Sunday, November 3, 2019

Lauren Williams Deits Helped USAO Prosecute a Former Client

When Lauren Williams Deits was a legal assistant for the United States Attorney's Office (USAO) in Portland, Oregon she assisted in the prosecution of Jason Paul Schaefer even though Schaefer is a former client of hers that she personally worked with at the Washington County Jail. In 2017 she was a legal assistant for the Metropolitan Public Defender (MPD) in Washington County and Jason Schaefer was an inmate facing a new criminal charge. Deits' job was to interview inmates about their cases within 24 hours of their arraignment and one of the inmates she interviewed was Schaefer. At the time of Schaefer's interview he was charged with being a felon in possession of body armor. Evidence in that case included body cam footage from arresting officers. That footage was later used by prosecutors in his federal case. Despite overwhelming evidence that would jog the memory of any normal person that had interviewed Schaefer in the capacity that Deits interviewed him, she claims that at no point when she was working on his federal case did she ever remember meeting Schaefer. The judge overseeing the case, Marco Hernandez, has stated in court that he does not believe her. This author personally dislikes Hernandez, has a very rocky history with him, and despite that fully supports his position that Deits is not credible. Diets' prior work with Schaefer did not come to light until someone at MPD noticed a Facebook post written by Diets about the guilty verdict in which she referred to the case as what she had lost her mind working on for months. The MPD lawyer reading the post remembered that Diets had worked with Shaefer's MPD defense team and notified Schaefer's lawyer. A criminal background check of Deitz revealed a dismissed speeding violation. The information from that case was listed as follows: 12/05/2017 VIOLATING A SPEED LIMIT Case Number 17VI208971 Crime Type TRAFFIC Degree Of Offense VIOLATION CLASS C Grade Of Offense CR Offense Code 811.111 Offense Date 11/26/2017 Offense Description VIOLATING A SPEED LIMIT Charges Filed Date 12/05/2017 Plea 2217 Disposition DIS Disposition Date 02/09/2018 Status STATE OF OREGON VS LAUREN WILLIAMS DEITS More information: Possible Lauren Deits Facebook Profile: DISCLOSURE: In the spirit of disclosure this author remembers living next to Schaefer at the Columbia County Jail in 2018. During that time Schaefer a.k.a. "Fingers" made my time better. At one point he stuck up for me after a guard used excessive force. Fingers helped me eat better when the jail would not sell me commissary. I believe that my opinion of Ms. Deits has been tainted by my positive experiences with Fingers kind of like how her experience with him surely tainted her work on his trial.#laurendeits #jasonschaefer #metropolitanpublicdefender


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