Sunday, June 11, 2023

Attorney Valerie Houghton is guilty of misconduct

Attorney Valerie Houghton is guilty of misconductI told my attorney, Valerie Houghton, that my ex was letting an older man molest our 13 year old son. She mostly ignored me. Furthermore, I was not permitted to discuss it with my son. There was a hearing about two weeks after I told Ms. Houghton about my son. My ex not only disclosed that she had hidden $130,000 worth of gold coins, but also agreed to divide them. I was in complete shock. Ms. Houghton never even said that it was a possibility. I never thought that I would see those coins again because my ex is GREEDY. We each got $25,000 worth. The remaining $80,000 went to my attorney to be held in trust. I fired Ms. Houghton after that hearing. She went on to represent my ex without telling me. I was subsequently cut out of my children's lives. I asked the judge to tell me why I could not contact my kids. He spent several minutes on the computer, but could not provide an answer of any kind. After the divorce was finalized, I checked Ms. Houghton's website. She listed the judge a personal reference and a former employer. My son recently turned 18, so I was able to see him. He confirmed that he had indeed been molested. The other 3 have also shown strong indications of being sexually abused, but I cannot confirm it because I have not seen them in almost 8 years. I told my son to go report it to the police. A week and a half later the judge filed an order on HIS OWN ACCORD. He ordered that I could only have supervised visitation with my ADULT son. I ended up making complaints against Ms. Houghton and the judge. I was then hacked, stalked, harassed, and even assaulted. Valerie says that she "lost a lot of business" because of my complaints. She also says that she "can do whatever [she] wants, whenever [she] wants." #attorneymisconduct #divorce #roundrock #texas


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