Correctional officer Javier Gomez was arrested for child molestation at Corcoran State Prison earlier this month. Gomez is accused of repeatedly sexually abusing a victim under the age of 16 back in 2017, but the crimes were not reported until December of last year. During a search of his home an unregistered rifle was discovered. Gomez now faces charges of participating in an act of sexual penetration with another person under 16 years old, unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor under the age of 16 and being in possession of an unregistered assault weapon. He was booked on $240,000 bail and released on bond. Gomez's employment status with the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation is not known to us at this time. In the mugshot above some might say that Gomez looks like a deer caught in the headlights, but we think he looks more like a sex offender that just set foot on a prison yard when he recognizes someone that knows what he's in for. When all is said and done he will probably have to do time. Life behind bars is exceptionally hard for child molesters and former law enforcement in general, but a former correctional officer in for a sex crime will experience the worst of both world, especially in California. He will probably be kept on 23 hour lockdown and kept separate from all other inmates. His time will be similar to what one would expect if put in disciplinary segregation, but with a little bit of commissary available. According to public records, Javier D. Gomez is a 40 year old resident of Kingsburg, California. He is listed as the property owner of 2855 23RD CT KINGSBURG, CA 93631 with a purchase date of August 2018. We are exempting Gomez from our usual courtesy of censoring home addresses of law enforcement personnel because he is charged with a sex crime involving a minor. Please do not use this information for any unlawful purpose. #javiergomez #corcoranstateprison #childmolestation #sexoffenders
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