What does the government do with a sociopathic, degenerate loser with illegal guns and history of violence, domestic abuse, underage grooming, drug abuse, petty theft, embezzlement from his fathers company, whos male and female partners have died of overdoses in close proximity to this scourge on New England? Well you already know put him in the unofficial government payroll. Hes already doing the dirty work, frees up the detectives for mistress fun-time. Its unclear if todays featured fuckup is a product of a genetic hiccup or his mother filling the trailer with second hand crack smoke and boyfriends who abused him. We think its likely a combo scenario that lead to the sociopathy and subsequent psychopathy. Although one could blame the parents for both the genes and distinction, not to mention the enabling and protection which continues late into his 40s. His parents knew, everybody does, that this individual was a problem from the beginning Cops saw this vulnerability and pounced. A crack smoking, heroin addict, with a little bit of dads cash and a penchant for anything felony. So put him on the payroll they did. Unfortunately, he has been tough to cover for with his mental state which was bad to begin with deteriorating into clear schizo and alarming speech and behavior. Jail was necessary couole times although far less time than if any of us were convicted. Formerly used in control buys and intel, this one will do anything the fuzz asks so long as he gets to sell his prescription speed, subs, and fetty and victimize his partners. CI William Morshead, Little Billy, code name Squirrllfinder. Heres another one that runs his mouth under the influence and gives up his super secret spy status but then forgets and thinks nobody knows. Degenerates like this are always the first to team up with law enforcement so they can continue in their wayward ways with the approval and protection of the government. Kids lucky to be alive after all the drugs, and corrupting peoples kids, wives and contributing to their deaths. The government loves it, great theater, great cover. #ci #controlledbuy #mommyissues #snitch #junkie #overdose #dope
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