Saturday, October 31, 2020

Neptune City Police Officer Damien Broschart Sexted Teen He Arrested

Neptune City Police Officer Damien Broschart has been arrested on cyber harassment charges after sending sexually explicit text messages to an 18 year old woman that he had arrested. Broschart pulled the victim over earlier this month, arrested her on drug charges and moving violations, gave her a ride back to her car after she was released on her own recognizance, and asked her for her phone number. He then started sending her text messages, asked to meet her at her place after his shift was over, and called her from a phone at the Neptune City Police Department (NCPD) after she blocked him. According to media reports, Broschart turned off his body cam and mobile video recorder before asking the victim for her phone number while giving her a ride back to her car. After getting her number, either from her personally or from her arrest record (we don't know which), he started texting her before the end of his shift. His text said that he though she was "cute" and would like to "pay [her] back" for everything. She did not respond to his messages beyond blocking his number. He responded to the block by calling her from a different number, that number belonged to the NCPD, and he left her voice messages that she did not respond to either. Instead she reported him to his bosses and an internal affairs investigation began. After Broschart's arrest the NCPD issued official statements saying that this kind of behavior will not be tolerated. Broschart was also charged with hindering apprehension of himself. We can only assume that means that he tried to stop his fellow officers from holding him accountable. He faces three to five years in prison on the hindering charge and up to 18 months on the cyber harassment charge, but New Jersey tend to favor non-incarceration for first time offenders. Despite that prosecutors are saying that they recognize the need to hold bad cops accountable, so hopefully he will get to do some time with guys that he put in there. #damienbroschart #harassment #sexualmisconduct #sexting #weirdos


Friday, October 30, 2020

Todd Folks is a snitch, I was in a raid and he got let go!!

This guy is a snitch and information for many cases here in Shawnee, I was in a raid where he got released. They all float down here!! #snitch #shawnee #oklahoma #toddfolks


Hundreds of Memphis Police Dept. employees disciplined last year

MEMPHIS, Tenn. In a matter of roughly one year, 17-year-old Oshay Sims went from honor student and band member to murder suspect, then later set free. Once I explained to the prosecutor, we sat down with her and we went over everything, Sims Attorney Kamilah Turner said. She too was quite shocked that this is what the evidence looked like, and so thats how he ended up getting out of jail without having to make a bond. Turner said it was a rare decision on a serious charge. She took the case for free after an outcry from Sims teachers and others. Sims had confessed to killing 26-year-old Antaeus Colbert near an AutoZone parking lot near Airways and Lamar in June 2018. You have to have corroborating evidence or other evidence, other than a statement to convict somebody, Turner said. Police connected the victim and suspect through cell phone records, but witnesses and Sims own confession said someone else used his phone. There was not a murder weapon, and police obtained surveillance video from the wrong day. Court records show another person at the scene never identified Sims as the shooter, and friends put him elsewhere. So he just started making things up, and thats what the confession looked like to me, Turner said. It looked like somebody who was making things up and trying to fit into whatever they wanted him to say. Memphis police interrogated Sims for roughly eight hours, part of that time without his mother present, and it wasnt recorded. Documents show the officer advised Sims of his rights multiple times, Turner believes the confession was false and forced. I knew the officers that were involved in the case, I saw the names and quite frankly, I knew that some of them had reputations for doing things that are not always above board, Turner said. The WREG Investigators requested the officers personnel files. Thats when we noticed names of officers whod recently been in trouble. Sergeant Sheila Green was the lead homicide detective on Sims case. Her partner Lieutenant Eric Kelly assisted in the investigation. If those names sound familiar, its because WREG has mentioned them recently. Turner said that raises questions. Kelly is on a list of more than a dozen law enforcement officers being investigated by the DAs office for misconduct. He and Green traveled to Montgomery, Alabama, to interview a murder suspect. A woman named Bridgett Stafford rode shotgun on that taxpayer-funded trip. Stafford was a suspect in a unrelated murder case. Racy texts reveal Kelly had a sexual relationship with Stafford. Records reveal he gave her money, bought her weed and encouraged her to work as a stripper. Stafford told police she had marijuana Kelly purchased in the car during the trip, and smoked with Greens wife before leaving. Kelly retired amid an investigation, and Green was suspended for two days. Turner said shed heard about Kelly but wasnt aware of Greens involvement. WREG dug deeper into Greens file and found dozens of other violations, including two for excessive force. One involved an incident where she reportedly beat up a man after having to chase him. It was appealed through Civil Service and dropped. The other involved an arrest where Green pepper-sprayed a woman, then allegedly hit her during transport. Greens statements and jail logs showed conflicting times. Police said the woman could have sustained injuries otherwise but called Green deceitful in her portrayal of the facts and said her actions did not justify the use of chemical agent. And so, if weve found out about this one thing, and weve heard about these other things, how much more is there that we dont know? Turner said. MPD wouldnt go on camera, but a spokesperson pointed to court records to reiterate their officers following the rules in Sims case. Yet questions still remain. Nearly two months after Sims was released, he died in a car accident traveling to a family funeral. His attorneys were working to have the charges dismissed. Sims story was a partial catalyst behind two juvenile criminal justice reform bills introduced in the Tennessee General Assembly this year. One would require videotaping all interrogations of minors. The other requires a parent or guardian be present during interrogations. Both bills are up for a House subcommittee vote March 11. #sergeantsheilagreenmemphispolicedepartment


Eric Kelly Memphis Police indicted

MEMPHIS, Tenn. A former Memphis police officer has been indicted on three felony charges of misconduct, the Shelby County District Attorneys Office announced Tuesday. According to officials, 49-year-old Eric Kelly committed acts that constituted an unauthorized exercise of official power, committed acts under color of office or employment that exceeded his official power, and received a benefit not otherwise authorized by law. WREG first reported on Kellys case eight months ago when it came to light that he was reportedly having a sexual relationship with a murder suspect in a case he was working. At the time, he reportedly knew she was a high-up member of the Gangster Disciples. Documents show Kelly was the lead investigator in a case involving the murder of a 60-year-old chemist named Robert Glidden. They said during the investigation, he met a female suspect named Bridgett Stafford and charged her with accessory after the fact, saying that she drove the suspects somewhere to use the victims credit card. Bridget Stafford with Eric Kelly in background Documents showed he brought Stafford on a work trip to Alabama along with another officer Sgt. Sheila Green. The pair stayed in the same hotel room. During his internal affairs hearing, Kelly said the woman had nowhere to go and he took sympathy on her. According to the file, Stafford told them she smoked marijuana with Greens wife before they went on the trip. Documents also revealed how MPD found out about the relationship between the officer and suspect. That happened when her boyfriend told the FBI. MPD administratively charged Kelly with seven department violations. They admonished both Green and Kelly for not reporting the suspects presence on the trip to Alabama. In addition, documents showed Kelly got a $327 speeding ticket while on the trip but did not report it to MPD supervisors. They got pulled over while Stafford was in the car in possession of marijuana provided by Kelly, documents showed. He also gave Stafford more than $2,000 during their relationship as she became a stripper at the Gold Club, the documents said. Police files shed new light on ex-MPD officers affair with suspect A police department investigation found he violated policy, but before his hearing, he retired. Back then, D.A. Amy Weirich looked into the case and said there would be no criminal charges, saying at the time, there are no state criminal laws that Eric Kellys conduct violated. But a new unit established to review officer misconduct cases was just getting underway and Kellys case would be the first it would take up. The D.A.s office would not comment Tuesday on whether Kellys indictment came from that second review. WREG investigators spent months digging into Kellys MPD files earlier this year, finding a long list of disciplinary charges, suspensions and citizens complaints. A court date has not been set in this case. #erickelly #misconduct #gangaffiliation #officersgtsheilagreen


Thursday, October 29, 2020

Cleveland Police Officer Jessica Ortiz Suspended for Racial Slurs

It might surprise you to learn that Cleveland Police Officer Jessica Ortiz was suspended for uttering racial slurs towards black people while drunk at a pizzeria , but that is no surprise to anyone that has done prison time. In prison this author was surprised to learn that the Mexicans hate blacks more than the skinheads do. This author found that out at FCI Sheridan while celled up with a South Sider that would constantly use the n-word when referring to black inmates. We might be jumping the gun however on the ethnicity of Ortiz because although most people in the United States named Ortiz are latino, the name Ortiz is technically a Spanish name, so she could be a Spaniard or a direct descendent of Spaniards for all we know, she might not be a person of color, and our efforts to find a picture of her have ended with what appears to be a stock photo of a latino model. According to I Heart Radio, Ortiz was spotted stumbling around drunk outside Nunzio's Pizzeria, told concerned patrons "I can do whatever I want, I'm a cop," picked up her pizza, puked into the pizza box, stumbled outside, called a black man the n-word, and was trying to force her way into a vehicle when her friend pulled her away, she drove off, ran a red light, and nearly hit a utility pole. She wrote that she just got into an argument while picking up her pizza, wrote down her name/badge number, and left. Witnesses say that she provided the badge number when an employee threatened to call the police. The incident took place in 2018. She was finally suspended for it this week. The suspension will last for 30 days. In an effort to find a photo of Officer Ortiz we went first to Google Images where we found only one image result for "Jessica Ortiz Cleveland Police" that contained a female in uniform. Problem is that image is obviously a stock photo of a latino female model wearing a police uniform. We found it on the I Heart Radio website (see source link above article). It has all the markings of a stock photo. Markings like no name on the nametag, no agency name on the badge, the logos on the arms are cut off so they look like they could be from anywhere, and the focus/lighting are perfect. Surely most people can see the irony of I Heart Radio using a stock image of someone of the same ethnic group that they think they are, wearing a police uniform, when they can't find a real picture of the officer that was suspended for racist behavior. The article was written by Kelton Brooks whom will be reaching out to for comment on this. #jessicaortiz #iheartradio #nunziospizzeria #keltonbrooks


Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Hopkinsville KY Christian County Sheriff's Major Jason Newby

Carter V Newby The following Background section is taken from Carter's Complaint, the veracity of which is assumed for purposes of a Rule 12(b)(6) motion, as explained below. This case arises out of a criminal investigation and, later, a criminal prosecution in Christian County, Kentucky, which spanned from the 1990s into the 2010s. In September of 1994, Carter was a police officer in the town of Oak Grove, which is located in Christian County, Kentucky. [R. 1 at 3 (Carter Complaint).] At that time, he was also employed part-time as the custodian of the New Life Massage Parlor ("the Parlor"). [Id.] According to Carter, the Parlor was actually a front for a prostitution business. [Id.] Carter alleges that the Parlor was run with certain policies and procedures, including a sign-in sheet. [Id. at 4.] According to Carter, at approximately 2:00 A.M. on September 20, 1994, Carter left the Parlor, followed by the departure of three of the five employees one hour later. [Id.] Two employees remained alone in the building. [Id.] At approximately 3:45 A.M., the three Parlor employees returned to find the two employees who stayed behind shot and stabbed. [Id.] Both victims perished from their injuries. [Id.] After finding the two victims, the employees called the police. [Id.] Carter was called to the scene with his canine unit. [Id.] Carter alleges that "as the lead investigators had allowed approximately 30 individuals to enter the crime scene prior to [Carter]'s arrival, [Carter] never received any orders to utilize his canine unit in the investigation." [Id.] A few months after the homicide occurred, the Christian County Sheriff's Department took over the investigation with assistance from the Federal Bureau of Investigation. [Id. at 5.] Carter states that no charges were filed in relation to this investigation. [Id.] In 2006, the case, still unsolved, was transferred to the Kentucky State Police. [Id.] The case was assigned to Newby. [Id.] In November 2013, Newby secured an indictment in Christian County against Carter and two other individuals after testifying before a grand jury there. [Id.] Carter's Complaint alleges that Newby made "materially false statements and/or omissions . . . with reckless disregard for the truth" while testifying before the grand jury. [Id.] These statements, according to Carter, include but are not limited to the following: Newby testified that he interviewed Tammy Papler [an owner of the massage parlor] who said it was common knowledge that Ed Carter was wanting to take over the massage parlor business. That statement is false. In addition, there was no written statement from Newby regarding an interview of Tammy Papler. Newby testified, 'My opinion is he went there, too. He saw the girls leave, contacted Mr. Black, said there's two left in there.' This statement is false and/or made with a reckless disregard for the truth. There was no evidence of Carter seeing girls leave the massage parlor, no evidence that Carter contacted Mr. Black, and no evidence as to what statement Carter made to Mr. Black on the fabricated phone call. Newby testified that Carter's then wife, Carol, made statements that when Carter got home that night he was washing clothes which she thought was very odd. Carol's interview with the [FBI] makes no mention of Carter washing clothes that night or that Carol thought that washing clothes was odd. Newby never interviewed Carol. Newby testified that Carter and his co-defendant Duncan had been roommates less than a year before the murders. This statement was false. Carter and Duncan had not lived together, at the latest . . . over two years prior to the homicides . . .. Newby testified about a completely unrelated disappearance that had occurred in Oak Grove in 1992, and testified that Carter was the canine officer assigned to that case. That statement is false because Carter did not even become a canine officer until . . . over two years later. [Id. at 5-6.] Carter further alleges: In his profoundly shoddy investigation of the deaths, Defendant Newby failed to interview or collect any evidence from several customers of the massage parlor who were listed on the parlor's sign-in sheet, failed to pursue multiple viable alternate suspects of the murder, and failed to perform or have performed relevant DNA analysis of genetic material found in the mouth, anus, vagina, and fingernails of the deceased victims, despite the fact that the DNA collected did not match the Plaintiff or either of his criminal co-defendants. [Id. at 6.] Carter was "incarcerated from November 24, 2013, through September 14, 2016, when he was acquitted of all charges by jury trial." [Id. at 6.] Carter brought claims against Newby (1) for malicious prosecution under 42 U.S.C. 1983 and under Kentucky common law, and (2) for violations of procedural and substantive due process under the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution. [Id. at 7-8.] Newby filed the instant Motion pursuant to Rule 12(b)(6) to dismiss all of Carter's claims against him. [R. 8.] CONCLUSION For the foregoing reasons, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED: Newby's Motion to Dismiss, [R. 8], is DENIED as it pertains to Carter's malicious prosecution claims under Count I of the Complaint and GRANTED as it pertains to Carter's due process claims under Count II of the Complaint. A Telephonic Scheduling Conference is set for July 23, 2018 at 2:00 P.M. Court shall place the call. IT IS SO ORDERED. /s/ Thomas B. Russell, Senior Judge United States District Court cc: Counsel of Record July 13, 2018 ***Newby got a promotion to Major , after the false testimony listed above. ***Newby allegedly has complaints pending, including but limited to excessive force. ***4/24/20 Newby allegedly pulled over a car for speeding ( speed is disputed, no radar submitted). Newby allegedly told diver she had until his tow truck came to get insurance. Woman called ins. ( recorded) and attempted to get coverage updated. Newby played games and would not give back the needed paperwork to finish the coverage. Woman was distraught pleading with Newby asking " why are you doing this to me". He demanded her to get out of the car ( while she was still on the phone finishing). She was FULLY compliant as Newby escalated. While on the PUBLIC easement Newby began giving unlawful orders for her to move. In Newby's statement, he was trying to " protect her as SHE was walking into oncoming traffic" (*not true view video). As she complied with the unlawful order ( hands up while holding paperwork and a phone) Newby began to push and pull on her disabled arm, at times in the opposite direction of his order, at times his body blocking her movement to the ordered direction. She pulled away and yelled at him to get off her. This imo enraged the officer and she was instantly tackled to the ground. Newbys right-hand man Goulet watching and appeared to smile as Newby escalated (As he began to go hands-on/ tackle, view video). Newby allegedly put his hand over her mouth as she screamed. Woman was charged with disorderly conduct, when a plea was refused Felony Assult on an officer was added. Newby alleged he was bitten. Photo evidence imo does not show a bite but an abrasion. This " bite" was referred to in reports as an abrasion. Under oath, Newby testified he does NOT remember feeling pain at the moment he was " bit". His stories seem to change as he is easily confused and irritated when questioned under oath ( imo) reference video and testimony. There is also a video of possible witness intimidation in the case above. Stalking through the department, also in video Newby is seen driving past womans work and waving at her within days of her FOIA and complaints filed by an attorney in her civil rights case. Deputies have also been reported sitting outside of her house, a speed trap or plate reader was temporarily placed on her road ( small rd that one would find it unusual to see this). Woman, in this case, is a disabled single mother who does not even have the strength in her arm to resist. Never been in trouble and holding a stable job. Watching the video you can see Newby pulling her by her arm and causing extreme pain. The woman had multiple abrasions, swelling and cuts due to being tackled " to save her life". Viewing the video It does not seem the woman is walking into the road, It also appears Newby was pulling her bad arm back down towards himself in the opposite direction he instructed her to go, confusing, and escalating the situation. ***DISCLAIMER ALL COMMENTS ABOVE ARE NOT INTENDED TO BE VIEWED AS FACT. ALL COMMENTS ARE ALLEGED AND OR OUTSIDE OPINION, PLEASE REFERENCE VIDEO, FOIA, AND COURT RECORDS. WILL UPDATE OFFICIAL FOIA OF NEWBYS HISTORY AND DISCIPLINARY RECORDS*** #newby #hopkinsvilleky #falsestatements #excessiveforcecomplaints


Philadelphia Police Shocker: Officers Don't Carry Stun Guns

Philadelphia Police Commissioner Danielle Outlaw said that the officers responsible for the shooting of Walter Wallace Jr. were not carrying tasers due to budget constraints. It is hard to find a worse example of incompetent leadership than a chief who denies her officers a critical less than lethal alternative to shooting suspects during mental health crisis'. Outlaw told the mainstream media that the officers responsible for Wallace Jr's death were not carrying stun guns. She conceded that her own department's policy requires that every officer carry a taser, but said that the program within the department for outfitting officers with tasers is out of date. Whose fault is that? The buck stops with her, so we think it is her fault and that Wallace Jr. would probably still be alive if those officers had tasers. In the video of the incident ( you can see plenty of distance between the officer and Wallace Jr. The officers demonstrated with their repeated attempts to walk away from Wallace Jr. that they were probably willing to entertain alternatives to shooting him. We think that if they were armed with tasers that they would have probably used them and Wallace Jr. might still be alive today. It is hard to imagine a cop without a taser. Just learning that a major American city has failed to equip all of its officers with tasers is enough for us to ask more questions whenever we see officers shoot someone in a scenario where a taser would have been more appropriate. It makes us wonder if the officer in Lancaster, Pennsylvania who shot Ricardo Munoz earlier this year had a taser ( It makes us wonder if Rowland Police Officer Michael Sale had a taser when he was beat up on the job twice in the past year ( Physically weaker officers are far more likely to needlessly kill people if their only two choices are getting beat up or opening fire. It is unconscionable that Commissioner Outlaw denies her officers the option to use a taser. If she doesn't get that program up to date real fast it is only a matter of time until some weakling in her ranks shoots someone else because they didn't feel capable of handling a suspect any other way. We still think that the officers should have went for a leg shot before a kill shot, but whose fault is it if they are only trained to target the center mass of a target? We think it is Danielle Outlaw's fault because the buck stops with her. She needs to make sure that her officers know how and when to aim for a flesh wound. Wallace Jr. should have been left on the ground grasping his leg in agony, but instead he is dead. Conclusion This killing is on the city of Philadelphia and their police commissioner. The PPD failed to provide their officers with less than lethal weapons that they are already required to have and they failed to train their officers to shoot for a leg in certain situations. When department policy and failure to train are the driving force behind an injury then a municipality can be held liable in federal court under 42 U.S.C. 1983. #danielleoutlaw #tasers #walterwallace #ricardomunoz #stunguns


Monday, October 26, 2020

Philadelphia Police Did Not Need to Kill Walter Wallace Jr.

Officers with the Philadelphia Police Department (PPD) shot and killed Walter Wallace Jr. earlier today after he refused to drop a knife and continued moving in their direction. We believe that although force was reasonably necessary to stop Wallace's advance that the PPD should have at least tried to use less than lethal force. We say this because of the distance between Wallace and the officers as well as the speed with which he was moving at the time that they opened fire. In the video below you can see that Wallace Jr. ignored repeated orders to drop the knife and continued advancing towards the officers as they continually moved out of the way and backed up before eventually shooting him. We believe that the officers should have tried using a taser or shooting him in a less lethal location such as his legs before shooting him in the torso. We say this because there were several feet between them and Wallace was not moving very fast. This was not a case like the shooting of Ricardo Munoz in Lancaster earlier this year ( In that case Munoz was sprinting after an officer with a knife, the officer tried to run away, and only then did he open fire in self defense. We sided with the officer in that case because we think that anyone regardless of their occupation has the right to use lethal force when a knife wielding manic is sprinting at them. The officer in the Munoz case did not have a reasonable opportunity to use less than lethal force without putting himself at significant risk of death or serious injury. Had Munoz been moving slowly like Wallace was that would have been a different story. We see no good reason why the officers that shot Wallace Jr. could not have at least tried a taser or a leg shot. They did not need to go for the kill right away and that is why this shooting does not appear justified. The police are supposed to be trained to de-escalate situations with suspects that appear mentally ill. The purpose for such de-escalation is so that the suspect either surrenders or can be incapacitated without being killed. Tasers are designed for just that purpose. When officers have distance between themselves and a slow moving suspect armed with just a knife they should always try using a taser. If the taser does not work then they can go for a leg shot. If the leg shot does not work then they can go for a kill shot. They should never go for the kill right away like they did in this case. #walterwallace #ricardomunoz #blacklivesmatter #mentalillness


Sunday, October 25, 2020

NYPD Officer Suspended for Trumping On Duty

An officer with the NYPD was suspended today for Trumping while on duty. The unidentified officer was caught on camera using the loudspeaker in his patrol vehicle to blast a message supporting President Donald Trump's re-election campaign in the Flatbush neighborhood in Brooklyn last night. NYPD policy specifically forbid officers from voicing political views while on duty. The officer was suspended without pay pending an investigation into his violation of that policy. The suspension is not about his views. It is about the fact that voicing political views while on duty is inappropriate, especially if they are using NYPD property to broadcast those views to the community. New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio was quick to condemn the officer's actions saying, "I also think we've seen overwhelmingly officers leave their politics at home and they go and do what has to be done to keep people safe and to respect peaceful protest ... Any officer who can't or won't do that we have to discipline and we have to address, but I don't get an indication that that is a widespread challenge." Mayor de Blasio also tweeted "ANY NYPD Officer pushing ANY political agenda while on duty will face consequences." Police Commissioner Dermot Shea described the officer's behavior as "One hundred percent unacceptable." Shea also said that officers are required to remain apolitical while on duty. The NYPD did not release the name of the officer. The officer was clearly not suspended BECAUSE he supports Trump. If he had blasted "Biden 2020" suspension would have been equally appropriate. NYPD property is only supposed to be used for police duties. Announcing what candidate an officer personally supports is not a discretionary function. #nypd #donaldtrump #billdeblasio #dermotshea #presidentialelection


Saturday, October 24, 2020

Javier Esqueda Charged with Misconduct for Exposing Misconduct

Joliet Police Officer Javier Esqueda has been charged with official misconduct for releasing video footage that shows fellow officers abusing Eric Lurry shortly before he died in police custody back in January. We have always said that not all cops are bad people, but the others are afraid to do the right thing. The arrest of Javier Esqueda shows why they are afraid. Esqueda was literally arrested for doing the right thing just because doing the right thing was allegedly illegal. Esqueda should be given a medal and named officer of the year, but instead he faces up to five years in prison. Esqueda is charged with felony official misconduct because he allegedly broke the law by leaking video of his fellow officers abusing Eric Lurry the day he died in police custody. Esqueda says that his fellow officers were trying to cover up Lurry's death. He said that he released the video because it was the right thing to do. Even after getting out of jail he said that he would do it all over again. That sounds like someone that deserves to wear a badge. Someone that put the wellbeing of the public before his own safety and his career. That is what a police officer is supposed to do. Esqueda held a press conference outside the Kendall County Jail immediately after he was released in which he said: "I want justice for Eric Lurry. I want to see officers in this country come out and tell the truth. Be brave like that star that goes with you with the oath you took. If there is anything like this going on come out and tell the truth, so the world and this country will know there are good cops out there. Something like this should not be happening to you for telling the truth. " - Javier Esqueda Esqueda also said that he plans to file a federal lawsuit against the Joliet Police Department (JPD) for whistleblower retaliation. You can learn more about Javier Esqueda and hear more of what he has to say on this matter in the video below. Javier Esqueda is proving that ACAB needs to change because not all cops are bastards. We have been big supporters of the ACAB movement because we believed that all cops were either bad or cowards afraid to do the right thing. Officer Esqueda is clearly not a bad cop or a coward, so he should not be labeled a bastard with the rest of them. He has single handedly proven that there are good cops out there, but he has also shown that most cops are either bad or cowards afraid to do the right thing, so we believe that ACAB should be changed to MCAB (Most Cops Are Bastards). Even if Esqueda were not criminally charged for doing the right thing he would have been ostracized by his fellow officers. They would have labeled him a rat and done everything in their power to make him feel unwelcome. That is what most cops are afraid of when they refuse to do the right thing. Police departments are like criminal street gangs in that they are violent, prioritize their own above all others, and don't take kindly to rats. When an officer goes against his fellow officers the way that Esqueda did they no longer consider him to be one of their own. They consider him to be an unwelcome outsider that dresses the same. The social and professional consequences for such people are severe. They are no longer invited to social gatherings, no longer recommended for perks, passed over for promotions, or worse. Whenever an officer has the opportunity to do the right thing they also know that doing the right thing will at best result in career damaging consequences for themselves. That is usually enough to keep every cop in line. When on does step out of line the others feel the need to make an example of them. That can be done by not having their backs on the street or in cases like this treating them like criminals. Esqueda's arrest is clearly intended to send a message to the rest of the LPD. Eric Lurry's widow is currently suing Douglas May, Andrew McCue, Jose Tellez and Lt. Jeremy Harrison for Lurry's death. #javieresqueda #ericlurry #jeremyharrison #josetellez #andrewmccue


Thursday, October 22, 2020

Retired Portland Police Officer Scott Groshong Indicted for Misconduct

Former Portland Police Officer Scott Groshong has been criminally charged with official misconduct, Assault III, and failing to perform the duties of a driver. Assault III is a felony, failing to perform the duties of a driver is a misdemeanor, and official misconduct could be a felony depending on what degree he is charged with. The charges stem from a June 15, 2020 incident in which Groshong was caught on camera striking a pedestrian with his SUV. In the video below you can see that the pedestrian was struck so hard he flipped through the air and hit a pole, but was able to get right up and run away. We do not know the identity of the black male victim in this case. We do know that there was a Black Lives Matter protest in the area because the Portland Police Bureau (PPB) has a long and disgraceful history of systematically targeting people of color in the historically black neighborhoods of North Portland. Unfortunately, some people appear to have gotten a little caught up in the moment and may have misappropriated some assets from local businesses. That did not give Officer Groshong the right to use his vehicle as a weapon. We feel that Groshong should be charged with Assault II for assaulting the man with a deadly weapon. We believe that had the black man struck Groshong with a SUV that he would be charged with Assault II and a whole lot more. Assault III requires a showing that someone recklessly caused someone physical injury with a dangerous weapon. We believe that Groshong intentionally caused the victim physical injury with a dangerous weapon. Groshong has not commented on the charges beyond saying that he is aware of them and not permitted to speak about them. Portland Police Association (PPA) President Daryl Turner has been very vocal with his defense of Groshong. He disputes claims made by the store manager that Groshong, "gassed it and kind of clipped the guy." Turner blames the victim saying that Groshong only approached him to document criminal acts and that the victim should be the one being charged. As PPA President it is Turner's job to advocate for officers no matter what they do. Turner has not integrity and cannot be believed. He simply regurgitates whatever excuses his fellow officers and their lawyers feed him. Groshong was allowed to retire back in August, so he will likely receive a full pension no matter what happens with his case. Groshong probably knew he was under investigation and figured he'd be best off retiring before charges could be brought. He was with the PPB for 27 years, worked for the Lane County Sheriff's Office before that, his DPSST number is 27445, and his full name is Scott Christopher Groshong. This is not the first time that Groshong has been accused of misconduct. In 2015 Groshong was caught on camera harassing a photographer for recording his license plate as he left the Central Precinct ( His effort only made himself look bad and gave people a reason to take notice that his license plate was 035EQQ. #scottgroshong #assault #hitandrun #darylturner #blacklivesmatter


Portland Police Officer 67 Identified as Erik Kammerer and Benched

The Portland Police officer known as Officer 67 has been identified as Erik Kammerer and removed from duty after being caught on camera abusing protesters several times in recent months. Despite removing him from street duty, the city still refuses to publicly identify him, but we asked around and were provided with the above image that a photographer had posted on Twitter ( The image clearly shows the name Kammerer on the officer's name tag. His face clearly matches that of the officer with the number 67 on the back of his helmet in the video below. We checked the State of Oregon DPSST website for licensed officers named Kammerer and found just one result for people named Kammerer working for the Portland Police Bureau (PPB). That record is for one Erik Wayne Kammerer with the DPSST number 29988. Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler blames advice from the City Attorney's Office as why he will not release the identities of Kammerer and four other officers recently removed from street duty for using excessive force. While Wheeler cites "contractual issues" we all know the real reason. It is the same reason why officers began taping over their nametags in the first place. They are afraid of getting doxed online. Doxing police officers by posting their home addresses can be done legally by just about anybody because most cops are too stupid to know how to bury their addresses on Google and other search engines. As a result just about anyone can find out where they live and repost that information on websites like this one. We currently have a block in place preventing some addresses from being displayed to avoid being targeted by local law enforcement, so addresses like his will only be displayed on this site if the admin is kept from logging into his account for more than 14 days for any reason. Despite that it is easy for anyone to find out where Erik Wayne Kammerer lives in Happy Valley because he is the only person by that name that lives in that city. Just by Google "Erik Kammerer Happy Valley" without quotes and you won't need to pay a cheap background check website for his address like we did. Paid background check services have benefits in addition to finding easy to find addresses like Kammerer's. The one we use also gave us his criminal history which includes a 1991 conviction for careless driving, several phone numbers linked to him, and several email addresses believed to be linked to him, but it is the address that the PPB wants to keep secret the most. Ironic since they do nothing to keep websites from hosting the address itself. It is amazing that police departments all over America gripe so much about getting doxed but fail to teach their officers how to make it much harder for people to find their addresses online. If we did not hate them so much we would consider marketing them an address suppression service or maybe offer to teach a class on how to use your status as an officer to bury your address online and keep future addresses from ending up in public records, but then they would lose the doxing prevention excuse as an easy means of keeping people from knowing who they are and what they did. Since officers have guns at their homes, they would probably prefer the risk of having to shoot a trespasser over the risk of the public knowing who they are and what they did, so we don't think they would be interested in making themselves harder to dox any other way. As for what Officer Kammerer did, he put at least three people in the hospital on three different occasions. His victims included a black homeowner that he struck in the back of the head just for complaining about tear gas that the PPB recklessly contaminated his home with during a protest. The other incidents include him assaulting a journalist and throwing a black woman to the pavement during a protest. Officer Kammerer is listed on the DPSST website as a detective and he self identifies as a homicide detective on social media. He has held the rank of detective since 2007. We are not sure what a homicide detective is doing on the streets during protests. We think he probably volunteered for overtime or that he might be partially retired and working part time doing non-detective work while retaining his rank as detective. He is 47 years old, so that seems a little young for retirement, but we are not aware of him being demoted back to being a beat cop. #erikkammerer #blacklivesmatter #antifa #tedwheeler


Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Rowland Police Officer Michael Sale Gets Beat Up Again

Incompetent Rowland Police Officer Michael Sale was beaten up this past weekend for at least the second time in his career. As the video below shows, Sale lost his gun while struggling with a suspect, was subsequently overpowered, and beaten severely until backup finally arrived while onlookers cheered. It turns out that this is not the first time that Officer Sale has had his butt handed to him by a suspect. We can think of no other explanation for an officer repeatedly being dominated the way that he has other than him being incompetent. The video below does not capture the entire encounter, so you never see the part where Officer Sale was disarmed. That might lead some viewers to think that Sale was just being a good guy and trying not to use lethal force even though he would have been legally justified doing so, but eventually you can hear the cameraman say that Sale is looking around the yard for his gun. It also appears that Sale could not use his radio and lacked other means to defend himself such as a taser or pepper spray. That is why he fought the suspect hand to hand until he finally got him into a partial restraint. Then the cameraman fled when he could hear backup closing in. Jamel Alphonso Roger has since been arrested and is now being held on $500,000 bail. Judging this incident by itself one might say that Officer Sale just had a bad night, but this has happened to him before. In December of 2019 then Maxton Police Officer Michael Sale was brutally beaten outside of the Minit Shop on Middle Street in Maxton, North Carolina. That incident was also caught on camera ( That video shows Sale lose his footing during a struggle, fall to the ground, and repeatedly getting struck in the head whenever he tried to get up. Unlike the more recent incident it appears that Sale never lost his gun, so maybe he was just exercising restraint that time. Then again he has demonstrated himself to be so incompetent that he could have just as likely been scared of having his gun taken away and used against him by the suspect. The suspect was close enough to make a move for his gun and take it had Sale tried to draw his weapon. If Sale was taking a beating to avoid shooting someone then there certainly need to be more selfless officers like Michael Sale, but we doubt that was his reason. We think he was scared of having his gun used against him. Eventually the suspect ran away, Sale tried to chase him but he was too fast, and only then was Sale able to seek medical care. James Thompson was later arrested and charged with assaulting a government official. Conclusion Officer Sale is not competent to be a police officer. Competent officers do not get themselves beaten up by suspects twice in less than one year under shockingly similar circumstances. We think that if Sale is allowed to remain on patrol that it is only a matter of time until he is beaten again or worse, so for his own safety he needs to be reassigned to a desk. We are also concerned that eventually he may resort to deadly force to avoid a future beating in a situation where a competent officer would not feel that need. UPDATE: Some media outlets are reporting that this officer is named Sales not Sale. We think that is because the name on his uniform appears to be Sales, but at the same time they say he is 27 years old. Public records list one 27 year old in North Carolina named Michael Sale and none named Michael Sales. There is a 25 year old Michael Sales in North Carolina, so some of the news outlets are wrong about either his name, his age, or both. #michaelsale #jamelroger #jamesthompson #assault #justiceserved


Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Antifa Torches PT News Network Billboard in Portland, Oregon

Words cannot describe the feeling of jubilation that washed over me when I clicked on a link about a billboard fire in Portland, Oregon only to see PT News Network a.k.a. Freight Broker Live a.k.a. Steve Oatley's fat ugly face on it. I've been having issues with that guy ever since I doxed him a couple months back and although I indicated to him in private that I would avoid speaking about him after he repeatedly threatened me with frivolous lawsuits, I feel the need to say something about this before Steve has the opportunity to accuse me of having anything to do with it. I had absolutely nothing to do with this. I wasn't even watching the live streams tonight. I was working on another website before writing a couple articles for this one (about Linden Cameron and Hannah Fizer), then I checked out the Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War Open Beta on XBOX One X, then I went on Twitter and saw a Portland Police tweet saying something about a billboard fire, then I searched Google for "Portland billboard fire," and one of first things that came up was the video below. Thank you Antifa! You just made my night. I was going to go to bed, but now I am full of energy. I have not always agreed with you guys, but tonight I am 100% anti-fascist. I can't remember the last time I was so proud to be from Portland. Steve knew that putting a pro-cop building up in Portland after spending months doing all he could to get Antifa busted was just asking for trouble and tonight he got it. UPDATE: Here are some more videos showing the billboard completely destroyed. Nice work people! #antifa #stephenoatley #freightbrokerlive #ptnewsnetwork


Monday, October 19, 2020

KRCG TV's Gladys Bautista Protects Hannah Fizer's Killer

KRCG TV 13 reporter Gladys Bautista did a story today in which she protected the identity of Pettis County Sheriff's Deputy Jordan Schutte by blurring his image in surveillance footage taken from a nearby business when he gunned down 25 year old Hannah Fizer in cold blood. Bautista said, "we blurred some of the video because he is not facing charges." Reporters like Bautista and outlets like KRCG are part of the problem when police avoid accountability. By failing to make it known that any officer who shoots an unarmed woman under these circumstances will see their face on the news whether they face charges or not, KRCG is allowing Deputy Schutte to avoid the kind of public scrutiny that he deserves. KRCG TV is not legally obligated to censor footage such as this on their own accord. Their behavior is typical of mainstream media outlets whenever a police officer is accused of wrongdoing. We have been told multiple times in other cases that most TV stations will not name an officer unless his name is released by the government or he/she is criminally charged. A good example is the case of former Florissant Detective Joshua Smith. In that case we were the first outlet to name him after we were able to use public documents and information that had been released by the Florissant Police Department to narrow our list of suspects down to one person. We contacted media outlets all over the St. Louis area with our findings, but they refused to name Smith until after one of them asked the FPD if it was him specifically and the FPD confirmed it ( Smith has since been fired and arrested. We have since been credited by at least one mainstream outlet for being the first to name him. Others explained to us that their criteria for naming an officer suspected of a crime is the same as it is for anyone else, they need to be formally charged before they will be named. That is of course not how it works for anyone else at all. Whenever the police are looking for an unidentified suspect, the news will show images of the suspect from surveillance footage and ask the public to contact the police if they know who it is. We believe that KRCG TV and other mainstream media outlets have a double standard when it comes to naming cops. We believe that the motivation behind this standard is that they do not want to damage their working relationship with law enforcement. TV news stations get more tips from law enforcement than any other source. If they alienated their local law enforcement agencies too much they would risk losing those tips and that would be devastating for their business. As a result they will not name bad officers unless it appears that the officer has first lost the support of his fellow officers. They do name defendants in police misconduct lawsuits sometimes, but not in a way that would conclusively label them as bad actors absent extenuating circumstances. Where are the Documents? In addition to blurring Deputy Schutte's image, KRCG did not upload a copy of the documents or post a link to them in the article. As a result, we only know what a small sliver of them say and have to guess at the rest. Even that small sliver is riddled with censorship obviously designed to keep the public from being able to learn Schutte's identity from those documents. The only useful piece of information in the entire story is a quote from Schutte justifying what he did by saying, "I did what any reasonable police officer would do in that circumstance, and I shot." That claim does not appear to be supported by the findings of special prosecutor Stephen Sokoloff. Sokoloff merely found that there was not enough evidence to support charging Schutte with a crime. He never said that his actions were reasonable. In fact, he said that the situation could have been handled better. Unfortunately, just because an "alternative approach might have avoided the confrontation" does not mean that a crime was committed according to Sokoloff, but it does not make Schutte's actions reasonable either. Schutte's statement seems geared towards minimizing his civil liability since to prevail in an excessive force case the Fizer family need only show that Schutte's behavior was "objectively unreasonable," see Kingsley v. Hendrickson, 576 U.S. 389 (2015) ( #krcg #gladysbautista #hannahfizer #jordanschutte #murder


SLCPD Coordinator Candee Allred Protects Linden Cameron's Shooter

Salt Lake City Police Department GRAMA Coordinator Candee Allred has refused to comply with our public records request seeking information that the public has the right to know. Our request sought all shift schedules for September 5th, full names and badge numbers of all SLCPD staff members currently on paid administrative leave or suspension status, and all police reports related to the shooting of Linden Cameron without redactions. Of those requests, the SLCPD has no right to refuse the first request, has the discretion not to hide behind bad law with regards to the second, and can only legitimately refuse the third. The Utah Government Records Access and Management Act (GRAMA) requires government agencies like the SLCPD to turn over certain types of records upon request, but like every other public records act in America it has various catch all exceptions built into it that allow government agencies to refuse any request for any reason simply by claiming that the information sought would endanger the safety of an individual. Agencies claiming such exceptions are not required to prove that any danger actually exists. They simply must state that a danger exists. At that point the person seeking the record must appeal and will probably have to sue to get the records unless the agency denying the request changes their mind. Coordinator Candee Allred responded to our request for a simple shift schedule as follows: "Your request for this information is hereby denied. These records have been classified as protected records pursuant to Utah Code 63G-2-305(11) in that the disclosure of the records would jeopardize the life or safety of an individual." Allred provided no explanation as to why the disclosure of the shift schedule would endanger the life of any individual. The law she cited simply reads, "(11)records the disclosure of which would jeopardize the life or safety of an individual;" This type of exception is typically cited by every police department that we have ever tried to get a shift schedule from. They think that it is in their best interest to protect the identities of bad officers. For that reason it is the policy of to track down and publish public records pertaining to any individual that refuses to produce records on behalf on any agency on such grounds. We did it in Missouri when a sheriff refused to produce a shift schedule following the murder of a young woman by one of his deputies ( and we are doing it here with Ms. Allred. Public records contain the following information about Allred: CANDEE HUTCHINGS ALLRED Gender: Female Age: 50 Last Known Home Address: 11916 S WOODRIDGE RD SANDY, UT 84094-5707 Possible Email Addresses: callredscholar[at] candeeallred100[at] callred001[at] Office Phone: 801-799-3100 Facebook: To this date the Missouri sheriff has not complied with our request, so his address remains on this website. As was the case with that sheriff, Allred can get her address removed from this page at any time simply by complying with our first two requests. That means that we require the shift schedule and a response to our request for disciplinary records other than the following: "Your request for this information is hereby denied. This information is not responsive as a public record in that the discipline status of such individuals has not been determined (See Utah Code 63G-2-301(3)(o)). These records have been classified as private records, at this time, pursuant to Utah Code 63G-2-302(2)(d) in that the release of such information would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy." The claim that releasing police disciplinary records would unreasonably invade the privacy of the officer is outrageous. The public has a right to know which police officers have faced disciplinary action and what that action was for. We will not tolerate refusal to produce such records records on such grounds by any law enforcement agency. GRAMA does not appear to contain any criteria for what constitutes an unreasonable invasion of privacy. It simply allows the responding agency to claim such and requires the responding party to appeal the decision or file a lawsuit. As for the GRAMA language permitting the SLCPD to refrain from turning over records pertaining to disciplinary proceedings unless "(i)the disciplinary action has been completed and all time periods for administrative appeal have expired; and (ii)the charges on which the disciplinary action was based were sustained;" we have concluded that such provisions fail to hold police officers accountable. By limiting disclosures to only completed proceedings that have been sustained after appeals are exhausted, the public is deprives of the opportunity to review the nature of all accusations and look for patterns. Police disciplinary proceedings are designed to protect officers and as a result meritorious accusations rarely sustained. The public has the right to know about ever allegation an officer has faced whether the Utah legislature recognizes that right or not. They can choose not to hide behind exceptions to public records requests at any time and we require that the do so if they want anything removed from this page. Why Not Appeal, Sue, or Otherwise "Play by the Rules?" Their rules are designed to protect them, so limiting our responses to just those specifically permitted by their rules is unsatisfactory. We simply do not have time to file a lawsuit and we lack a physical presence in Utah, so the best we can do is post locations we would like to see picketed with the hope that someone else might picket those locations. That is why we post addresses. We ask that nobody use that information to damage property or physically harm anyone, but we do encourage people to make their voices heard. We also have zero faith in the appeals process to produce a favorable or timely outcome. We will appeal the decision, but in the meantime the SLCPD will have to contend with our activism. We will not tolerate government officials that refuse to produce records on the grounds cited by Allred. If Ms. Allred is not satisfied with our response she can comply with our requests. We are not being unreasonable. We have dropped our request for documents that are part of a current SLCPD investigation. We knew that our third request would most certainly be denied, but thought it worth requesting anyway just in case someone screwed up and gave them to us. We agree with Allred that producing those documents at this stage could pose a risk to the investigation because it could give people being investigated for wrongdoing in the Linden Cameron case a heads up that they are being investigated. We want justice for Linden, so we were only going to use those to identify his shooter. Also, should Ms. Allred turn over the requested records and we are able to identify Linden Cameron's shooter from those documents we will remove the home address of SLCPD Chief Mike Brown from #candeeallred #lindencameron #mikebrown #publicrecords


Sunday, October 18, 2020

Former Chicago Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson is a Trainwreck

Former Chicago Police Department (CPD) Superintendent Eddie Johnson is a complete trainwreck that has managed to get seven officers suspended and himself sued for sexual harassment in just one week. Last week was the culmination of a year's long downward spiral that began with him being found passed out drunk behind the wheel of his CPD issued SUV last October. Johnson originally blamed the incident on a medical issue and ordered an internal investigation thinking that his subordinates would probably rubber stamp whatever he said. Unfortunately for Johnson, the city's inspector general investigated the incident, found out that he had been drinking heavily at a local bar with a female subordinate, and Mayor Lori Lightfoot fired him in December. Lightfoot's stated reasons for firing him included conduct unbecoming and lying to her personally. Somehow Johnson was still allowed to officially retire a few weeks later despite being officially fired. By being allowed to retire he will most likely receive a full pension and other benefits that former officers that retire in good standing are entitle to. The new CPD Superintendent David Brown suspended seven officers this past week for helping cover up Johnson's drinking last year. The suspended officers include two probationary officers, two patrol officers, one sergeant, one lieutenant and one commander believed to be Don J. Jerome. Their suspensions range from one day to twenty eight days. These suspensions are just slaps on their wrists in our opinion. It tells the CPD that they should still hold their own to a different standard than the rest of society because all they have to worry about are minor suspensions. Minor suspensions are a small price to pay for supporting a system that keeps them above the law for the most part. The inspector general didn't even name the officers in their report, but they did say that one of them had consumed a large amount of rum with Johnson at a bar before he was found passed out behind the wheel. That officer was Cynthia Donald according to a lawsuit filed by Donald last week. Officer Cynthia Donald is suing Johnson for sexual misconduct stemming from their inappropriate relationship according to CNN ( Donald claims that Johnson structured her schedule so that he would always have easy access to her, sent her nude photos of himself, compelled her to send him nude photos of herself, and conditioned her advancement within the CPD on her engaging in unwanted sexual acts. Donald claims that the old boy network within the CPD is also to blame for enabling Johnson and that culture needs to change. She says that at lease six other officers were aware of their relationship, but did nothing to intervene. As much as we want to believe Donald, we have not seen any evidence indicating that this was nothing more than a consensual relationship that got exposed. The timing of their relationship getting exposed and the lawsuit are suspicious. It creates the appearance of a woman that got exposed and is now doing damage control. Whenever a woman is forced to choose between looking like the office skank and turning herself into a victim, she will almost always chose the latter. We believe her that the relationship was inappropriate, that he sent her nudes, convinced her to send him nudes, and engaged in sexual activity. All of those things are inappropriate and not conduct becoming of an employer in any workplace, but we think that had things been as bad as she says that she would not have waited until after she was caught drinking with the boss to call herself a victim. Conclusion This case provides a glimpse into the culture that exists in American police departments. It is a culture that puts police officers above the law and proves the illegitimacy of the law enforcement establishment. As long as police officers only choose to enforce the laws on those that do not belong to their club then they have not legitimate claim of authority to force laws on anyone. #eddiejohnson #lorilightfoot #cynthiadonald #donjerome #harassment


Saturday, October 17, 2020

Rachel Shaver of Seattle, Washington Snitched on Cop Blaster

When we parsed the Washington Coronavirus Snitch List into individual posts on this website we knew that we would get a lot of complaints. That is because by parsing those complaints into individual posts in that fashion we did something that the source of the original leaked data never did. We made the snitch list search engine friendly. We have gotten a lot of traffic and of course complaints as a result. The complaints come in a variety of forms, but this latest one is the first to result in snitch paperwork about the person complaining to us that by itself warrants an independent snitch report on this website. Rachel Shaver of Seattle, Washington became known to us in early September after she sent us a series of emails demanding that her snitch report be removed. Most people try to argue that the snitch report about them is not accurate in some way, but not her. Shaver used the approach of challenging the practice of publishing publicly available information that is both true and accurate on other grounds. Her argument was basically that although she had ratted out her neighbors as documented by the report that we did not have the right to publish some of the information in the report. As people that know our rights we knew that she was wrong about that, so we refused to remove or redact anything at all. That did not sit well with her and like a lot of snitches, her response was to threaten us with more snitching. Think about this for a second, a person arguing that their information should not be on a snitch list threatens to snitch on people as part of that argument if their information is not removed from the snitch list. That qualifies such people as snitches whose behavior needs to be known to those around them. Over a month after our last correspondence with Shaver we received a letter from Christopher Kiefer at the Washington Attorney General's Office saying that his office had received a consumer complaint about our business. His letter was followed by a full unredacted copy of that complaint including all contact information for the person that filed the complaint. That person was Rachel Shaver. We have criticized consumer protection agencies in other states before for failing to protect consumers by turning over their personal contact information to people and businesses that they receive complaints about ( Mr. Kiefer's letter shows that agencies such as his have not learned their lesson. They continue to sent home addresses of their snitches to the subjects of their complaints regardless of who they are. Even when they complain about a business that was founded by a convicted felon after spending time in a federal penitentiary for a violent crime (violation of 18 U.S.C. 111(b)) they still send everything anyone would need to find and potentially silence forever the person asking them for help. We have no intention of harming Ms. Shaver physically or harming her property in any way, but that is besides the point. The point is that if we wanted her dead we could easily make that happen using the information given to us by a self described "Consumer Protection Specialist." Part of what we do at Cop Blaster is expose government hypocrisy and government agencies that act contrary to their stated purposes. When a "Consumer Protection Division" fails to protect a consumer by giving people like us everything we would need if we ever felt like reaching out to violent gangsters that we know in Ms. Shaver's area then they are failing protect consumers. Back to the consumer that the state of Washington is failing to protect. Rachel Shaver filed the following complaint with the State of Washington: "I live in the state of Washington, and while complying with WA state orders to stay home during the global pandemic, I reported a massive house party next door to me in the month of May. Since then, an e-commerce website,, that sells T-shirts, has published this report and my personal information including home address, email and phone number, with intention to put myself in harms way and cause damage to my reputation. While the webmaster claims this information is public record, my personal information is not. I have gone back and forth several times with this person asking them to remove my information. Because I was complying with a state order, it seems the state should be able to assist in removing this information. Tens of thousands of people have had their personal information exposed, and some of them have indeed suffered violence and vandalism from having their addresses published. Please help shut this activity down; it is dangerous and illegal." There are some truths to Ms. Shaver's complaint. She did rat out her neighbors to Governor Inslee's stay at home violation reporting form and we did publish a post containing her complaint along with the contact information that she herself submitted to the state via that form. She has also gone back in forth with us trying to get it removed. We posted some of that back and forth in the comments section of the original report (linked to above this article). That back and forth convinced us that she is the type of person that people need to be warned about because she ratted on her neighbors and was threatening to rat on us. Knowing that she's a rat could save future neighbors, friends, co-workers, and others that interact with her a lot of trouble if they keep that in mind when deciding what activities of theirs she is allowed to see. That is the underlying purpose of tracking snitches on this website. We provide a service capable of denying snitches the opportunity to snitch by informing those around them of the liability they present. Ms. Shaver also included several claims that are not true. We do not and have never sold t-shirts on, we did not post the Coronavirus Snitch List for the purpose of putting people in harms way, and any damage to her reputation caused by this is of her own doing. People often try to use such arguments to get around the simple fact that posting truthful information is always a defense to claims of defamation. When they realize that they cannot get a post removed by attacking its accuracy then they look for other things. Things like trying to argue that addresses posted are posted to cause physical harm. There is zero evidence to support her claim. She simply sees her address and argues that it is posted to cause her physical harm without any proof. The truth is that addresses help people identify the subjects they are reading about and locations they are likely to encounter them. Identifying them is key to figuring out if you know them. She's also wrong in asserting that her personal information is not publicly available. Why Not Redact Personal Information? The more information we can provide the easier it is for our readers to figure out what threat if any that a person poses to them. That is why we included the contact fields from the Coronavirus Snitch List ( Now that over 10,000 posts contain that type of information we could not simply go back and block it out even if we wanted to. That is why we will never make exceptions for people claiming that such information presents some atypical danger in their specific case. That would require us to potentially dedicate countless hours to redacting information that otherwise requires not time to manage. Ms. Shaver is right that this website is a commercial entity. It would not make sense for any commercial operation to allocate resources to activities that do not require any resources at all unless they are being paid to do so and since we do not offer paid removal services on this site it does not make sense to allocate time or resources to such things at this time. We are nice enough to send brief explanations to people complaining about why their information is on the site as time permits event though it is an unnecessary courtesy, but technically we are under no obligation to respond to them at all let alone work with them. It just would not be economically viable to investigate such claims and it certainly would not be viable to go through each post and censor information. For that reason we will not consider removing her personal information because if we did it for her we would have to do it for others and that would just not be a productive use of our time. What is Publicly Available Information? A lot of people do not realize that most of their information is publicly available. In Ms. Shaver's case we were able to find a public record containing the following information about her: RACHEL AUSTIN SHAVER Sex: Female Age: 36 Address History: 1017 W GARFIELD ST SEATTLE, WA 98119 2013 - Now 59 QUAIL PT PITTSBORO, NC 27312 2008 - 2016 PO BOX 14953 JACKSON, WY 83002 2008 - 2015 7511 E 19TH AVE DENVER, CO 80220 2013 - 2014 1639 N OGDEN ST APT 4 DENVER, CO 80218 2013 - 2014 106 FAIRFAX LN CARY, NC 27513 2007 - 2012 100 WILLIAM WHITE CT CARRBORO, NC 27510 2001 - 2008 Phone Numbers: 919-259-0408 CELLCO PARTNERSHIP DBA VERIZON WIRELESS - NC (VERIZON WIRELESS) CHAPEL HILL, NC 919-967-6180 BELLSOUTH TELECOMMUNICATIONS INC DBA SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH (AT&T SOUTHEAST) CHAPEL HILL, NC 919-542-3793CAROLINA TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY LLC DBA CENTURYLINK (CENTURYLINK) PITTSBORO, NC Email Addresses: rashaver1[at] Criminal Records: Case Number: 01170CATAWBA2003CR010049 Case Type: CR Crime County: CATAWBA Offense Description: UNSPECIFIED Charges Filed Date: 08/07/2003 County: CATAWBA Case Number: 01170CATAWBA 2003CR 010049 Case Type: TRAFFIC MISDEMEANOR Crime Type: MISDEMEANOR Crime County: CATAWBA Offense Code: 20-141(J1) Offense Date: 07/31/2003 Offense Description: CONVICT:SPEEDING 084/65 Charges Filed Date: 07/31/2003 Court: CATAWBA Plea: GUILTY Disposition: VERDICT:PRAYER FOR JUDGMENT- JUDGE (TRIAL BY JUDGE OR GUILTY PLEA BEFORE JUDGE AT DISTRICT COURT L Disposition Date: 09/08/2003 Court Costs: 10 Case Number: 01910WAKE 2006CR 728353 Case Type: INFRACTION Crime County: WAKE Offense Code: 20-141(B)(G) Offense Date: 11/04/2006 Offense Description: CONVICT:SPEEDING 074/65 Charges Filed Date: 11/04/2006 Court: WAKE Plea: RESPONSIBLE TO L Disposition: VERDICT: RESPONSIBLE- JUDGE (TRIAL BY JUDGE OR GUILTY PLEA BEFORE JUDGE AT DISTRICT COURT LEVEL, GU Disposition Date: 11/28/2006 Court Costs: 11 Fines: 10 Case Number: 1702003010049CR Crime County: CATAWBA Offense Code: CITATION NO: 2128835 Offense Description Charges Filed Date: 08/07/2003 Court: CATAWBA Case Number: 9102006728353CR Case Type: CRIMINAL Crime County: WAKE Offense Code: CITATION NO: E748246 Offense Description: NOT SPECIFIED Charges Filed Date: 11/06/2006 Court: WAKE Additional records list her relatives, neighbors, and voter registration history, but as a courtesy for innocent people we are not naming her relatives or neighbors. Her voter registration is quite interesting since it appears that she was a registered Republican originally but switched to the other side in 2008 and is now a registered Democrat. All of the above information is from the same source. We simply subscribed to a background check website and typed in her name before selecting the state of Washington. She herself has made publicly available a lot of information about herself. The above image was found on one of her social media accounts. That same account contains the following information about her: Employment History Job Title: Chief Content Officer Company Name: Self-employed Dates Employed: Aug 2020-Present Employment Duration: 3 mos Location: Seattle, Washington, United States Leading content strategy, production and creative consulting for multiple high-profile SaaS organizations. Creating content from the Pacific Northwest, available to clients globally. Job Title: Director, Content Marketing Company Name: Expedia Group Dates Employed: Sep 2019-Aug 2020 Employment Duration: 1 yr Location: Seattle, Washington Leader for the global B2B content marketing and creative center of excellence for Travel Partner Group (TPG), the supply side of Expedia Group (lodging, vacation rental, air, car, activities). Responsible for bringing the partner voice to life with human-centric stories to drive brand awareness, acquisition and growth across a variety of digital channels. Managed and mentored a full-service global creative team (of 11+) for supply (lodging, vacation rental, air, cruise, car). Along with full time creative directors, copywriters, designers and project managers I also managed creative agencies and freelancers. Job Title: Director, Content Strategy Company Name: iCrossing Dates Employed: Mar 2019-Sep 2019 Employment Duration: 7 mos Location: Greater Seattle Area Leader for regional West teams and accounts focused on content strategy and production for clients at Microsoft and T-Mobile for Business. Job Title: Associate Creative Director, Content & Partners Company Name: Slalom Dates Employed: Mar 2018 Feb 2019 Employment Duration: 1 yr Location: Greater Seattle Area Marketing leader for content strategy and programs in partnership with Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud Platform, Salesforce, Microsoft Azure and Tableau Software. Job Title: Content Marketing Manager Company Name: Tableau Software Dates Employed: Jun 2014-Mar 2018 Employment Duration: 3 yrs 10 mos Location: Greater Seattle Area As Tableau's first-ever content marketer, I took a high-growth marketing organization from a "random acts of content" studio to a content center of excellence by implementing integrated marketing processes and consistently aligning content strategy to pipeline goals and business initiatives. Education University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Degree Name: BA Field Of Study: Journalism and Mass Communication Minor, Creative Writing Licenses & certifications Content Strategy - Brand Partner Program Issuing authority: YouTube Issued date and, if applicable, expiration date of the certification or license Issued: Dec 2016 No Expiration Date Lithium Certified Community Manager Issued date and, if applicable, expiration date of the certification or license Issued: Apr 2013 No Expiration Date Volunteer Experience All Hands Volunteers Post-Quake Labor and Media Volunteer, Logne Haiti Company Name: All Hands Volunteers Dates volunteered: Jun 2010-Jul 2010 Volunteer duration: 2 mos Cause Disaster and Humanitarian Relief The Tableau Foundation Marketing, Special Projects Company Name: The Tableau Foundation Dates volunteered: Jun 2014-Feb 2018 Volunteer duration: 3 yrs 9 mos Open Media Foundation Marketing Manager Company Name: Open Media Foundation Dates volunteered: Aug 2011-Mar 2012 Volunteer duration: 8 mos Noticeably missing from her public records is the phone number listed in her original snitch report (3074136943), so to her credit that number probably was not publicly available before she submitted it to the state via the COVID-19 snitching form. Unfortunately, she made that number public record by submitting it to the government with a report discoverable under the Washington public records law. That is how a lot of information that used to be private becomes public record. People submit previously restricted phone numbers or addresses to government agencies and businesses when doing things like purchasing a home, obtaining a loan, paying taxes, registering to vote, or ratting out their neighbors. Then they are often blind sided when they see it turn up in public records online. The lesson to learn from this is that just because something is private today does not mean that it will remain private tomorrow. The best thing anyone can really do to prevent their information from becoming public is to be careful who they give it to and schedule a Google alert or search Google periodically for information they really do not want there like addresses or phone numbers. If they find them then they might be able to get the information removed if the site hosting the information is willing to remove it. Do We Intent To Post Articles About Anyone That Complains to the Government About Us? Yes we do and we always have. Anyone that knows anything about the history of this website knows that we always post articles about people that snitch on us. That is how our snitch list got started. We try to post a new and unique article on this website at least once a day. Sometimes there are plenty of newsworthy and interesting stories for us to choose from, but on slower days we have to go to Google hoping to find something interesting to write about. On those days we have no problem skipping Google and using material that we receive in the mail. We do it with threatening letters ( and we do it with consumer complaints from government agencies. By doing so we are able to turn the tables on such people by making their efforts to threaten, intimidate, or incite action against us beneficial for us. As a result any attempt to compromise our ability to serve our users just gives us more material. Why create a liability by responding to such things privately and inefficiently when you can create an asset by responding publicly and efficiently? We can think of no good reason to handle such things any other way. Finally, we will not legitimize letters such as this one with our cooperation. When people cooperate with the government they essentially say that it is a legitimate government deserving of their cooperation. We realized many years ago that the fake democracy calling itself the United States of America is not a legitimate government because it operates in violation of its own constitution. The governments of the states are the same way. We could never in good conscience treat such things as legitimate authorities. #rachelshaver #christopherkiefer #coronavirus #consumerprotection


Friday, October 16, 2020

2020 Election Guide: How to Fill Out Your Ballot Correctly in Portland

Are you confused by your ballot? Never fear, Cop Blaster is here to help you fill out your 2020 Election ballot correctly in the city of Portland, Oregon and beyond. There is only one way to fill out your ballot correctly. You can choose between a black or blue pen, but other than that there is zero room for deviating from this guide. Deviating from this guide will result in your ballot not being counted for anything good. The first and most important field is for President of the United States. To vote correctly you must fill in the oval located to the left of the word "Democrat" and the name "Joseph R Biden." Failing to fill out your ballot in this matter will result in your ballot not being counted in a positive manner. Subsequent fields of importance require that you fill out the ovals next to the names Jeff Merkley and Earl Blumenauer because they have been established in Washington D.C. on the state's behalf for decades. As such they are connected in ways that their challengers would not be if elected. State offices such as Attorney General require that you fill out the oval next to the name Ellen Rosenbaum because she defended the state from the feds in court last summer ( and voting her out would disrupt those proceedings. The mayoral race in Portland requires that you fill out the oval next to the name Sarah Iannarone because she is the only feasible alternative to incumbent Ted Wheeler. Wheeler's police have responded to mostly peaceful protests with escalating violence since May (, he failed to protect his city from the feds even after they tear gassed him during a publicity stunt gone bad (, and he eventually betrayed his own people to the federal government by allowing his police to remain employed after accepting deputizations from the United States Marshals ( Today protesters are at risk of being federally charged for their interactions with local police because of Ted Wheeler. Traitor Ted has effectively turned over control of his city to the federal government. He has conducted himself so poorly that we would rather vote for Ted Bundy. Other fields of importance include Measure 107 which requires that you vote "No" to protect the free speech rights of campaign contributors. Measure 108 requires a "No" vote to protect people that smoke and vape from being taxed for their habit. Measure 109 requires a "Yes" vote to enable the legitimate medical use of psychoactive mushrooms. Measure 110 requires a "Yes" vote to protect the liberties of marijuana connoisseurs. The rest of the ballot really does not matter, but you should still fill in one circle to the left on a choice for each one. If you really don't care write in your own name. Summary of Advice To fill out a ballot correctly in Portland, Oregon you must start by voting for Joe Biden, Jeff Merkley, Earl Blumenauer, Ellen Rosenbaum, and Sarah Iannarone. After that you have to vote "No" on measures 107 and 108. Then you must vote "Yes" on measures 109 and 110. The rest of the ballot really does not matter. Conclusion If you fail to fill out your ballot correctly in accordance with this guide then your vote will not be counted positively. We recommend that you follow this guide to the letter if you want to make sure that your vote really counts towards the betterment of society. #joebiden #donaldtrump #sarahiannarone #tedwheeler #tedbundy


Thursday, October 15, 2020

Feds Remove Courthouse Fence After Refusing to Pay Portland Fines

The federal government removed an eyesore erected to protect another eyesore in downtown Portland, Oregon today. The fence put in place around the Mark O. Hatfield United States Courthouse last July has finally been taken down. After repeatedly refusing to remove the fence, the City of Portland began steadily increasing fines for blocking a public easement. Those fines now amount to more than $3 million, but the feds are refusing to pay. The video below shows the fence being removed earlier today, but we are not sure the exact reason or who removed it. One would think that the news would be interested in learning and reporting such things. We are hoping that the city grew a pair and had it removed over the feds' objection, but the likelihood of Ted Wheeler standing up to anyone in a meaningful way is practically zero. We think the feds probably took it down themselves thinking that they can hold their own at the courthouse without it. We can only hope that the people prove them wrong. Like we have said before, Timothy McVeigh should have parked there (, but unfortunately he chose to park in Oklahoma City two years before the Mark O. Hatfield United States Eyesore was even built and so there it still stands. That monstrosity is so important to the federal government that it is worth making the people think they are willing to pay $500 every 15 minutes to keep a fence around it. Make the people think that protesting outside it would be good for the city in the long run because it would cost the feds millions of dollars of fines just to keep the fence there. Now we have learned that Homeland Security has no intention of paying those fines. In a letter from Federal Protective Services Assistant Director David Alexander Hess to the Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT), Hess cites the Supremacy Clause of the United States Constitution and the Homeland Security Act as reasons why his agency cannot legally be fined by a state or local government. The Supremacy Clause says that federal law takes priority over all state and local laws, while the Homeland Security Act permits DHS to perform various law enforcement functions, but Hess does not explain how either specifically permit DHS to avoid paying fines for the fence. As far as we can tell, the Homeland Security Act does not prohibit state and local governments from fining DHS for performing functions authorized by the act. What he may have on the City of Portland is a lack of a specific waiver by Congress for the United States to be sued for things like the fence. Waivers of sovereign immunity are covered by the Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA). Under the FTCA the United States has agreed to be sued by for certain intentional acts by their employees. See 28 U.S.C. 2080(h): "(h)Any claim arising out of assault, battery, false imprisonment, false arrest, malicious prosecution, abuse of process, libel, slander, misrepresentation, deceit, or interference with contract rights: Provided, That, with regard to acts or omissions of investigative or law enforcement officers of the United States Government, the provisions of this chapter and section 1346(b) of this title shall apply to any claim arising, on or after the date of the enactment of this proviso, out of assault, battery, false imprisonment, false arrest, abuse of process, or malicious prosecution. For the purpose of this subsection, investigative or law enforcement officer means any officer of the United States who is empowered by law to execute searches, to seize evidence, or to make arrests for violations of Federal law." The only item on the above list that the city might be able to sue to United States for with regards to the fence fines would be interference with contract rights. Even that would be a bit of a stretch. The best argument the city could make would be that DHS intentionally installed the fence and kept it in place knowing that it was interfering with some contractual relationship that the city had. We certainly do not see non-payment of fines or blocking public easements to be something that the United States has waived sovereign immunity for. So, even though the City of Portland has every right under state and local law to bill them, they have no way to force them to actually pay those bills. What should the city do? The city should learn from this and plan to respond in an enforceable way next time the feds try to do something like this. That might involve fining any local company that builds anything for the federal government without also getting permission from local government. It would involve enacting an ordinance saying that any local person or business must get city approval before doing anything for the federal government in city limits or face a stiff fine. The city might also want to order the Portland Police to immediately stop any construction or other activities being conducted by anyone in the city on the federal government's behalf in violation of the ordinance. They also might want a mandate for removing things like that fence over the objections of federal law enforcement. #homelandsecurity #usmarshals #davidhess #deadbeats #antifa


Police Say Antifa Shooter Michael Reinoehl Had Gun in His Pocket

Thurston County Sheriffs Lt. Ray Brady said Tuesday that Michael Reinoehl had a gun in his pocket when he was shot by federal fugitive task force led by the U.S. Marshals. This admission comes over a month after eyewitness Nathaniel Dingess came forward saying that he never heard the police give Reinoehl any commands before shooting him ( According to the New York Times (video below) three other eyewitnesses have come forward saying that the cops never gave Reinoehl any commands. Dingess said that he saw Reinoehl holding a cell phone when police rolled up on him and that he tried to duck for cover before getting shot. According to Dingess, the order to stop firing was the first thing he heard the officers say. This new admission by Brady further supports the theory that this shooting was an unjustified police execution. What does it say of the internal investigation so far when the best thing they can say to justify shooting the man is that he was found with a gun in his pocket and his hand was found near his pocket after he died? It says they are getting desperate to find a way to justify shooting someone that never tried to shoot them. It shows that their investigation will most likely conclude that since Reinoehl was wanted for murder and ducked for cover that they felt the need to gun him down before he had the opportunity to shoot back if he were in fact armed. That is not the same thing as shooting an armed man known to be armed. Is that a justifiable use of force? Unfortunately, the police usually say that it is. We see this happen a lot with people that are told to take their hands out of their pockets and don't. Cops will usually give repeated commands to suspects to show them their hands. If the suspect does not show them their hands they open fire. Afterwards they justify it by saying that they had no way of knowing what was in the person's pocket and it could have been a gun for all they know. We have seen them do the same thing with dark colored objects ( Unfortunately, the courts tend to support officers when they make these types of arguments. In Reinoehl's case, Lt. Brady claims that some officers claim to have given Reinoehl commands to stop and show his hands, one officer claims to have seen Reinoehl try to retrieve a gun from his pocket, and another claims to have seen Reinoehl point a gun at him. With so many different stories one would think that the investigation, which has not been completed, would find that officers telling so many different stories could not possibly be telling the truth, but that is not how these things typically work. The primary objective of internal affairs units is to clear officers of wrongdoing. They will most likely write something up saying that after officer gave commands, Reinoehl reached for his pocket, pointed something at an officer that was thought to be a gun, and a gun was found in his pocket not far from his hand. They will treat the word of the officers like gold and explain any inaccuracies as reasonable due to things happening quickly, so despite conflicting stories from members of the public, they will give more weight to the officers even though any independent fact finder would consider random people with no personal stake in this far more credible. There was of course no body camera or dash camera footage, so nobody will ever be able to prove what really happened. Even when body cam footage is available it does not mean that justice will be served. A Salt Lake City Police Officer was caught on camera shooting an unarmed 13 year old autistic boy 11 times last month, but nothing have been done so far ( They will not even say the officer's name. That case has every indication of a justification waiting to be released. They will probably say that because the boy's mother said he might have a bb gun that they had to treat him like an armed suspect, that he wouldn't take his hands out of his pockets, and that they were justified shooting him because they had no way of knowing that he did not have a gun. This is a systemic problem that allows officers to use force without knowing for sure if a suspect is armed. This is a problem that needs to be fixed at the legislative level. Congress needs to enact a new law requiring officers to know for sure that a suspect is armed before shooting them. Critics of this idea would argue that officers would lose their lives if they had to wait before a weapon is seen before they can shoot. They would be correct, but the public would be better served because the overall body count would be lower. Trained police officers would still usually get the best of most people that they see behaving aggressively with a gun. Surely the small number of officers lost due to them not being able to shoot armed suspects before they see their gun would be far less than the number of people killed by police for not showing them their hands each year. The greater good would be served by taking away the defense being used by officers in cases like this one. Finally, at least two more people were nearly killed by the police during this execution according to the New York Times video. A shot nearly hit an 8 year old boy that was riding his bike down the street. At least 5 shots hit a private residence and one of those shots nearly hit a man. The police should not be allowed to fire aimlessly in any direction that they thing a threat might come from. #michaelreinoehl #raybrady #murder #antifa #blacklivesmatter


Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Who's the Rat That Took Down the Wolverine Watchmen?

As we browsed the FBI complaint filed against the Wolverine Watchmen, we learned that this case, like many, would never have been filed if it were not for a rat. See the PDF uploaded with this article to see what we are talking about. The man identified as CHS-2 is the person that originally tipped off the FBI about an alleged plot to take down Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer. CHS-2 is the one that wore a wire to secret meetings and is credited with providing evidence that formed the basis for almost every page of the FBI's criminal complaint. The FBI is of course protecting his identity at this time, referring to him only as CHS-2 and not telling the public much about his history. They just say that he has no criminal record and is considered credible according to them. Right now that sounds really damning, but anyone that knows what types of people the FBI has a history of working with can tell you that the word of a snitch is never any good. Odds are almost everything is taken out of context and this group probably never took any real meaningful steps towards carrying out their plot to liberate Michigan. We picture a group of buddies drinking beer and talking about how cool they think it would be to do a bunch of stuff. What kind of person ruins the lives of their friends and associates to protect the likes of Gretchen Whitmer? Government employees are the scum of the Earth. Turns out this person was paid over $14,000 for his work. How does it not taint evidence to have a snitch that is being paid? This snitch will not be able to keep his identity secret forever. The Wolverine Watchmen have the right to confront their accuser and that means they have the right to know everything about CHS-2. Unfortunately, courts tend to issue protective orders in cases like these that prohibit defendants and their counsel from releasing documents with rats' names on them to the public. However, in a case this high profile all it takes is one person close to the group that knows that name of this person to say something (ex: If you know the name of CHS-2 please contact us. #wolverinewatchmen #fbi #gretchenwhitmer #militias
