Friday, January 29, 2021

Judge James E. Towery sex trafficked ALL of my children

I told my attorney, Joshua Bentley, that my now ex-wife had made filings for a divorce. He then asked me what Department my case was in. Mr. Bentley then told me [in person] to text him for a referral to a family law attorney. I had to contact him several times over the next week and half to get that referral. When he finally got back to me, he referred me to Ms. Amini, who I then hired. Ms. Amini told me that she could not represent me if I did not hire a therapist to prepare me for my divorce. She then referred me to Valerie Houghton. I was emailed instructions to pay Ms. Houghton only in cash and not to tell anyone. Furthermore, Ms. Houghton stated several times to me that the judge [Honorable James E. Towery] would be angry should I fire either her or Ms. Amini. I asked Ms. Amini several times about needs for secrecy and cash payments. She never gave me an answer that made any sense. After paying about $30,000 between the two of them in a span of two months, I fired both of them. The next hearing Judge James Towery vacated all of my hearings without my consent. These hearings included ones pertaining to custody and visitation. Before firing my attorneys I notified Ms. Houghton, Ms. Amini, and Marie O'Leary (supervisor for visitation) that my ex-wife was letting an older man molest our 13 year old son. The two attorneys mostly ignored me. Furthermore, Ms. O'Leary would not allow me to talk to my son about it. At the last hearing that Ms. Amini appeared my ex-wife disclosed that she had hidden $130,000 worth of gold coins. I was in complete shock. I never thought that I would see those coins again because my ex-wife is greedy. No one even mentioned that it was a possibility before that hearing. Ms. Amini got an agreement that we would each get $25,000, while the remaining $80,000 went to my Ms. Amini to be held in trust. After the end of my divorce I carefully examined Ms. Houghton's website. She listed the Honorable Towery as a former employer and as a reference. Furthermore, Ms. Houghton had offered her services to my ex-wife after I fired her. I was subsequently cut out of my children's lives by way of a restraining order. There was never even a trial on calendar for domestic violence, nor was there an opportunity to review or sign a stipulation. Something was read from a phone by my ex-wife's attorney. I did not understand at the time that it was a 3 year restraining order that prevented contact with my children. I could only see the kids if "mother agreed." I immediately filed a motion to reconsider and subpoenaed the police report that showed that no domestic violence occurred. Judge Towery said, "I know that you think that it is unfair, but you agreed." He never once asked about my children, but when we divided the gold coins he asked if the coins were "Krugerrands" or the like. After the divorce was finalized Gina Zamora, who was then his clerk, wrote me a letter stating that Judge Towery intended on removing the police report from the record. I objected because the report was referred to on my motion for reconsideration. Ms. Zamora did not remove the police report. Two weeks later I was contacted by Ms. Jackson, his new clerk, by phone. She said that she would remove the police report against my objection. I asked her why Ms. Zamora was not the one contacting me. Ms. Jackson then said that Ms. Zamora had been "promoted". My occupation entailed working with children in a therapeutic capacity. After not seeing my children for three years, I was no longer able to do so without experiencing severe emotional pain. I went homeless, so I filed a motion to reduce my child support. I was living in a car and could only find work doing labor in a warehouse. My motion was not only denied, but my support obligations actually were also increased. I was left to live off $300 a month after taxes and support. I could not afford to eat enough. I was forced to use food pantries because food stamp eligibility is calculated without child support obligations. Judge Towery then ordered a hearing to renew the restraining order. My ex-wife wrote that it should be renewed because of my homelessness. I refused to appear at the hearing because of the aforementioned conflict of interest. Judge Towery ordered the renewal anyways. At one point I did go to a hearing asking for a reconsideration. I asked Judge Towery to tell me why I couldn't see my kids. He spent several minutes on the computer, but could not give me an answer of any kind. I ended up filing a petition in Federal Court because Judge Towery had an obvious conflict of interest and he refused to recuse himself. I was forced to file a voluntary dismissal after being stalked, harassed, hacked, threatened, and ultimately poisoned. My son recently turned 18, so I was able to see him. He confirmed that he had indeed been molested. I told him to go to the police to report what had happened to him. A week and a half later Judge Towery filed an order on HIS OWN ACCORD that I could only have supervised visitation with my ADULT son. I have strong reason to believe that my other children have also been molested, but I cannot confirm anything because I have not seen them in over six and a half years. I've asked him on multiple occasions to order an emergency screening, but he refuses. The only things that matter to Judge Towery are his own interests. He could care less about my children getting sexually abused. Ms. Houghton's website has removed from the internet []. I have a separate case that involves my youngest daughter that I have with another mother. Ms. Houghton says that she has "lost a lot of business" because of my complaints. The mother wants to give me custody, but Ms. Houghton says, "My child, my rules." The problem is that my daughter is currently under the custody of a known rapist. The mother herself accuses the man of drugging and raping her. This evidence was submitted to the Court. The mother came to court and AGREED to my motion to establish paternity, but before we could sign the stipulation we were rushed into the courtroom, where the judge DENIED my motion. The judge even acknowledged the memo from the mediator stating that she agreed by referring to the defect and waiver of service. They are sex trafficking all of my children. I have been poisoned so many times that all of my organs have been damaged, my testicles have atrophied, and the shape of my face has fundamentally changed. Ms. Houghton is not only a therapist and attorney, but also a registered nurse who used to work in medical malpractice. Judge Towery also used to be an attorney who has worked in medical malpractice. You can find more information about this here: I have complained to the Commission on Judicial Performance. They refuse to investigate. Gregory Dresser, who is the head of the CJP, sent me a letter stating that he will not reconsider investigating any of the allegations. Since Judge Towery run unopposed, he has no incentive to protect my children. I've notified many people, including the Chief Justice of California, as well as the Presiding Judge of the county, State Bar of California, and District Attorney's Office. It is telling that even the fact that other people know that he is sex trafficking my children does not make him stop. Judge Towery does whatever he wants. You can find more information about Judge Towery here and here #childmolestation #rapistcustodyofchild #extortion #conflict


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