I had a feeling that was "off" about this woman from the start. The first words she ever said to me before she even knew my name was "my old man has the hook up if you need Lyrica, nerves, or whatever you may want" so I knew she was something that would be bad news. I don't even do that stuff or want to be around that stuff or ppl under it. I didnt even understand what she was referring to until I turned to my friend and she explained what this woman was saying. Well, I seen it with my own eyes, she was getting into a cop car (the front door I might add) and was speaking with the cop for atleast an hour. The cop handed her a yellow notepad, she wrote something on it, then handed it back to him. I live close to this woman so I seen her out of my window. She evensaid to me that she has a way of getting out and staying out of trouble too. I don't know if she wrote something down on the yellow paper or signed it but, when she got out of that cop car, she was smiling as opposed to the worried look she had when she was getting in. If that isn't snitching, I don't know what is. People need to be aware of Denette Kistner. I've heard men call her Dee when she was out in her yard with them. Everyone just needs to beware of this woman. #denettekistner
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