Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Kingsport Police Officer Horne

Kingsport Police Officer Horne Horne admitted to laughing- A 19-year veteran of the Kingsport Police Department is appealing his firing over the handling of beer confiscated from minors. According to testimony at a Wednesday hearing, Cpl. Tim Horne was one of several officers who responded to a party where there was underage drinking. Officers confiscated nearly four full cases of beer. Horne admitted to laughing at a comment that the beer should be given to another officer, although he denied making the comment, according to the Kingsport Times-News. Later the beer was given to the other officer and Horne approved a report stating it had been destroyed. Horne's attorneys argued that firing him was an overreaction. The department should decide his fate next week. #kingsportpoliceofficerhorne


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