Saturday, November 7, 2020

Valerie Houghton is an attorney who sex trafficked my children

The definitive guide to dealing with Valerie Houghton. She is the client. It doesn't matter who is paying her or what is requested, Valerie Houghton has no loyalties. She will create outcomes that yield her the most money. Ms. Houghton separately told both me and my spouse to pay her in cash and keep her retainment a secret. Valerie Houghton doesn't care about anything. I told her that my spouse was letting my 13 year old son be molested. Instead of taking proper action, she used that information to extract assets from my spouse to be placed into trust. I was not allowed to discuss it with my son. Valerie Houghton is well connected with other attorneys and judges. She will contact opposing attorneys, as well as your own, to both create unnecessary conflict and to prolong the process. There is a lot of con artistry involved, including having the judge involved. You are going to be hacked. Make no mistake about it. Information is king, Turn off the wifi function on your phone. Use an iphone because it is easy to do a DFU restore. Using the factory reset on an android phone wont suffice. Make sure to restore periodically. Dont open attachments. Dont leave your phone unattended. Prepare for at least one of the parties to have a restraining order, even if there is no abuse. This is standard in all her cases. If the parties cannot communicate, she is in control. She also likes to put people in jail, or threaten to do so. Valerie can be quite the bully. Valerie Houghton is vindictive. She will take it personally if you disobey her or dispute her invoices.She gets off on annihilation. Valerie threatened me on several occasions not to fire her. After she did nothing about my son being molested, I fired her. At the next hearing the judge vacated all of my hearings, but kept a temporary restraining order going. I was subsequently cut out of my kids lives. Something was read from my spouses attorneys phone and I agreed. I didnt understand at the time that it was a three year restraining order and I could only see my kids if mother permitted brief and peaceful contact I never got to see or sign any document. The judge couldnt even tell me a reason why I couldnt contact my kids when I asked him at a later hearing. I later saw on Ms. Houghtons website that the judge was listed as a personal reference. There are many more judges that she is connected to, as I later found this out through my experience dealing with her. I dont have any sound advice on this one. You cant fire her. She will stay on your case until your kids until your kids turn 18 and there is no money left for her to milk. Valerie Houghton uses a private investigator named Carlos Gonzalez. He has a team of young hispanic males that work for him. They likely work on the cheap and are unlicensed. They are capable of doing almost anything, including stalking, harassing, threatening, hacking, breaking and entering, drugging, and poisoning. The drugging and poisoning are easier to do than one might imagine. Although I experienced both, the poisoning is likely reserved for extreme situations, such as filing a complaint. By the way, never file a complaint against her. If you have kids the drugging is likely, even if you are paying her. Remember: the only interests that matter are her own. If you start failing drug tests and need drug treatment to see your kids, start suspecting that Houghton is involved. Once she hacks your electronic devices, Valerie will penetrate your social circle. She also is HIGHLY adept at using social media. She will use that for data mining and to stalk you. Valerie will dig up dirt to threaten and blackmail you. Please recall the example that I gave involving my son getting molested. I suggest deleting all of your accounts, including Facebook, Reddit, Twitter, and anything else. If you are hacked, she will also send out messages from there if it suits her needs. Valerie is a sociopath on steroids. Most people will take her money, including friends and some family. Stay away from starbucks and other restaurants. With Valerie I learned that most people will take money, including for drugging. Valerie Houghton is EXTREMELY smart and very stubborn and cunning. She will figure out highly elaborate charades to cheat you. Again, she doesnt take no for answer. I don't have any specific advice for this. If she wants to cheat, she will likely get away with it, especially if she involves your attorney and/ or judge. Don't trust anyone. You cant even trust your own children if Valerie is involved. She will use them for information and school them to do what she wants. People might try to advise you, including friends and family. Valerie likes to involve anyone that she can, even people at your job and your doctor. Change all your locks. Don't give out any keys. Your children are her ATM machines. She knows that you will do and pay whatever is necessary to see them. This is how she maximizes her profits. The more assets you have, the longer the divorce will drag out. She wants everything, especially the big stuff like the house. Remember she will involve everyone, including all the attorneys and judge. Make sure to ask around before hiring your primary attorney. This is something that I hugely regret not doing. I was pushed into getting an attorney who was connected to Ms. Houghton. Valerie is capable of ANYTHING, including assault and letting your children get raped. Anything goes, so be extra careful. Besides being a therapist and attorney, Valerie Houghton is also a registered nurse who used to specialize in medical malpractice. The only reason that I know all of this stuff is because I have been dealing with her for the past six years. You might not realize that she is secretly pulling the strings until years later. But if you already know that she is on your case, expect all of the above, excluding the poisoning (if you haven't complained). #attorney #therapist #nurse #sextrafficking #jail #parentalalienation


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