Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Galveston Police Captain Pedro Alcocer Arrested for Domestic Violence

Galveston Police Captain Pedro Alcocer was arrested for assault causing bodily injury/family violence and harassment following a domestic violence incident earlier this week. The offenses are both misdemeanors so he only had to post $5,000 bail after turning himself in before being released under an emergency protective order which prohibits him for coming within 200 yards of the victim or having any type of communication with her. He was placed on administrative leave without pay. Specifics of the case have not been released so all we can do is speculate at this time. Statistically speaking domestic violence is one of the most common crimes we see cops get arrested for. Most male officers arrested for domestic violence are accused of hitting their wives, sometimes their kids, and the rest are gay. In wife beater cases slapping is a common weapon of choice as well as punching, shoving, and strangulation. Alcocer is charged with causing an injury so that could be due to facial bruising from getting slapped, strangulation marks around the neck, or worse, but probably not much worse or he would be facing a felony charge. Usually the accused have been drunk. Police officers have a habit of drinking heavily to cope with the guilt that comes with doing what they do. That combined with their propensity to violence makes many married officers ticking time bombs. Ironic since one of the most common reasons women marry cops is because they feel safe with them. That sense of security is often shattered soon after the honeymoon ends and they find themselves in the crosshairs suspected of causing more stress for someone already working a high stress job. By the time they realize who they really married it is too late and they are already prisoners in their own homes. Captain Alcocer has been with the Galveston Police Department since 1991 and has been a captain since 2019. According to public records some poor woman whose name we will not post has shared an address with Alcocer since at least 1989 and is about the same age. We speculate that she has probably endured years of abuse and finally had enough. If Captain Alcocer wants to put an end to our speculations he is welcome to send us a copy of the police report or he could ask his boss to do the right thing and release the details. Police departments have nobody but themselves to blame when members of the public start speculating about details after their officers are arrested and no details are released. If they don't want people fearing the worst they should just put the publics minds at ease by saying something beyond just what the charges are. They could at least issue a press release summarizing what their own people say happened. They do that when members of the public are arrested and they can do it with their own people. #pedroalcocer #harassment #assault #domesticviolence


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