Monday, January 11, 2021

Chad Wolf Resigns as Acting Homeland Security Secretary

Chad Wolf has officially quit his job as Acting Secretary of Homeland Security. We have been feuding with Wolf since last summer when we believe that he may have had something to do with a federal officer contacting us the same day that he personally visited the Mark O. Hatfield United States Courthouse in Portland, Oregon where that officer works. The officer knows the founder of this site personally from prior cases that the feds have brought against him. We had recently posted Wolf's home address as well as removal options for him ( We believe that Wolf may have said something during his visit to that building that caused that officer to contact us. That location has since been the site of peaceful protests against Wolf's actions ( We had given Wolf several options should he make removing his address a priority, but even though he has not satisfied any of them we will be removing his address from this site because he has finally done something worthwhile. We have obtained a copy of Wolf's resignation letter and are uploading as PDF with this article. The bulk of the letter reads as follows: Dear Colleagues, Effective at 11:59 p.m. today, I am stepping down as your Acting Secretary. I am saddened to take this step, as it was my intention to serve the Department until the end of this Administration. Unfortunately, this action is warranted by recent events, including the ongoing and meritless court rulings regarding the validity of my authority as Acting Secretary. These events and concerns increasingly serve to divert attention and resources away from the important work of the Department in this critical time of a transition of power. Once I step down, Pete Gaynor, FEMA Administrator, will be the Acting Secretary. Administrator Gaynor is a consummate professional and will lead the Department ably. Serving the Department and leading the finest public servants in the federal government has been the honor of a lifetime. I did not seek this responsibility but answered the call to service as each of you have during your careers. Working alongside you and supporting you is what motivated me every day. I have spent a considerable amount of my career within your ranks, and no one is a bigger advocate for all that you do to protect the Homeland. I went about making decisions with one simple question in mind: what is in the best interest of the Department? While that may sound elementary, its true and sincere. Decisions over the past several years have not been easy. Reforming broken systems or questioning long held beliefs is not for the faint of heart. But our job requires asking difficult questions and making the hard decisions. The American people deserve nothing less. Together, we have strengthened border security, reformed our immigration system, stood up a world class cybersecurity agency, increased the worldwide aviation security baseline, enhanced US Coast Guard readiness, countered malign nation-state influence, responded to countless natural disasters, highlighted the vital work of the Federal Protective Service, supported the security of multiple federal and state elections, and continue to respond to a global pandemic. This Department is nothing short of amazing because of each of your contributions. Be proud of what we have accomplished. The Homeland is safer and more secure because of your efforts. I leave knowing that the Department has positioned itself for an orderly and smooth transition to President-elect Biden's DHS team. Welcome them, educate them, and learn from them. They are your leaders for the next four years a time which undoubtedly will be full of challenges and opportunities to show the American public the value of DHS and why it is worth the investment. You will remain an inspiration to me. And while I will be moving on, I look forward to staying involved in the issues we have spent our careers advancing. Sincerely, Chad F. Wolf Acting Secretary of Homeland Security ---END OF LETTER--- It seems that there is only one sentence in that entire letter that says why he quit. It is the part that says "this action is warranted by recent events," which obviously refers to the protesters storming the Capitol Building last week. His letter sounds like the work of a rat leaving a sinking ship. It is like he says "I tried you know, I hoped it wouldn't sink, but with nothing but the stern under water I had no choice but to jump." We think his resignation is entirely self serving, but it still sends a good message that yet another member of Trump's cabinet does not have his back anymore. We will be removing Wolf's home address from this website in the coming hours because we don't believe that he poses a threat to the public anymore and because his resignation was the right thing for him to do. He did not meet the criteria for removal that we had given him, but despite that we believe in rewarding people for making good choices even if those choices are made far too late and for the wrong reasons. #chadwolf #homelandsecurity #petegaynor #fema


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