Friday, October 2, 2020

Photo Shows Donald Trump Kissing Hope Hicks and Now He Has COVID

An hour ago we found out that President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump admitted having COIVD-19. We immediately set out to learn just how close the President was with patient zero in his circle. That person is said to be Hope Hicks. Hicks is a former model that worked with the Trump organization for many years before becoming White House communications directory during the early days of the Trump administration. She is now a senior public relations advisor to the President, but are she and the President more than that? This picture clearly shows the couple engaged in close physical contact including a kiss. The video below shows Hicks reciprocate that kiss. In the video TIME calls her one of his closest confidants. That video is from 2018 when she left her job as White House communications director. At that time she was reportedly dating Rob Porter ( Porter is now 42 years old and Hicks is 31, so she clearly has a taste for older men and money. Donald Trump has always had a taste for much younger women and spending money. They certainly seem compatible. Melania Trump is getting on in years, but has not lost her looks entirely which would explain why he is still close with her. For the sake of public appearances it would make sense for Trump to take a mistress and keep her nearby without officially splitting from his wife. Melania Trump is a gold digger and most gold diggers they tend to like it when their sugar daddy loses interest in them romantically as long as that just means less work for the same money. Hope Hicks certainly appears to have all the characteristics of a gold digger that the President would be interested in. Does this explain why Trump always keeps her nearby? We think so. Hope Hicks has been accused of stealing the spotlight from Melania Trump on high profile tours and in one case continued to tour Vietnam with the President after Melania finally had enough and went home ( The First Lady is clearly insecure with Hope Hicks around. Could this be more than the result of a younger woman turning more heads in public? Like giving head in private? We would not be surprised. It has been reported that Trump became jealous when Hicks was seen in public "canoodling" with Brad Parscale and demoted him as a result ( Was that a punishment for getting too close to his woman? That was the buzz online back in July. Learn more about the current Trump COVID crisis at #donaldtrump #hopehicks #melaniatrump #coronavirus #joebiden


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