Juvenile correctional officer Catherine Dutcher was arrested recently for making one lucky young man's dream come true. She now faces one count of having unlawful sexual relations with an inmate over the age of 16. Dutcher was working at the Kansas Juvenile Correctional Complex (KJCC) at the time of her arrest but was immediately fired the same day. She was a rookie officer who was hired back in August of this year. At just 24 years old she certainly seems like someone within the desirable age range for males ages 16-22 like the guys locked up at KJCC. This author would not make light of this if 16 were not the legal age of consent in Kansas (https://ift.tt/CiPtK50) which makes this relationship a crime solely due to the power dynamic which exists due to the male being an inmate and the female being an officer. If Dutcher were male and the "victim" female this author would likely feel differently but as someone whose been both a young man and much later an inmate I feel that prisons need more officers like this one. It is hard to take someone seriously who tries to label a man lucky enough to get laid by a woman in prison as a victim. Nothing so far suggests that she did anything but make that man's time better. If she were extremely fat, ugly, or otherwise undesirable to the point of needing to use her position to force men to have sex with her that would be one thing but nothing indicates that to be the case so far. Everything at this point indicates that some young man just got lucky. Perhaps she should consider applying for a position with the Make-a-Wish Foundation. According to public records, Catherine Michelle Jean Dutcher is a 24 year old resident of Topeka, Kansas. #catherinedutcher #sexualmisconduct #jailsex
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