Sunday, May 9, 2021

XML The Moderator From Doxbin

XML The Moderator From DoxbinXML, aka XML#0001 is an infamous "social engineering mastermind" that is associated with Doxbin and was associated with a rather growing business named CykaFun ran by himself. Doxbin is a document sharing and publishing website which invited users to contribute personally identifiable information, or "dox", of any person of interest. It was previously operated on the darknet as a Tor hidden service, by a person known on the internet as nashcash. XML remains halted from the black hat scene. He was known for his many accomplishments, including a $24,000,000 and $1,000,000 SIM swap scam. He was sentenced to 2 years in federal prison 3 months after his 7th SIM swap scam. XML is thought to be retired in the black hat world. He as of right now, he has quit running all illegal operations. Sources: Author, Speaker News #xml #doxbin #xmldoxbin #doxbinmod #sim #simswap #simswapper #hacker


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