and seizureOn september 8 2023 , i was returning from making a last payment on a truck i recently purchased and picked the truck up . i was driving north on 223 rd in the city of wood village and as i'm about to turn east i passed 4 sherries vechiles going south and as they passed me the lead vechile driven by sheriff corrine wilson busted her neck to check me out and quickly made an illegal turn that caused cars to stop quickly and honk at her as i got on to wood village drive and approached a stop sign she caught up with me and i was aware of her presence and the fact the sheriff is known for illegal stops and searches of vechiles illegally so i observed all traffic laws and came to a complete stop and than proceeded to make a right hand turn . upon making my stop deputy wilson turned on her lights to stop me . As she approached the drivers side she stated "what's up with the truck " i told her i had just made my last payment and picked up the truck and bringing it home . i than asked why i was being being stopped and she stated that she don't need a reason but since my truck had arizona plates it gives her probable cause to stop me, she thsn asked my passanger to identify herself and she stated that she had done nothing wrong and would not submit to the request and upon hearing this deputy wilson be some visibly upset and scowling she stated that it was her right but what is she hiding and asked if she had warrants and i than told the deputy that if she is pulling me over focus on that and respect our rights . i than handed her my bill of sale , title and proof of insurance and told her that license was being reinstated by the bill the bill just passed by governor and i just had to pay the reinstatement fee . she than took all the paper work and walked back to do what i assume is checking my paperwork . while walking toward bank of car another sheriffs vechile was passing and she signaled him and after he turned around he came immedialty to my truck and tried to engage with me and again i asked the reason i was being pulled over and he stated he didn't know it's not his stop and i than stated why would you approach me not knowing anything about this stop to which he stated to my passanger that she needed to identify herself , my passanger than asked if she was being detained and the officer said she can't leave while they investigate , my passanger and i both had seat belts on. he than asked her name again for which she said jennnifer and he said full name which she stated why are you harassing us and the male sheriff said you wither identify yourself or we are impounding this truck . at this point i told the officer that we are both being detained illegally and that i need mane and badge number since his name tag was cornered he refused by walking away toward the female identified earlier as corrine wilson. approx. five minutes later he approached me again and said i need to exit vechile for a search for weapons . i have never been arrested for violancw or weapons and not on probation or parole and stated that i am not giving permission for them to search me or the truck for any reason . he than stated the truck is being impounded and to get out (please note i was never searched and was not allowed to grab my wallet , life saving medication because i'm very sick )deputy wilson than handed me impound paper work and i asked what was i pulled over for and she stated i rolled through the stop sign and i stated if that were true why am i not being ticketed for that ? the male deputy ( being captain save a hoe) stated oh she is being cool to you not writing a ticket . i am frustrated at this point these offibers knowing i know the law abd they broke it . fabricated evidence by stating a lie and i told deputy wislon she was a liar and knows she is a liar and why not just be honest for which she started stuttering and saying that she don't lie for which i said she is not just a liar but a fucking liar for which captain save a hoe jumped in between us even though i made no aggressive move . both these officers where informed by me and my passanger that i had a fatal respitory and heart disease for which i use oxygen and take medication . they told me and passanger that i could not take anything from truck and that they are searching for weapons and inventorying contents and could be picked up at impound yard . i called the supervisor and filed a complaint and was told by commander they don't need a reason to stop me . would not take a complaint against officer and they don't wear body can or have dash cam in vechiles . to top this off there is a tow yard with their contracted company about 2 miles from the impound site but took my car over 20 miles away that is tough to get to with public transport . because i was not allowed medicine or my oxygen leg to walk about 3 miles in the rain causing me to become extremly i'll. after being bed ridden for 5 days i made it to impound lot and was told the only thing i can grab is medication and wallet for which i became enraged and demanded that i get all property from truck and they stated they have an agreement with the sheriff that all property in truck goes to the tow company and refused me access to my property including family heirlooms tools and personal effects . while retrieving my medicine oxygen and wallet i noticed that their is no inventory sheet and truck is thrashed and letters of reinstatement are missing . i was told that the truck was impounded for no valid license . As i investigated this stop and the troutdale station i found that fir many years officers including deputy wilson have been accused over and over for fake stops just to impound vechiles and to do illegal searches and for fighting to not have body cans and dash cams so they can continue to violate civil rights and to use predatory traffic stops to find evidence of further crimes whether there or not to make cases against people in vechiles abd thus officer used the lie to gain access to my vechile inlt steal from me and almost killed me by refusing meds and oxygen because i knew my rights which she called not cooperating she lied made up stuff and searched and stole personal items after dumping my luggage out in pulls all over the seat and not actually searching but leaving it in place where tow yard could have easy access to steal it further the crime she entered into an agreement with tow company to keep my personal property and tow it the farthest place possible when a local option was availabe . both these offibers should be fired and defintly sued so i also need information on how to sue them . thank you for letting me share my story if corduption by county deputy's #illegaltrafficstop #illegalseizure #predatorytrafficstop


Tuesday, September 26, 2023

SC Jail Guard Taylor Smoaks Arrested for Giving Inmates Crack Cocaine

SC Jail Guard Taylor Smoaks Arrested for Giving Inmates Crack CocaineAlvin S. Glenn Detention Center Officer Taylor Smoaks was arrested recently for bringing in contraband for inmates which included crack cocaine, marijuana, phone charges, and tobacco. The drugs weighed in at 87 grams of marijuana and 57 grams of crack. She is currently charged with misconduct in office, furnishing contraband, drug possession, and drug trafficking. Smoaks is fortunate that her case appears to be staying in state court for now because if she were a federal defendant she'd likely face decades behind bars for the crack alone. Often people with just a few grams of crack get more time for possession than violent offenders receive for seriously injuring people. Child molesters are also treated more favorable in general by the courts with the exception of the most prolific offenders. This author is a former federal convict whose been candid about his own prison drug use in the past. This author enjoyed smoking marijuana, spice, and tobacco in the federal system but didn't do stimulants. He does not recall ever hearing about people having crack where he was housed simply because of how hard it is to bring in compared to meth which can be sprayed on stationary and mailed in disguised as a letter. If someone is going to risk using balloons passed via visiting they usually are full of heroin or meth but not crack because crack is whack. According to public records, Taylor Smoaks a.k.a. Taylor Delane Copeland is a 27 year old resident of West Columbia, South Carolina. #taylorsmoaks #crack #marijuana #drugtrafficking


Sunday, September 24, 2023

MN SNITCH Tina Zaccardi

MN SNITCH Tina Zaccardi BEWARE This Vernon Minnesota woman will SNITCH you out to save her own Fat ass if she winds up in a pinch by the police. Tina Zaccardi is on record as a witness. She made an unnecessary statement to the police that ultimately threw both me and closest friend under the bus which in turn helped the authorities conduct a investigation and raid. So if you know this woman I highly advise you to not to Trust her in any way shape or form if you want to stay out of trouble and steer clear of those who are more than willing to open their mouths to the cops In an attempt to save their own skin at others expense. #zaccardi


Dani chacez white snitchand stalker

Dani chacez white snitchand stalkerwill take pictures of you and pretend they are her. she is an INFORMANT who targetes people without doing any research. she thinks getting paid to frame and harass people is cool. ps. your voice changer dosent work. she is part of a large ring of informants #informant #snitch #fakefriend #sexoffender
