Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Need a Counselor in Jail? Watch Out for Mark Hale-Brown

If you or anyone you care about ever need a counselor in jail watch out for Mark Hale-Brown at the Multnomah County Detention Center (MCDC). He will stay in close contact with the police, probation, and the court with dirt on you or someone you care about. I found that out when I got discovery including emails between him and my probation officer. He seems like a personable trustworthy person whose job it is to assist inmates with their daily affairs. What people don't necessarily realize is that he does more than that. He rats on people he is supposed to counsel. I don't have copies of the emails scanned at the moment but I might get around to uploading them later.#markhalebrown #multnomahcountyjail

source https://copblaster.com/blast/2243/need-a-counselor-in-jail-watch-out-for-mark-hale-brown

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