Monday, November 23, 2020

Valerie R. Houghton poisoned me because I complained

Valerie Houghton represented me during my divorce. During such representation I was defrauded. Valerie hid child abuse to maximize her profits. I realized only after the divorce was finalized that there was fraud involved. I complained to the State Bar of California. Sometime thereafter I was poisoned. Valerie Houghton is not only an attorney and therapist, but also a Registered Nurse who used to specialize in medical malpractice. Ms Houghton has a people follow you and poison at opportune times. Poison control believes that arsenic was one of the toxins used. There is an active police investigation into the matter. My kidneys, heart and liver have all been damaged from the poisonings. My testicles have atrophied and the shape of my face has changed. My body sometimes twitches involuntarily and I make spontaneous sounds. Ms. Houghton had loyalties to NO ONE during my divorce. Her main goal was making money. It doesn't matter if the representation is a secret. She will approach your spouse. You will never know what is going on. It also does not matter who makes more money. The only thing that matters is how easy it is to get to the assets. She uses her "therapist" identity to get you to spill all your secrets. Valerie will do the same (in secret or not) to your spouse and children. It will be difficult to know what she is doing or whose side she is on. I only put the pieces together years later. If you have retained Ms. Houghton and are reading this, there is likely going to be a restraining order in place - even if the person who the order is against is NOT the abuser. It works in her favor, especially for punishment for not "obeying" her, as well as to disrupt communication between the parties. Valerie will figure out ways to get one of the parties arrested. She even used the kids to bait me. Ms. Houghton has FUN with this. It is not just about the money. Ms. Houghton hijacks your case and keeps you hostage until all the money is gone. Family Court is the perfect place for this to happen because of the amount of control that it gives her and the connections to make things happen. Valerie can get support orders changed, assets placed into trust, orders pertaining to custody/ visitation modified, and even tamper with your freedom. Valerie knows that you will do anything to see your kids. Expect to be drugged. You may need to go into drug or alcohol treatment (even if you don't use them) if you want to see your kids. She is a HIGHLY abusive person with a sadistic sense of humor. You will never know what she is up to until years later. Make no mistake about it. Valerie is pulling most of the strings. So if your kids are acting up, you are failing drug tests, or suddenly have a criminal record - assume that Valerie Houghton is behind it. Drugging and poisoning is much easier than one can assume. Be EXTREMELY careful if you deal with her. The big problem is her sense of entitlement. She believes that once she is on your case that your children and money belong to her. She will not take "no" for an answer. There are severe consequences for not complying with her demands. I would rather deal with a criminal on the street, than with Ms. Houghton. She has WAY more power to screw or defraud you. At least with a criminal you can call the police. Valerie will never leave you or your kids until all the money is gone or your kids have turned 18. Again, everything is assumed to be hers. She will make your world upside-down. Expect to be hacked, but not know it. That means that you need to be careful with your phone and periodically do a DFU restore. Valerie will monitor your communications, as well as penetrate your social network. Most people have a price, including friends, doctors, other attorneys, family members, baristas, and co-workers. She will factor in your assets. If you have a house, or other large asset, expect more people in your social network to be involved. People will influence you to take the actions that meet her interests or provide her with information that helps her cause. Always remember that Valerie Houghton is NOT there for you or your kids. Valerie is SELFISH and only looks out for herself, even if that means causing your kids to get molested. Don't be fooled by the therapist stuff. I have been dealing with Valerie for the past 6 years, so I know how it works. She is probably going to end up killing me because of all the complaints. #valeriehoughton #poison #divorce #attorney #therapist


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