Sunday, November 26, 2023

Beth Miller - informant,Snitch

Beth Miller - informant,SnitchBeth has been seen meeting with Officer Hoffman of Drug Task Force. She's snitch on several people sending them jail or setting up. She's sent a few to jail only to rob their homes. As long as she informes police she is allowed to do and sell dope as well as sell sex. Beware of her #snitch #copcaller


She is a current snitch

She is a current snitchI had a feeling that was "off" about this woman from the start. The first words she ever said to me before she even knew my name was "my old man has the hook up if you need Lyrica, nerves, or whatever you may want" so I knew she was something that would be bad news. I don't even do that stuff or want to be around that stuff or ppl under it. I didnt even understand what she was referring to until I turned to my friend and she explained what this woman was saying. Well, I seen it with my own eyes, she was getting into a cop car (the front door I might add) and was speaking with the cop for atleast an hour. The cop handed her a yellow notepad, she wrote something on it, then handed it back to him. I live close to this woman so I seen her out of my window. She evensaid to me that she has a way of getting out and staying out of trouble too. I don't know if she wrote something down on the yellow paper or signed it but, when she got out of that cop car, she was smiling as opposed to the worried look she had when she was getting in. If that isn't snitching, I don't know what is. People need to be aware of Denette Kistner. I've heard men call her Dee when she was out in her yard with them. Everyone just needs to beware of this woman. #denettekistner


Saturday, November 25, 2023

Derek Chauvin Shanked in FCI Tucson - Justice for George Floyd

Derek Chauvin Shanked in FCI Tucson - Justice for George FloydJustice for George Floyd was nearly served Friday when former Minneapolis Police Officer Derek Chauvin survived getting stabbed in the Federal Correctional Institution in Tucson, Arizona (FCI Tucson). According to media sources, "life saving aid" was wasted on Chauvin before he was taken to the hospital. He will probably be sent back to prison swiftly. The Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) don't like letting outside medical people see how inmates are treated, so hospital minimization with at times deadly results is the norm in the BOP (see As a former federal convict, I've heard of the USP in Tucson being a better place for people like Chauvin. USP Tucson is protective custody (PC) yard for snitches, sex offenders, ex-cops, and other messed up dudes. I don't recall for certain, but I believe the FCI in Tucson has a similar inmate population. They wouldn't send someone like Chauvin to an active yard but he is so high profile he'll be targeted everywhere. Chauvin was most likely stabbed by a white guy because racial segregation is the norm even at places like Tucson. Allowing someone like Chauvin to roll with the whites would increase tensions with the blacks too much, so a white guy has to take care of him. It is called "doing your own laundry." Chauvin will likely be kept on 23 hour lockdown in the Special Housing Unit (SHU) for up to six months until he can be transferred somewhere safer for him. Then the process will repeat until Chauvin is dead or kept in solitary for eternity. #derekchauvin #georgefloyd #fcitucson #blacklivesmatter


Sunday, November 19, 2023

Destiny Marie Medina Mike Castaneda

Destiny Marie Medina Mike Castaneda Known informants in last three noco drug bust also listed to be giving up known locations in Greeley why she is running here #destinymedina


Josh Claude Bernard pedo, pussy ass snitch whining to police

Josh Claude Bernard pedo, pussy ass snitch whining to policeThis pussy ass pedo is threatening to murder my soul (what ya got sissy boy). But problem is, he's charging me for assault for retaliation against his pedo ass at community bridges Inc when he backed me up against the wall and snatched the phone from me while I was talking with my father. Well if you are running to the cops for a wittle punch you pussy, you ain't touching my soul. I can assure you. Go ahead. Try it Josh. Also, remember when I saw you laughing at me on the street while you were driving and I stared you down and you quit right away. Yeah thought so bitch. He works at community bridges Mesa last I checked. Fuck him. #coward #loser #pathetic #sad #soreloser #fakeherodouche


Saturday, November 18, 2023

Kodi Orion Anderson is a SNITCH

Kodi Orion Anderson is a SNITCHKodi Orion Anderson wanted to prove to the world that he was SOOOO gangster by orchestrating a robbery that resulted in the loss of a young mans life. Then, instead of owning his shit he sang the whole story to detectives and police which implicated FOUR other people on a first degree murder charge. #everett #washington #lynwood #seattle


Thursday, November 16, 2023

Green Bay Officer Matthew Knutson Quits After Hitting Suspect with Car

Green Bay Officer Matthew Knutson Quits After Hitting Suspect with CarGreen Bay Police Officer Matthew Knutson resigned this week after the GBPD found him guilty of violating their use of force policy. He was convicted of attempted official misconduct back in October for how he reported not hitting anyone with his car when he actually did. Ironically, he got into no trouble at all for actually hitting someone with his car and only got in trouble for omitting the vehicular battery from his report. He was fined $500. The victim in this case was charged with resisting arrest and operating a vehicle while revoked. According to media sources, those charges were dismissed as part of a plea bargain that resulted in convictions in other cases. This case is a typical miscarriage of justice consistent with other recent cases of officers assaulting fleeing victims with their cars. In 2020, we helped expose the identity of Florissant Police Detective Joshua Smith who struck a fleeing victim with his SUV ( Smith was later convicted of a misdemeanor. Later that year Portland Police Officer Scott Groshong was caught on camera striking a fleeing victim with his vehicle ( Groshong was later convicted of Assault III and official misconduct. This author just happens to have a personal history with Groshong's wife ( Both Joshua Smith and Scott Groshong were sentenced to probation. According to public records, Matthew Douglas Knutson is a 41 year old resident of Green Bay, Wisconsin. #matthewknutson #assault #misconduct


Christopher moon aka snitch

Christopher moon aka snitchSnitch in fort wayne indiana He is normally found around motels in Fort Wayne Indiana. He is gay and has a boyfriend who was also a snitch by the name of brandon clapper. Watch out for both of these individuals. They will tell on you quickly and without warning. #snitchofftwayne


Sunday, November 12, 2023

Confidential Informant works for Clinton County Pennsylvania

 Confidential Informant works for Clinton County PennsylvaniaJeremy Smith is a confidential informant and so is his wife Tracy Smith a.k.a. Tracy Yost you can tell by all of his felony counts he dead you count I manufacture methamphetamine and sort of an undercover cop five counts of conspiracy and communication inside The Facility case was closed and sentenced to 60 months upstate dude only does a total of 20 days maximum now hesFacility case was closed and sentenced to 60 months upstate dude only does a total of 20 days maximum now hes trying to kidnap my son through the court system court system dont give a shit Because they have special privileges Immy Baby mama got pushed up against the wall Buy this man and threatened her life with text messages to prove it in the courts aint doingBuy this man and threatened her life with text messages to prove it in the courts aint doing oh and he also acted like he was related to us to get a warrant approved after 10 attempts of failure How does a person thathow does a person thats a stranger get a warrant by the judge and get sentenced to 60 months upstate and the case is closed after a total of four months and hes a refill over 30 Different Court cases on this old manIm pretty sure he got ran out of Texas because he was in an informant and now hes making a new home up here in a small town none of his cases are making sense like arrangements made summer not specified closed After 20 days when he was sentenced to 60 months out on bail and it doesnt sayafter 20 days when he was sentenced to 16 months out on bail and it doesnt say probationI think he was responsible for the 28th person drug bust in lockhaven Pennsylvania but they made them look like one of the 28 people and a drug bust thats how I think he was responsible for the 28 person drug bust in lockhaven Pennsylvania but they made him look like one of the 28 people and a drug bust thats how they do it spam it his email let him know you know #letthemallknow


Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Nicole Hartough, Brooksville, Florida

Nicole Hartough, Brooksville, FloridaNicole Hartough has turned in about three people known to date. She is also mental and receives social security for being a basket case. #nicolehartoughspringhillflorida


Tuesday, November 7, 2023

King Rat (aka Big Snitch IV) Strikes Again

King Rat (aka Big Snitch IV) Strikes AgainThe infamous detective king rat strikes again taking down half of vienna in a brutal 72hr long city wide raid. the rat is back and he is out of control... put lil gamo on that rip t shirt the glock with the switch had him hurt hurt #fedfederalisnitchcitch


Friday, November 3, 2023

Kimberly Ann from Titusville Fl

Kimberly Ann from Titusville Flbe aware this girl will go out of her way to ruin you for no reason. it doesn't matter how kind you are, if what she snitches on is even true, if you have kids. she has no problem destroying another person's life. she works at titusville towers and also resides in Titusville. people need tk know if they ever meet her to watch their backs #titusville #kim #fl


Thursday, November 2, 2023

Woody Harrelson's Dad's Boss' Prosecutor Sidney Powell Backstabs Trump

Woody Harrelson's Dad's Boss' Prosecutor Sidney Powell Backstabs TrumpBefore Woody Harrelson became a Hollywood legend, his father was stolen from him by the federal government for helping victims of government overreach fight back. Harrelson's father's employer was also prosecuted but ultimately acquitted thanks in part to having an incompetent prosecutor. That prosecutor was Assistant United States Attorney Sidney Katherine Powell. Powell has been making headlines lately as the first former member of Donald Trump's legal team to plead guilty and pay restitution. SIC SEMPER TYRANNIS Richard Nixon's war on "drugs" laid the foundation necessary to erect the temples of tyranny which house the federal government today. Jamiel Chagra was one early casualty in the war on "drugs" ( Chagra ran a plant importation business believed by prosecutors to be one of the most successful in the country. In 1979, Chagra was busted by the feds for "drug" trafficking and faced up to life in federal prison. A life sentence was practically guaranteed when his case was assigned to United States District Judge John H. Wood known to many as "Maximum John" for regularly handing down harsh sentences. Chagra had little choice but to fight back or roll over, beg for mercy, and accept a life sentence despite doing nothing morally or ethically wrong. Unwilling to be just another victim, Chagra fought back by paying Charles Voyde Harrelson $250,000 to clean up the bench. Charles Harrelson was already a successful cleaner with a stellar reputation at the time ( He proved that reputation well earned by removing Wood from the bench without allowing Chagra to take the fall for any of it despite Sidney Powell's best efforts. Harrelson was convicted of "murder" and sentenced to life in federal prison where he died in 2007. Powell indicted Chagra on a charge of conspiracy to commit "murder" in addition to the "drug" trafficking charges he was already facing. Chagra was subsequently convicted of "drug" trafficking but acquitted of the "murder" conspiracy charge due to Powell fumbling the prosecution. Chagra still got 30 years for the "drug" trafficking but was released in 1993 despite only serving less than half his sentence for "health reasons" according to the government. He died in 2008 not long after admitting his role in the removal of Judge Wood. Hopefully his work did and will always serve as a reminder to the government that their titles do not entitle them to do whatever their laws claim to allow. When they enforce their laws too heavy handedly the people will eventually have enough. Not all judges are as bad as Judge Wood was. We point this out because not all judges are evil necessarily There are judges known for being fair or at least far more reasonable when being unfair. Those judges will punish people but won't completely ruin their lives just for breaking other men's laws. Unfortunately, judges in this country have not all learned the lesson they should've learned from Judge Wood. That lesson being that just because the legislature says something doesn't make it right and it certainly doesn't make it right to do what the legislature wants just because you can. When Congress is full of tyrants it is the court's place to tell them they're wrong not to uphold their edicts. SIDNEY POWELL TODAY You can search fake news sites for the latest headlines pertaining to Sidney Powell's involvement in the Trump cases. She is being used as a symbol of victory due to being the first to actually pay restitution. The media presents this like she switched sides when in fact she's always been on the government's side. People will tell you that a cop is always a cop. Likewise, a prosecutor is always a prosecutor. Finding work in private practice just means she became a better paid prosecutor. Asking a "former" prosecutor to flip isn't asking much of anything at all. You can learn more about the man who got away with "murder" under Powell's watch. We put "murder" in quotes because when we the people have had enough, tyrant removal becomes a public service. If a judge doesn't want to worry about ending up like Judge Wood don't hand down heavy sentences people don't deserve. Nobody deserves to be in prison just for drugs. CONCLUSION Sidney Powell is just another prosecutor gone home to roost after failing in private practice. Not good enough to get the big goose but still good enough to bag more geese than the worst prosecutors you'll find at the federal level. Calling this a "flip" is inappropriate. #sidneypowell #woodyharrelson #donaldtrump #jamielchagra
