Thursday, February 18, 2021

Terry Szucsko concealed child molestation

Terry Szucsko represented my ex-spouse during my divorce. He was belligerent from the get-go, filing for a restraining order when there was no domestic violence. The police report confirmed that, but that never mattered to Mr. Szucsko. He was out to take away my kids. During the divorce I disclosed that my ex was allowing an older man molest our 13 year old son. At the following hearing my ex agreed to disclose that she had hidden $130,000 worth of gold coins. It came as a complete shock to me. I never thought that I would see those coins again. My ex is GREEDY. She wanted every penny. We each got $25,000. The remaining $80,000 went to the attorneys to be held in trust. Mr. Szucsko then got me to agree to a restraining order that prevented me contacting my children for three years. I never got to sign any stipulation. Mr. Szucsko told the judge that he had left the paperwork on his desk. He then read something from a phone. I didn't understand what it was at the time. The order only permitted contact if "mother agreed." Mr. Szucsko knew that my son was being molested, but that didn't matter to him. He only cared about the money. The divorce would have been over quickly if the real issues were addressed. Said restraining order was subsequently renewed. My son recently turned 18, so I was able to see him. He confirmed that he had indeed been molested. He says that the experience left him traumatized and suicidal. There are strong indications that my other three children that I have with that mother have also been sexually abused, but I have yet to confirm that because I have not seen them in over six years. Maybe Mr. Szucsko did right by his client. It would have been nice if he could have also protected the children. #childmolestation #parentalalienation #childabuse #attorney


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